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<br /> <br />. .; 88- 10221,1 ," <br /> <br />AdjUlUlleDtNotlce will set fOM (I) the date the Adjustment Notice is given, ~ii) the Change Dlte, (III) the new Existing <br />innt 'bt. u acljultlif on the Chanae Date, (iv) the amount of the adjusted monthly Installment payments, calculated <br />U' provided above, (yjdle CurRIn Index, (vi) the method of calculating the adjustment to the monthly installment <br />lIAyD1eDlI,aad (vii) IDY'" information ~hicb~Y buequired'by law from time to time. ' <br /> <br />(b) '. Monaaaor'QreIOPa.Y~ ad)U.ted mOJithly tnstAumellt amount beginning on 'the nntpayment date wbich, ocCun <br /> leat thlrty(30) da,.'aRerMOr1iaaeehU81ventheAdjUs~ent Notice to Mortpgor. Monplor will continue lO, pay <br />the adjuSted monthly bUiallmellt,ailiOUDt ietfo~1n t~elutAdjllltment Noti~,s1Ye~bY Monll~ee 'to Monlllor until , <br />the f\nt payment . date ,which ocl::iinat leu(~(3O) days after 'MonpaeelWslveila' further Adjustment Notlce to <br />Morqqor' 'NotwltbltlDliina" ,IDJth\JII' ,U),.' ~..' COIlU'lry ,. contained Inth!1 Adjlll~ble~teRlder "or the ,M,onaqe, . <br />MOnPIew wmbereUMdof'uyobupI10DtOP.Y~aDd Monlalee WIll have forfeltedlurighttOcoUei:t;'IDY incraie In <br />the mont:blylnlta1liDeDt imoIIDt(c:auaedby the reca1cu1atlonohuch amount \lnclei' SUbPmaraph4(a)) for any paymllllt <br />date ~,Ieu~~~ (30), daYl~t.f~,bu s1veD the,appllca~I~'~jUl~,~.otice ~,titonP,lOf' <br />. ,.;,_" :'. '_":' :.,1.,'"., :'" ".:,. ,,:<.';<' ',: ",\.'~ : ":'.. ,_-", ' _,' "_ ;. ..:-.., ,_ .,:, ;:,,_;'~:'>'__"~ ,. _ " ,,:,-.' _ .' -~_..,,' - .' ;'.-1. _, .. ,:' _~. _',;"_ ',' ..., "I~. ~- . . ~"';',' ,'~_-~ -..-"-- .' ",' .. <br />(c),J~ot.ri~.itaytbin. COtltalMdiD,tbiI~\lltable. ~ ~ ; in, the'ev:enHhat{l) the;EmtlDl IDtenlIt Ilate <br />',wu.reduc!ed, Dna c:baqe Date,,1ftd (U), MC!I1IQe8 failed 'lCI"JivetheAdjUlUlleilt)\ilotlc~~,hen~requlrcd,aad '(Ill) <br />. ~OI1IIior.COIIICquelidy, ,bel lllldeuymc:mthly inItaIlJDent pa~enll,ln excess ,of the amO!lllt wblcbwould have been, <br />setfonhiDlUch AdjUlUlieDt Notice (UExceu Payments"), then Monllaor , at Mon8l80r'IIoleoptioni'mayelther (I) <br />deaaddleretU.m ft'QID Monpaee (who for the purpl)lllS of thluentenc;e will be deemi=dto be themonsqce. or <br />ID~' WilD ~lUChExceaPaymenll"whether. or not any such mortgaBllesubifqullIltlyUsianedtbe <br />MCIrtIIP) 01 an tl1' lIlY portion or suchEleeu Payments, with Intereltthereon at a rate equal ,to the IndeX: on the ChlDJC <br />~:'!'~cin~EXisiiqIDterelt RIle Was 10 reduced, from the date each such Excess Payment Was made by Monppr to <br />repaymeDt~,or (2) request that all or,any ponlon of luch Excess Payments, tOBether with all intereluhercon calCulated IS <br />pioOvided above, be applied IS paymentsllplnst principal, <br /> <br /> <br />, -, ',-" ~i " <br />5.N~dlinacODtailledln this Adjustable Rate Rider will permit the Monpaee to accomplish an interest rate adjustment <br />~u~e(ordecreue) to tilcunpaid principal balance, ChangllS to the ExiltinaIDterestRate mayomy be <br />iefle!:t.ed tbnNah, adjuatment to MonNor's monthly Installment payments of principal and interest, u providCdfor <br />herein. '" ' <br /> <br />BY,Sla~OBELOW, MonlQOr accepts and agree. to the terml and covenan.ts contained in this Adjustable <br /> <br /> <br />-...... . ~~ . !SEAL] <br /> <br />Mon.... Dale A. llo11ibaugb <br /> <br /> <br />~'. "- ,( '., ~,c~L,~t.\>,~. -" , , ,~(SEAL] <br />MonpaorLesl1e L.Hollibaugh <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I'HA ADIUITAIUIMTI RtOlll <br /> <br /> <br />.... c-,::' <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />L <br />