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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />~ 88-102255 <br /> <br />"tolUlOW...llUO tHli AI!FOIli! IlGN1HG: J ' <br /> <br />Borrowe" CTrutlo,,) unde"tand th.tth. document Ihellhe BorrD..... ere .boultD execule I. e Deed DfTru.t.nd not e end th.lthe power 0' IIle prDvlded <br />lor In Ihe Deed DI TrUlt provldea lubll.nllelly dillerenl rlgh".nd Dbllgallons tD the Borro mortgege In the event Df . default Dr breach 01 obllgellDn under the <br />Deed of TrUlt. Including, bul nDllImlted ID. Ihe Lender'o right to the Real PrDperlY. Id by the Trultee wllhoul ny Judlcl.1 proceeding Dr foreclo.ure, Borrowe" <br />" .cknowtedgement wel ex"'uled by them be'Dre the enol Ihe Deed DI, UI' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(Aileen D. <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE l1li1 porUon ONLY lithe ..., prope", dalCrfbad con..... Df INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />lI.jIpIIcalIIa, complela ONLY ONE ....... A, 8, or C: <br /> <br />~' ' <br /> <br />I <br />5 <br />~,. <br />f <br />~;, <br /> <br />o A, 011CLAl1l!ll OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The BDrrDwerll).tknowledgelhat Ihey are eboutloe..culelhe following Deed 01 Tru'l upon Ihe re.lelt." delcrlbed Ihereln, The Borrower/I). .nd e,ch 01 Ihem il <br />mDre Ih.n one, do hereby their rlghl 10 designate a homeotead pu,"uanllherelo, No part of Ihe hDmll"ad 01 ellher 0' the Borrower/o)la pr.....nlly or will In Ihe <br />lulure belitualed upon aaid reallltale, The BDrrower(l) underaland thel ilellhere.'abli.he.. homll".d on .ny p.rt Dlaald realell.le during the lime the Deed 0' Truat <br />rem.lnl unaallllled end. lien upon aald reale.,ole, there .hall be no right 10 a de.lgn.llon 01 home.ta.d In Iheevenl of e 10recIOlureortru.,ee....lewlth r"petttD <br />IIld Deed of T.uat <br /> <br />o B. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMeSTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(.) acknowledge that they areabout toexecut8the rollowlng Deed of Trust upon the fBal estate described therein. The Borrower(s). andsach ofthem II <br />more than one. do hereby waive their rlghlto de.lgnata a hOmestead pursuantlhereto The Borrower{l) undenlland tnal Ihey have the right to make 8 dellgnatlon 01 <br />homllleedand Ih.t byexecullng Ihl. w.lver, Ihey are waIving righl. otherwise available lor the purpo.e 01 al10rdlng Ihem the opporlunily 10 relain Ihei,homostead in the <br />event DI . del.ull upon the Deed of Truol <br /> <br />o C, DESIGNATION OF HOMeSTEAD: <br /> <br />PUrsuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76.1901 et seq. Revised Statutes 01 the State ot Nebraska). the Borrower(s}. do hereby designate the real <br />property deacrib&d in the "Designation' 0. Homestead" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by thiS reference <br /> <br />1 <br />t <br />t <br />t, <br />r <br />~' <br />, <br />~ <br />r <br />~ <br />t <br />[ <br />~ <br />~; <br />Ir; <br />~ <br />( <br />~ <br />t <br />~ <br />I. <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />BOrlower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TAUST, i. made a, 01 the _ll.dayof ApT; 1 __,19.aa..., bv and among the Tru.tor, G. Dav;d Gru~ndel <br />and Aileen D. GTuendel. Husband & Wife ____n.__,who.ema'i1ngaddres.1S 714 S. Broadwell, Grand Island, <br />NE 68803 .. (herein -Borrower") the Trustee, G.L...B.ldckbur~_A.J1lemb.e.t_Q! the NE State Bar Assn. <br />whOl8mallingaddren.s .. P.O. Box g80,_~UlI19__Islj~n_d.LB...E____68!?..02-2~.Q_.." ._._.________thereln-Trustee"l. <br />.nd the Benelieiary, Fi ve Points Bank <br />whosem.illngadd....ll. _P.O. Box 15011 Gr~n,Q, Island, NE 68802-1507 (herein "Lender"') <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. includmg Iho indebtedness Identltled herem anl1trust herem created, the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />hereby Irrevoclbly grants. transfers, conveys end assign510 Trustee. IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE. for 1he benefit and security of lender. under and 5ubjecllo lhe <br />terms and condition, h~reinalter set forth. the real property. deSCribed as 101l0W5 <br /> <br />See attachment hereto <br /> <br />Together wilh all