<br />88_102231
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<br />n
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<br />
<br />876
<br />
<br />FHA
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Dwight D. Roland and Ethel F. Roland, each in his and
<br />her own right, a~d as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortpaor, whether one or _.In'consIderatlol1 of thuum of
<br />Ten Thousand and no/lOa -------------------------------------~--------------------~LLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said morlNor by The Equllable Buildinl and Loan Association of Grand hland, Nebraska. MOrfBaBee. upon .1 00 shares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Cerlificate No. IU 876 FHA, do hereby granl. convey and morlPF unlo the saidASSOC1ATION the followia8
<br />described real eslate. sillllled in naU Couney, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), Block Twelve (12), ~onnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />t"Flher wilh all the lenements, he,.,ditam.n" .nd 'ppUrlemm... thereuntu belon~nl1, indudins alla.:llOd floor co''eljngs. aU ...indo"," SCtffM.
<br />window sllades. blinds, slurm windows, awnings, h.aling, .ir conditioning, and plumbing and waler equipmenl and IlXCSJOtin Ihrttlo. pumpll.stoloft,
<br />refriFlalors, and olher falures and equipmenl now or hereafter allached 10 or used in ronnection ".ilh Slid real eSlale,
<br />And whereas Ihe said morlla.llr luts agreed and does hereby agree Ihal the mOrlgagor shall and wiD ploy all lUes and alIessmelllS 1e\X4 or
<br />UK_d upon said premises and upon lhis mortll.e and Ihe bond secured Ihereby before Ihe ume WU becume delinquenl; to flll'lilih aJlllfO"fd
<br />insurance upon the buildlnp on said premiseuilualed in the slim ofS 10,000.00 pIo)'.ble 10 said ASSOCIATION and 10 deli''er to said
<br />ASSOCIATION Ihe policies for Slid insurance; .nd nollo commil or permil any w...e on or abouI Nid ptemixs;
<br />In cue of dd.ult in Ihe performance of any of Ihe lerms and L"tInditions of this moltPJO or the bond secured heldly. lhe IIIOItpFe shall.
<br />on demand. be enlilkd 10 immediale pouession of Ihe morlZ.sed premises and the mon[lll:or hereby .ssipts, transfers and RtS over 10 the
<br />morlJllee .lIlhe rents. revenues .nd income 10 be demed from Iht nlOJlSlJCd premises durq such lime as the mon.. iDdeblednea shall remain
<br />unploid; .nd lhe mollPlff wll have Ihe power 10 appoint .ny ~sene or lsenll it may d~ for the purpose of repairillc said pmniIn IIIId R11li1lC
<br />lhe same and c:ulleclln& lhe renu, re~nues and income, .nd il may ploy oul of said income all expellJCl of replirin& said prcmiles and -.azy
<br />commissi<lns and ..penlCs incurred in rentinl and m.nlgin~ Ihe same Ind 01 collectilll rent.ls therefrom; the balance ttllllilllnl, if any. 10 be
<br />Ipplied 10Wlld lhe dischlrlll of said nlOnllge indebledn~ss; lhese liglns of Ihe mOrlsqee ma)' be exerciltd allllY lime durin& lhe existe~ ohuc:lt
<br />deflUll. irrespective of any lempo12ry ..'.I\..r of Ihe same,
<br />Tbne Prcsenls. howc~r, are upon Ihe Condition, Th.t If the uld MUlIP&Dr shall reploy said lOin on or before the maturilY of said shares by
<br />plymenl; ply monthl)' 10 said ASSOCIATION of lhe sum .peclfied In Ihe IIond ..cured hereby IS inleresl and principal on said mn. on or before
<br />lhe Twenlielhd.), of each and e'Tr)' monlh. unhl said loan is full)' plld; PI)' 011 lues and nsessmenlS levied apimt Slid premiles and on tIti5 Mon....
