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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 88- 102:; 0 5 <br /> <br />lOI'IIlOWElllllEAU THlI NFORE 11cn.INQ: <br /> <br />Borrowers (TrqstOrl) understand thlllhedocumenllhBllhe Borrowers are aboulIa eXBcute is 8 Deed at Trust and nol a mortgage and thllt the power of ISSie provided <br />for In the Deed of Trull provides substantially difforent rightl!land obligations 10 the Borrowers than II mortgage in the Bvent of 8 default or breach of obllgltlon under the <br />Deed of Trult. including. but not limited to. lhe Lende,'s right to have the Rell Property sold 'I1he Trustee without 8 udlclsl pror:eedlng or foreclosure. Barrowers <br />repreHntand Wllrrant that this acknowlednement wa. executed bylhem before e executl , tho Deed of Trust. <br /> <br /> <br />Inc. <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />;' <br />i\ <br />I" <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />j.~ <br /> <br />COMPLETE "'II portton ONLY II "'. .... property dncrlbecl con..... ollNDIYIDUALL Y OWNED AGRICULTURAL LANO. <br />N/ A II tppllcab... comp.... ONLY ONE tllller A. B. Dr C: <br /> <br />o A. DIICLAlMOl OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are.bout to execute the 1ollowlng Deed of Trust upon the r8al estate described therein. The Borrower{s), and each of them if <br />more than one, do hereby disclaim their riiilhl to designate a homestead pursuant thereto. No part at the homestBfld Df either of the Borrower(s) is presently or will in the <br />future be sllu.ted upon said real estate. The Borrowerlsl understand that if either establishes 8 homestead on any part of said fesl estate during the time the Deed of Trust <br />remllns unaatll!lfled and a lien upon !llld real estate, there IIhall be no right to make a designation or homestead In the event of a foreclosure ortrustee'ssale with respect to <br />'sald Deed of TrUll <br /> <br />o B. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAO: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are aboullo 91l,ocule the follOWing Deed 01 Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s), and each ofthem i' <br />more than one, do hereby waive them right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower(s) understand that they have the right to make a designation 0' <br />homestead Ind that by e..cutlng thiS walvor. they are walvmg rights otherWise avaIlable for the purpose or affording them the opportunity to retBIn their homestead in the <br />event at III dellull upon the Deed or Trust <br /> <br />o C DEIIGNATION 0' HOMEITEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to the Firm Homesteld Protection Act (Section 76-190t at seq. Revised Statutes of the Slate of Nebraska), the Borrowerfs), do hereby designate the real <br />property described In the "Dellgnallon 01 Homestead" 811ached hereto and incorporaled herem by thiS reference <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. os made as 01 the 28... day o' AJ:lfi 1 '9 aa by ano among 'ho Trus,or.Mi d Nebraska Truck <br />and Trailer Sales, Inc. a Neb!,~_ska ~o!'1l..~r.ation...ho.emalhngaddr..... ~!~'u~l.__Box 110B, Grand Island <br />Nebraska 68801 fher.onBorrowe..') the Tru.... York S1;iit~6~!1k.~!,!d__ Trust Company <br />whosemaillngaddre...s____________ZDJ1J.Jm::9l1J A Vi! nye. YQr!<.. Nltbl'.'a, ~!<a, (ia4(i}___._ _____Ih.reon "Trustee-I. <br />and the Beneliciary. _____.__J.Q!'IL~~a1;!!__BjI.lI,k_ angJry~ LJ;.ompany___ __ ",.. u _______ . <br />whosemailingaddre.s 15 ________JQQJ:.! nco!.!!-.~E!rl~E!' . York.._ .~e~~_~~ 6_8~~?_ __.u______ Ihereon "Lender") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Includmg the Indebtedness Identified herem and trust herem crealed thtt receipt 01 which IS hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby irrevocablv grants, transfers. conveys and assigns to Trustee IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE lor the beneht and security 01 Lender. under and subject to the <br />terms and conditions horClnatler set torth. the real property deSCribed as follows <br /> <br />Lot One (1). Platte Valley Industrial Park <br />Subdivision. Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />Together With aU buildings. Improvements. hxtures. streets. alleys, passageways. easemenls. rights. priVileges and appurtenances localed thereon or In anywise <br />pertaining thereto. and the rents. Issues and prolits. reversions and remainders thereof: including. but not limited to. healing and cooling eQUlpmenl and such personal <br />propertytha, lsanlched 10 Ihe impro\lementssoas to constitute a fixture: and together with the homestead or mantallnlerests. If any. which mterests are hereby relessed <br />Ind waived: all of which. including replacements and additions thereto. IS hereby declared to be a part of the real eslate secured by 1he lien ", thiS Deed 01 Trusl and all of the <br />foreooing being r.ferred to herein as the .'property" <br /> <br />'this Deed ot Trust shall secure tallhe paymen1 of the pnnclpal sum and Inlerest eVidenced by Borrower's nole and/Or credit agreement dated Ap.~___. <br /> <br />28. 1988 . hiving a maturlly date of AUQust 1. 2003 . on the ollglnal pllnc.pal amount of 5 .250 ,OQ~Q!L_ and any and all <br />modifications. e.tenSlons and renDwals thereof or thereto Bnd any and all fu1ure advances Bnd readvances hereunder pursuanllo one or more promissory noles or Credit <br />.grHrnents{hereincalled"Note"~: (bllhe payment of other sum! advanced by Lender to protect the secun1y of the Nole, fc) the performance all covenants and agreement <br />ol80rro.., "11Orth herein: and (dl all Indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. indirect. absolute or contingent and whether ariSing by note. <br />guaranty, OYefdrah or otherwise <br /> <br />8orfOWot.. to protect lhe security olltlls Deed 01 Trust. covenants and agrees with Lender 85 follOW!> <br /> <br />1. """""101 PrInc........ftlHftL Borrower Ihall promplty pay when due the prinCIpal of and Interest on. and any lees or charges prOVided In. the Note or 10 thiS <br />o.ed olTrust <br /> <br />2. 11111. Borrower illheowner or the Property. has the fight and authority to convey the Properly. and warrDnts thot the hen crealed hereby IS a first and prior hen on <br />the Proper'v. ..~ at ma., otherwi.. be &ell rorth hereIn. and the lI!'Jtftcutlon and delIVery 01 thl!! Deed or Trust does not vlolale any conlrael or other obligatIon to which <br />Bor<_ 111UbjoIcl. <br /> <br />3 T-. A.IUlL J~"". To pay ."en due all taxea. special 85M.sme"ts and all other ch8lrges agalnslthe Property and. upon wrltlen demand by LenCler. to pay rll <br />Lendor, 'IUd'! MftOun' II maw be sufHc..", 10 enable the lender to pay such tlllel. alSeS!lments or oltler charges 85 Ihey become due <br /> <br />4 __, To t.p In. Property In-sute(1 agllnst ollrnage tJy tiT.. nllJanJ! mCluaB(I W1thlO tno term "o.tended coverage and such other hazards all@nder may <br />rlQUjre.ln alftOUntlllnd WI'" COmr>anI8.lccepllblll to lende-r _ and wlIlllon payable 'D 'he lender In CDse 01 lOSS under such pohcle~ the lender III authorIzed to ad,ust <br />con.ctIlWlClCOfftt)rOmitllt. aU dlims thereunder .nd ahall hAve Iheophon of applying all or plrt of the IOsurqnce proceed' 'Ilia an.,. Indobtcd"neas secured herebv Bnd In 'Such <br />order.1 LencMf m.y ~rmlntl. (11110 t"lI Borrow.' to be used lor the "pair 0' r.e"o'stlon 01 the Property or 1111) lor BOV other purpose or object ~ntI5IRclor,/ to llln(jp.r <br />W"itl\ou' _fftcllng'll'te tiett ot tfuI DHd 0' Tru!I' for 1M 'ulllmounl'Q'curt!d hereby betore .uch Dllyml!nt ever 100,," place Anv appliCAtion 01 P'OlPP(j!'l In ,nl1"t\fPth1fl"l'i ~h"l' <br />~1..'.ftd or t)OItpone the due dlte ot enV' payment, undet the Not.. 01 cure. e9y..deflun lhltfi!"undj!, or heroundpr <br /> <br />!t ...~ 4. 1.1"""" ... C~.;ance .... ...... BorrOWlOf ,hlllll klteP the 'PrODG"r1y In ooOd tondlhol1 and tl",-'BII 'ih.JlI lllompll... 't't'.1" fI' 'fl(ll.h t' .t". <br />~t wtuclt may bIId."'&g!O Dr ".'110,.0 '!hall not commit Of pofm'l any WIISUt or dl!teflo'ahon at t"o P'o~,ty "hllll "11\1 'PUlp"" .lr<mnl,,,,,, ,.U "lIt''!oI.lr1!,JtII\ .1Ih" <br />ony of lhil,mprOYeIftfW1l'ton I,,-Propert, ,h,,1I nol commit tulle' Of"P'ltmJ11l"l' ActIo bedonllln or upon In,. P'opprfy.n ...Iul,.,.o" fl' "f"'\ ..,.. 0.,1,,,.,,,.... "~I ".U,.lJlI., ,n al"1(1 <br />t.hJl;!4o.a...l'IdorOfttl)Uychkkelg..' ICOlt ."-d",.~nlO lift! hent. on'Cumbrllne..and c'h.'g~'I ~w''N2 .....powl1l1' .'''(''!Is...' "Olt,...." ,~...f.-""{\"'" . " ;'t"~ I"'" '1''''''11' <br />