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<br />88......102233 <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />I, <br />~ . <br />~ <br /> <br />MORTGAGELOANNO. I 25.028 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BV UIESE PRESENTS: That Felix V. Ramirez and Glenna L. Ramirez. each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other, <br /> <br />~: ' <br /> <br />MortJIBor. whelher one or more,inCODlideiItioa Of d18mmof <br />Seven Thousand Two Hundred and no/lOa -----------------------------~-------------:ooLiARS, <br /> <br />10lRed to said mortpgor by The Equitable Building Ind LOIn Auociation of Grand llIIand. Nebruka. Mortgqee,upon 72 Jbares ohloc:itOf <br />said ASSOCIATION, Cerlificate No. L 25,028 . do hereby granl. convey and ntOnPlle unlO 1100 WdASsOCIATION the followili& <br />described re,J eSlate. siluated in Hall County. Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot One (I), Block Sixty Four (64), Wheeler and Bennett's Second Addition to tbe City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br /> <br />"'Flher with IU Ih. he.ellllaments and appurtenances lhereunto belonging. includifl8 atlached floor co\'erinp, all 'foiml.ow.' screelIS. <br />window shades. blinds. stOlm wmdows. .wnings. heating..i. conditioning.l1Rd plumbing and v'atereq,uipmenlllld ;sccesmrieslhereto.pumpl,SlOfn. <br />refriflerators. and OIlIer fixtures I"d ...quipmenl nuwor hereafter auached ro or used in ronn...ctiolllllilh said reat eS~le. <br /> <br />And whereas Ihe $lid mort&:lgor has Jgreed and d~slo<reby agree Illal lh. morls-gor sh.n and will ~y aU tu.... and allnlUlellu leYied or <br />lSSeiSN upon uid prem;",. ~Ild upon .his morlpll~ .nd 110... bond ",cur...d rbe,eby btfoR the same s1wl beamle deliaquelll; 10 fumilh appo.w <br />insurance Upoll Ihe buildinp Oil said pr.mi..s s,luII.d iIIlh. sum of S 7, 200 . 00 ~y.ble 10 uid ASSOCIATIO!ll IIIlI to dcli\'Ct to aid <br />ASSOCIATION Ih. policies for uill msurlll,-e: .nd nol 10 commit otl"amil ~n~' ..'...e on 01 .boUI said premises: <br /> <br />In case 'Of def.ull", Ihe p"rfUlmance 'Of any oflhe leuns and condillons of litis IOOTli\lf,e or lile bond !ltcured hrrtby. the -..c WlJ. <br />on demand. be .milled 10 immedilte l'o""$Sion of Ihe onong,g.d pr.mises .nd lh. mortp@or h.reby a~s. Il~nsfen and leIS 0\'Ct to lbe <br />onorlp....e IZllthe tenlS. revenu.s and income to be d.ri.....d from the morlpged premisJ:s dWing such lime IS the mo""," ilIdebleclMsl WlI ftftIIiIl <br />UIlp~id; and the mOrlPlff stull h..... the ""......, 10 appllint .ny .gem UI .gems II rm~' d..i,. fOI Ih. PUlPO'" of rep.lirinc said premiIJes aDd Rlltin, <br />tbe AI1IC and collecting Ihe rents. and income. .nd it may p.y oul of Slid income all expenses of repWilll said premian and IIIeCCSIIy <br />commissions .nd ..pense. incurred in .enting and man.ging Ihe sam. and 01 collecting '.'Sllls ther.from: tbe baJance rel!llinirl&. if aD)'. to be <br />applied row~rd Ihe dischllge of uid mongage; Ih.", rigllls <If the llWnl!l8<< m,y be ....elcited al an~' time d~ the ~It.iilmoeofsuch <br />defaull. i,r..pecti..... of any I.mpmary'e' of lite ume, <br /> <br />The.. l',e..m.. hOIlo'o\'Or. .re llpon Ih. Condilion. Th., if the g,,' Morlgagur sl,~II,}' ..ldlwn on Of berOfe the maturity 'Of sai4 sham b}' <br />paymenl; pi)' momhly lu ~Id ASSOCIATION 01 th. .um .pecili.d in Ihe Ilond "'cu,..d h.reb~' as rnt.resl and prinopal on Ilid loan. aD or before <br />lbe Twenlielhday uf each and e''el}' month, until sa,d IlIan is full~' p.,d; p.y allta.e. and ..",s,men" lui.d ~gllnst said ptl!lIlise$ :mdoll this MonPF <br /> <br />.nd lhe Bond "",uled Ihe,cby.b.fore "'; !wn..h approved insu..nceupon Ihebuildillll'lhereon inlhe sum <lrs 7.200.00 pl)"able <br />10 101m ASSOCIATION: rep.y 10 said ASSOCIATIOS upon d.mand all money by it pald for such In.s. .ue,smcnlS and inwrance with i1\te~ at <br />lhe mallimum Iepl rale lhereon from d31e of payment .11 of whi~h MOrlll"SUr hereby ~gree. 10 1'"1'; permir no ..'