<br />and lhe Bond K'cured Iherehy. before del;nqutn.-y, furm,h apl"U\Td m.ur.nce upon Ihe buildinls Ihereon in the sum of S 10.000.00 pI)..bJe
<br />III saKI ASSOCIATION: repay to SlId ASSOCIATION upon demand all mOllcy b)' II paid for such lues, ....ssments and insurance ..ith inlerest al
<br />lhe maximum Jepl rale lherelln from dllt of pa)'mtnt all of ,,"'hleh MIIIl~~r hereb)' IIrees 10 psy;permil no wUlenn said prcmiles;kttp IIIIdcompl)'
<br />wilh alllhe lIpcemenlund condlhonsoftht lIo,d f", S 10,000.00 till. da)' l!1~n by Ihe said Monpeor 10 Slid ASSOCIATION. and comply
<br />wilh all lhe requiremenls of the Cun.lllulion and By.L.....o Slid ASSOCI A TlON; Ihen Ihne ptnen.. shall become null and .uid,othera-iae they
<br />shall ,emain in full force and ma)' be foredlllCd .1 1110 "prll>O ur lhe la.iI ASSOCIATION after rlilore for three monlhs 10 make any of Slid
<br />plymenlS or be Ihree months In amara In making SlId monlhl)' paymenl., or 10 keep .nd rompl)' ,,"'ith Ihe Ipcemenu and condilions of said Bond:
<br />Ind /Ilollpaor lIpees 10 hne a rece".., .JIJIOlnle.J forlh,,"'ilh In ,uch f",eclusure prOttedin~,
<br />If lhere ii any chanse inownenhipoflhe real e"ale nlOrlpaed herein. by Ilk: or olherwise. then Ihe entin! rellllinq indebledMa hereby
<br />Rcured shall, allhe option of The Equitlble Buildml and Loan Associalion of Gr.nd hland.Nebraska. beClllme immediatel)' due and pI)'aNe ..'llIlOul
<br />further nolice, Ind the amounl rem.inin~ dlle under uid bond, and .ny olher bond for aO)' .ddiliol1a1 advances made thereunder .IIWI. from the
<br />dile of eurcise or said oplion, bell Inlcrell al Ihe lIIuimum lelll rale, and Ihis morl"" IIIIY then be foreclotoed 10 salisfy the IIlIOIlDI due on ..id
<br />bond.llld an)' othel bond fur addilional adVlnce., IlIlClher ,,"'ilh all suml pIoid b)' said The Equilable BuUcUllI and Loan ASIOCiation of Grand hland.
<br />Nebraska for inlUranct.lluund auculllenl',lnd abstraclln,ulension charses, wilh inlerest lhercon, from dale of pI)'tnCOI at the maximum
<br />....lllle.
<br />At 'Ill\'ided In Ille IIonl1 secured he,cby. while Ihi. mOrlPle reRIIln5 In effe~1 Ille murtllll!l! IDlY hereafler ad''Illlle Iddilional SUIm 10 the
<br />'_ers 0 saKI Bond,llleir Issitn. ,1( .ucceUlIlS 111 inlere", which .uml shill be wilhin the stclllily of I1tis mDltpte Ihe same as lhe fllndaoriCinall)'
<br />.curt.! lheleby. lhe lor. I amounl "f principal debl nur In exceed II any lime the uriJinal amount of Ihb monpte, "
<br />~ ~Ildl~. 9th day of April A.D"1988. .-
<br />
<br />
<br />o
<br />
<br />
<br />Kthel F. Kohnd
<br />
<br />eOl/NlY OF IIALL { It.
<br />
<br />(lnthll
<br />
<br />29th
<br />
<br />dlYllf
<br />
<br />^pri I
<br />
<br />1988
<br />
<br />, hefore lilt.
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />DwiBht D. Rollnd and Ethel F. Roland,
<br />and II lpoUI. of each other
<br />fill 10 bt lhe idlnllcal pellon . whose name S are afnxed 10 the above in.lrument IS monllllor II
<br />a:kflro'ltdtJtd lhe Mid Inatrumen' 10 be the i I' wlunlary leI arid deed,
<br />\lrllNf.s5 my hand Ind Now'll SClllhe dale aforruid,
<br />My {'ommllllOn tXlllru #-".;".r.. )'(.1
<br />
<br />Ihe lIndcrsl~ned, . NOlary Public in .nd for 11111 ('ounly. pennnallr came
<br />each in his and h!!r own right"'ho are ,,"rlllnallykllO,,"'nIO
<br />
<br />Ind
<br />
<br />they '""Crilly
<br />
<br />.,...... I.
<br />
<br />
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<br />., 0. JIOUiH'lt
<br />.. .. .... n.l'~
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<br />