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<br />I ' r: ~ ............................................,..................,....,........ ("Borrower"), The tnlStee is .Jig.r.w~,I>.!;..l\ilJlJ!'...N,e.lu;R-.llk~...................
<br />.\ ('~ f.:. - ..N.ati.anal...As.sociatiOD.............................,..........................................,....................... ("Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />i ~~ ~ ..!ie~~~~...~.~.~..!i~~.~~!'!~1....~~.~.!2~..~!'!.C?,!;!:?:!;!!?n.............,.......,................... which is organized and existing
<br />I ~<:::... ~' under the laws of ...thIL:v.n;l,,~.~!J...s.!;~,te~...Qf...Mi.e.I;I&lJ........... and whose address is ......................-...........................
<br />~ '\) ~ ..19.19,..DQJ.1&la.a..s.t1:~t..!lmaha....Neh1:aska.................,....................,.......................,.....................Z...Ji.Lender..),
<br />i,- ' ~'uonower owes Lender the principal sum of .=.f.Qp.~r.~~..II!Qp..~Mm..~Q..mlliP..~..l!~..gw...!iQ ..L...................
<br />i ~ ~ .========tlollars(U.S. sl!t..2.06".QIL......,...), This debt is evidenced by Bonower'snole
<br />
<br />I ~ ~r=~~;~;l~~t~!!j~~~~=~:;:r7~~::;.=;::.::;~~:~~i~;~~;:~;~;~
<br />
<br />! renewals. exlensions and modifications;{b} Ibe payment of all other sums. wilb interest. advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br />i proted the securily of this Security Instrument; and (e) Ibe perform&n\:l! of Bonower's covenants and agreements, For this
<br />purpose. Borrower irrevocably ~ts and conveys to Trustee, in tnlSl. wilb power of sale, the following dc:saibcd property
<br />
<br />located in .....,.....................,.......~!!..................,...................,.............,..,........................,........................ County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4). of SUnset Seventh Subdivision. being a part of tbe Nortbeast Quarter
<br />(NE 1/4) of Section Eleven (11) Township Eleven (II) North. Range Ten (10). West
<br />of the 6th P.M.. in Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which bas the addraaof ....,.........~~.~.?..~?.~~.~..~.~~~~~...,._.,..,....,..,.......".',...". ,..,.".?~.~.~~,..~~~.~~~....................'m...
<br />ISttMt] ICily)
<br />Ncbrub .............~.~.~Ql............................. ("Property Addras");
<br />fZlII Coal
<br />
<br />TooET1ttll WfTH all tbe implO\'elDCDtI now or hereafter erected on the property. and all easements. righls,
<br />appIIrtaa-. rentl, royalties, mineral, oil ."Id pi riahtl and prUfttl, water rights and stoc:k and all filltUres now or
<br />bereaf\er...... mIlle property. All rqIIaccmentilllllhdditioonhallallO becovercd by this Security (nslrument, All of the
<br />foreaoinc i. refetnd tel in this Security I~t u the "Property."
<br />
<br />BouOWEll CovENAM1'5 JW Borrowa- ii. _rully seited of the estate hereby conveyed and bas lbe righllo granl
<br />, and 0DtIVl!)' tile Property and that the Property is unenc:umbered. ellc:ept for en\:umbrances or r~rd, Borrower warranls
<br />and will defend p:nerally ttu. title to the Property apmst all claims and demands. subject 10 any encumbrances of record,
<br />
<br />THIS'SI!CIJaITY''(NSTaUMENT \:Olllbines unifonn covenantl for national use and non.uniform co\'enants wilh
<br />limited 'l'llriations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform lMlCurity instrument covering real properly,
<br />
<br />NE:IIRAKA-sinpl r_,-fMMA/PlUIC UMtFOltIII MTllUIIlNT
<br />He 8233) l.NO
<br />
<br />forn. 3028 12/13
<br />