buildings. improvements. fixtures, streets. alleys, panageways. easements, nghts. pflv,leges and appurtenances located tnereon or In anvwlse <br />pertaining 1hereto. and Ihe rents. Issun end prohts. reverSions and remainders Ihereof, Incluchng but nol limited to. heahng and tooling equipment and such personal <br />property1hlt i.attached 10 the improvements so a, to conl1itutel future. and together With the homestead or marrtallnterests, If any. which mterests are hereby released <br />.ndwal~; IU of whlch.lnctUl1lno replacements and addItions Ihereto, 1$ heroby droclared to be.n pllrt of Ihe real estate secured b'fllhe hen of thiS Deed of Trust and all of the <br />t~oing being reterred to herein 8. the "properly" <br /> <br />This Deed of Trult Shalf secure tal the payment 01 the prtnClpel sum and IOtere,t eVidenced by Borrower's note and/ol' credIt agreement dated <br /> <br />.d /19/ ee , h..lng. m.tu,lIy do'. 01 .-A/.2. 31 q "I , III Ihe oflgi"al principal amounl of S 11 r 000 00 .nd any .nd all <br />modtfjc.Uonl. eJtt~~on. Ind renewAII thereor or th.reto Ind .n~ Ind .11 'uture I!d",.nc8s and relldvance!l hereunder pursuant to one or more promiSSOry notes or creodl' <br />agr..ment. (l1entin called"NotIlOO). (blthepavment 01 other liumll. advanced by lende' 10 protec1the security ollhc Nole (Cllhe performance all covenants and agreemenl <br />of Borrower... forth he"""; and (dlalllndebtedn81$ and obligations 01 Borrower to Lender whether direct indirect. absolute Of contingent and whether arising by nole <br />guarant.,. owrdraft Dr mnerwiH. <br /> <br />Borrower. 10 protect the SltCutlty at thiS Dna of Trul1. covenants and agrees With Lender as 101l0wlI <br /> <br />1. '~OI~"'lftltiMt. Borrowe, shall pmmC)fIy PI)''tWrlln au. the prinCipal 01 Ind Intet@Slon.lwdanyfeesorchargosprovidedin.thoNoteOflnlhl! <br />Deed 01 T'lIIL <br /> <br />2, ,.... Botrowerll tMiOWftf' " rnePro~rty, h..lherlghtand luthorlty to convey lhe Properly. and warrantsthnt the Iren created hereby 15 a hrst and prior lien on <br />an. Proplfty. I' may otherwl . .......t 10fth hlreln, Ind the eJl.Kullo" and dellyery ot thiS Deed 0' T,ullil does not vIola Ie any conlrec1 Ot other Obligation 10 whiCh <br />Bot,,,,", i. lubjecl. <br /> <br />~. r..... all 1 UlII. T I L '~w....n dUII.l1l t.&e..lpeel.I.lttt..m.ntl~ And a" other chlrgf'IIOllOlllhe Property Ind, upon written dl!nllnd bv lend",. to pay ft..' <br />ll1'W:tet auctllIROUftt .. m41y be 11 [ c'-nt to enlbl. the Linder to pay SuCh 1...el, .ltetlmen,. 0' othl!lr ch.lfg~1 n they become dUll <br /> <br />. "'-'-..:To k"p t~ t ropel1'f dlm.we by fire. hlurd, included WIthin tho term eahmded cO\lerage~ and sue" other h813rds n londel ma'y <br />rlqU're. in Irnovnflend 'Mlh compan.., Kceplable 10 LeMar. and with 10&1 paYlble to 'he Lrtnd.,., In C"1ft allan und.' "lien pollel(!!!!. Ihe Lende, IS lulhorlleO 10 RCJlu'U <br />CoU.cC.ndc.ofnprOft\......t1CI.ltn.lher.ur1der.ndsh.11 nll'llltfl th.option of IIpplVlnQ all or Plrt Of ttl'J Il"Iaur""e.1t P'(-'t:I'rod~ III 10 nnv Indebtodn!'!! l!iccu~d h[HCbV and In SUCh <br />ot6tt I'lvnditff"\llydtotetmln.. (ill to the Borrower to bte UMd tor thn rtlp.I, 0' ,,,,Iorlllon Qllhtt P'OPfI,'IV or 1'11)10' Any Ofh~' ~lurpOS~ 01 oblrCI !\allslt1ctOI")'10 ll'ln"<<,,' <br />..~ .tfec\jng ~I'" 0' lhll 0Itfd Or Ttut' 'or tP'eeiuUlmount "c:u'~d httreby belor.-'uth pl'lnlUnl OY'H lnu' pllll'.'" Ally llIPOllCinmn t)' JHo("~,(ldfl to lMd9bt~lJnt.lU !!than <br />~ ..fend 0' pottpo..v.". dut' date of .n)' plyment. un.,., th" Note Of cu'ltt .ny dbl.ulllhOUtUnct", 0' 'l"'''IJ'Il,rU <br /> <br />51 .'1 TI~""""''' C~... L.... Borrower .,h." kNp th. PrOPtH1'f In 9om1 {llh."!'lJ" "ruJ f~I"I" .hOIl 'lI{}nlpll... 1("1)1'" or I"t1L'I~\U any <br />lnmr~nt tl'fttc.h mlybe CSama;edor rleIIroy.-d. 'ih*" noll:amm't or IJotrml11nv ",.srt!' or deteIIOlall{)'-". fll l~lt'l PtlJ'JI'~'lw ,hall n01 Iflmm.f!' rlllmoht.h 1\1 !lutttlll1nhnl y""PI <br />"ny Qitn.tmV'01.1TI9nttonu,. rrO"pW'ny. 'Inln nottommlt. '1\lthllr '>11 pQ'rmI1....,., eel 1a 1)111 do"'" In 01 IlJlrH' ",,, ,-, q"t'n) '" w.ol1ll1l/,1' Il' All', '.'1'" ' 'OJ' I' .11 '(l\llJ1,l1l'ill Ill'.' <br />$h...tpe.,lftdpromptly(h1;~h.rOt'''ll'lorrO..'.ltQ' alllienl.lllncumbrllrn.. anrJ(.h'UfJl" I,... "111 .n.....'''',.." .1...,_.,'.1 .'.11' "..I n", I"IIP'"'' ,,, ~I~V I'~" ''''\1\,\'.1 <br />