..'e on said 1'll!lllt$lCS;hep aDd comply <br /> <br />witlllll Ihe lIIeemenl5 and co~ditions uf the Bund for S 7,200.00 this day gi''en by the said MOrllPlot 10 said ASSOClAnON.1IIlI comply <br />wilh all lbe requircrnenl. of rhe Conslilulion Ind By.La..'. or Slid ASSOCIATION; Ihen Ihe.... preaenrs shall become nuD and ovid.othmir.iJO tht), <br />shill remain in fl1ll Force and may be for.clo....d .t the "phun of Ihe said "'SSOCIATJON afler faUur. 101 lh~ months to make an)' of $lid <br />payrnenls or be Illr.e months in arrears in making said monlhly payrnents. or to ke.p lIIld comply ".-;Ih Ihe lIICemeOlund conditiolls of said Bond; <br />and "'onPIDI .11."" to h~ve. rco;e""r appoint.d fonhwith in such foreclo.ure proc..dings, <br /> <br />If Iltere illn)' chan,. in oWfJtnhip of Ihe real eSllte IJKlrlllBed berein. hy saI. o. olherwix. Illen the entire remainirttl irIddlle4ftea hereby <br />~ulfd shaU. at lite option of The Equitable Building lnd Loin Association of Grand Island. N.braska. become immediatel)' due and payable ..ilhout <br />furllter nOlice. .nd 1I1e .llIOunt r.mainios due undrr said bond. ~nd iny 01110' bond for any additJOIllhdnnces madelhereunder. shall. from the <br />lble of exercise of said oplion, be.r inler..t allh. mallimum rile. And this mortg."e mal' Ih.n be fored_d to Alisf)' the I1UOlllIt due 0II11id <br />bond, and IIII' otber bond for addilion.lads...nces, logelher ..'itlt.1I sums by said The Equilable BuUdinlllld Lolll Asaocialion ofGnnd hlatld. <br />Nebraska for insurance, laxCland Ind .bmaclins ellt...ndon chuS.s, wirh interest Ih.reon. from date of paymenl .1 tile muimum <br />!epllItC. <br /> <br />AI promltd in Ih. Bond ..cured hereby. while lhll mullglle In ...tT.ct Ih. monP6"" may he,e.f1", .ds>IR<e addilionaJ __ 10 the <br />makers of uid Bond, aasian. or succe"orl in intelest, which sums shill be witllin Ih. ",curity IIf Ihis mortpJe the Ame .,lbe lunds oritlimlly <br />secured lhercb)l, lhe lot.l ~mount of princi~1 not 10 .xceed al any lime the o.illinalamount of lhis mortPlf, <br /> <br />OIled thitl 2nd day uf Hay A, D,. 1Q BB <br /> <br /> <br />~~~K~~ <br />B <br />GLenna L. Ramirez <br />SlA.TE 01' ~EllRASKA. t II, <br />COUNTY OF IIALL l <br /> <br />Olllhis 2nd <br /> <br />dlY of <br /> <br />Hay <br /> <br />1988 <br /> <br />, hefolf_. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />the ulld.nlJ.iK:d. i Nflllf)' PubUc in ",hi fOf laid founty. penonall.' (:IlnI! <br />Felix V. RlISIlirez and Glenna L. Ramirez, each in his and her own wt,,, are <br />right, and 81 .pouse or each other, <br />- 10 be lite identlul perlllnl wllll'" nlm. 8 are lrolled to the Ihllve Instrument II mOIl~18m s <br /> <br />adcflowleclpd the said ins!rumenl to be the i r voluntary act Ind d..d, <br />WITNESS rny hand ,nd NUlltil1 SuI the ~,~. Illlr.s'ld. <br /> <br />My Cnrnminion ul'i,../I -01 S- ~tf d <br /> <br />personally kno""1I to <br /> <br />and thllY <br /> <br />...'..nll.' <br /> <br />i-I-I" In <br /> <br />- _.IIM.......... <br />JtWIM Q. ROUIH <br />., !,,~ Ltp, IIov. 25, 111M <br />....~ -...........-.-- <br /> <br />) _, ,n) <br />. j / ,? / <br />Jr'.L~:-~,,-'/,~ {Z, ~cc-j,c'~~;;;f,:a;<--- <br />