<br />88- 1-0-2265
<br />
<br />
<br />Hu''''',n Ind FIlion & Wolf, Wilton, Me. 68461
<br />
<br />.THA.T 1 0' WE,
<br />
<br />LARRY G,_ CARSTENS ON and SUSAN E. CARSTENSON, husband ari:d w f .
<br />
<br />j.
<br />;'!
<br />'J
<br />'"...',,11
<br />
<br />'-
<br />:1
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />Hamilton
<br />
<br />COllmy tm4 Sial, of
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />, intollSid".alion of. IIW~m of
<br />
<br />Seven Thousand ($7,000.00)
<br />
<br />..1;:,....
<br />DOiJtARS.
<br />
<br />ill hand paid, do h".,by SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />
<br />fJf Hall
<br />rihlal,d ill Ha 11
<br />
<br />COllmy, emd Stat, of Nebraska
<br />Coullly, and Stat, of Nebraska
<br />
<br />, (morti/agBl).
<br />, Ih, follo'Willg dllCrib,d P~lIlf1is's
<br />to-wi': ' ,"
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<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7) and Lot Eight (8), in Block
<br />One (1) in Lambert's Second Addition to
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as surveyed,
<br />platted and recorded, excepting therefrom
<br />the Southerly One Hundred (100) feet from
<br />said Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8).
<br />
<br />Tfw illt'"tion bling to conv,y h".,by an abso/llt, titll ill fBl rimPle illcluding all the rights of hOlfllls'ead and dower.
<br />TO HA.VE A.ND TO HOLD the pr'lfIis,s abotl' d,scrib,d, witls all 'Is, apPW,'lfI/Jnees Iherelln'o belonging smlo
<br />tM said IfIDrlgagll or IfIDrlgaglls and 10 his, h... or 'h,;,- h,;,-s alld IUrigfIs, for",,,, p,ovided always, and th,s, pr,s-
<br />,.tl a" tiPOff tM 'SP'IIS$ conditioll thai if 'M said IfIDrlpgor or IfIDrlgagors. his, her or 'hli, h,irl, 'X'CU'orl, ad_-
<br />istralors or assigfu shall pay 0' calIS' to b, paid to thll said morlgagell or IfIDrlgagel1s alld to his, her 0' thei, heirs, ex-
<br />,ntlorl, ad"""",""orl 0' as., tlls SlIIII of Seven Thousand ($7,000.00)
<br />DoUa,s, payobl, as foUows. lo-wi':
<br />
<br />Equal monthly installments of $51.37 including principal
<br />and interest, based on a thirty year amortization schedule
<br />at the rate of 8% per annum, with the balance in full due
<br />on or before April 30, 1993,
<br />
<br />wills iIIl".,st tltlr,Off at 8 p". Clllt p". emnll"'. poyabll JllJIDIIlIIIIJ; according to th~ t,"or alld eD,ct of
<br />1M prOlflissory IIOt, ~1lOIIFt1dxof said Mortgagors. b,aring even datil with tlses, P'IIS-
<br />,.Is, OM shall poy alllaxlS OM allY in'".,st Off, or IIIIJtflring imtallllllflts of principal, dIU on any prior ,,",rtgag' and
<br />IUIIUWtIfIIs IltJild ..ton said real IIlat, OM all oth". taxlls, lerMl cmd aslls_1s levied "POll Ihis mortgage 0' th,
<br />,",II w1Iic" tf,i,r fIIOTtgag, is givn to "cure, b#for, 'hi sa_ blCOfII's d,linlJfUflt alld k,,1p thll bllildings 011 said
<br />prmti.r'6 i_,d for th, SlIIII $ 68,000, loll, if allY, poyabll to such firsl IIIOJ'tgagllts or 'his ftI{J,tgagell. or both,
<br />'l6mIIlu'.c~ib""oid, othlrU/i.s, '0 bll4~rlllllJia, m jNll forfe.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) Tha, if th, laid morlgogor shall fail 10 poy SlIch 'ax,s and such interllst on.
<br />or, ~ iflltall".,.1s of principal, dtll 011 /JIIY prior IIIOJ'tgag' alld p,ocll,e such itlSllranell, then this IIIOJ'lgagll _Y
<br />/I4Y" ,"1It1s fUllS OM luch inter,sl on_ or lIIlIlurittg illltallfllllJlsof principal, d.., on such prior mo,tgagll and pro,""" I
<br />_..~': cmd till SlIM so adu"u:,d filii" ",',rlld at mill pH Cnlt shall b, paid by said ,"o,tgagor, alld this ftI{J,t-
<br />1!!'9' ,,1UJll st4fId as security for 1M sa_, (z) Tha, a fai/wlI to pay any of laid IIIOIIIY, eithllr principal 0' illter,st 011
<br />"'" or till, prior _tgag', tIIl6m ''', SlI_ bleOflllI dIU or II failur, to cOIfIply r.uith emy of the forll9oin9 agt"IIlf1tlllts,
<br />.w calU, tM tII"oI, SlIM of _y hI,li" ",,",,,,d to b,cOflll dIU and collec'able at one, at till OpNOII of thll lIIort.
<br />N"- II
<br />IT IS PURTHE '~:;1.lil1;'1iii4"-.orlgag", plfllli"" /or,cIoSllr, of this lfIortgag' alld aft" d,er" and Iii,
<br />plffdittg .y '''''''011 -1I","'g saI, of /W1fftis,s IfIDrlgag,d, IfIIJY pay SlIch tax,s and MOItIriltg
<br />iIJI".,st or M/JltlrilIg "oI'~''oif prior lIIorlf1tJf/II, prDCfW' sucls itlSllranell OM IlK" Sll,," shall '" I 'I
<br />adthd to ,., """""" dl~ "'l~ fClitfimt/JtioJt of sail by th, collri ord",d takn a..' of trocwJs 01 sol,.. I I~',
<br />or.,"","'41~ II...., _ Q)fiil''Jj;:'''IiIi, ~7i afllOlIml shall", coUllct,e th, sam, as though it wllre a tort of Sllch I
<br />d''''",. LL ~
<br />SiJrW ",., T 7' T
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<br />.y 01 ".,,,)'
<br />0.& ,,*x
<br />"................,.......,',.~~~~'on"."
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<br />. 19 [riP
<br />
<br />,J.~....,,/,
<br />Susan E,
<br />
<br />.c!.. ,~:(,..,8.7 ~ '--.....,,, '-'" '
<br />Carstenson
<br />