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<br />\'. <br /> <br />88- 102266 <br /> <br />JOIRT SURVIVORSHIP DEED - IiJEBltASKA <br />IIfOW ALL MlNBY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />THAT Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. , Secret.ry of Hou.iDg .nd Urb.n Development, <br />of Wubinlton. D. C. . Gr.nto1:'. in condder.don of the .om of ONE DOl.l.AR ($1.00) .nd <br />other co~ld.r.ttona in h'Dd, doe. hereby gr.nt. b.rg.ln, .ell end convey <br />unto Gregory L. Olson and Laura K. Olson <br /> <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska , Grantees, <br />" Joint ten.nt.. and not ., ten'Dt. in common. the following described real property <br />aituate in the County of Hall , St.te of Nebr.eke,.to w1t: <br /> <br />Lot Fifteen, (15), Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />S7"-i 7J <br />~~A"," <br />"re -t-.: <br />, <br /> <br />NEBRASKA ---OOCUMENTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br /> <br />,MAY 6 1988 <br />, " <br />${Y'.~ ~ <br /> <br />8&ING the property .cqu1red by the Gr.ntor pursu.nt to lhe provisions of the <br />lI.tlolU!ll Act. 19 .mended (lZ use HOL et seq, 1 .nd the tlep.rtment of Houdng .nd <br />Urb.n Development Act (79 St.t. 667). <br /> <br />TOGETHER ~ITH all tenement.. heredit.ments and tbereunto belongln~. <br />and .11 the e.t.te, right, title, interest, or demand whataoev.r ~f the Slid <br />GrlGtor, of, In. or to the ..... or .ny plrt thereof. <br /> <br />IT ~EtMC the lntention of all p.rtie. hereto that in the event of the denth of <br />either of a.ld Gr.nte... the entlr. fee .impl. title to the real eatate de.crlbed here1n <br />sh.ll ve.t In the lurvlvlng <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .bove de.crlbed premi.... with the appurtensnres, lInto the <br /> Grlnteel .. Joint tenant., .nd not .. tenanta 1n common, .nd to their 'Islgns. or <br />to the heirs Ind I..igns of the lurvivor of th... forever. .nd the .etd Secret.ry of <br /> .nd Urb.n nevel..,..nt. Ind for his .ucce..ors and ...18ns, does coven.nt with <br />the Cr.nt~e. herein named, end with their ...1an. .nd with the heirs. .nd .1818n8 of the <br />.urvivor of them, th.t the .Iid Gr.ntor I. lewfully lei&ed of laid premi.el; thlt they <br />Ire f~e f~ lnc~r.nce. th.t the .ald Grantor h.. good right and lewful authority <br />to ..11 the ..... .nd th.t the I.ld Secretary of HaUling end Urb~n Development, will, <br />.JldM:. .vec...on and ..81IM, ."'11, VAlUlAtn' .nd DEFEND the unto the nl!Md r.untees <br />aadunto their ..atln. .nd tbe helra Ind ...lanl of the .urvivor of them. forever, a~~in~l <br />tha 1..,f\l1 chilu .nd d...nd. of .11 perl on. c1aiminK hy, throllllh or "nder thl'm. and <br />..dut DO other cld... or d....Dd.. <br /> <br />SUSJICT to .11 coveD.nta, re.trictton.. r...r".tions. ...._IIl_, cundH 10M ftnd <br />rtpe. ."..rt... of record; and SUBJECT to .ny .tate of f.ct _ en at'cur.( r ,cu,'V"\' '."" I tl <br />_how. <br />