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<br />. " <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />-') <br /> <br />..... of .,.... <br />~ 88_102202 <br /> <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />fHA ce... <br /> <br />321-1238479-203(b) <br /> <br />TIIII ~ . . mUe and aecuted thiI 2nd day of <br />1988 . byaad1Jetwee6 Eldon L. ButterHeld <br />her own right, and as spouse of each <br />01 tbt Could)' 01 Hall <br />IbI MarIIIiar.1IId The Equitable Bui1~ing <br /> <br />May <br /> <br />and Sally A. Butterfield, each in his and <br />other. <br />. IDd Stale of Nebruka. put)' of the first part, bere1nafter called <br />and Loan Association. Grand Island, Ne.' <br /> <br />uorporlllioD orpabed IIId aiItlq UDder IblIaWl of the S tat e 0 f Neb r ask a <br />pM)' or IblIICOIIll put. bereiDafter called the MoniIPe. <br /> <br />~: 'lbat tbe laid MOI1IIaOI'. for and in CODIideration of tbe lUlU C)f Twe n t y E i g h t Th 0 usa n d, Six <br />Hundred and no 1100 --------------------------,--1)o1lan ($ 28,600.00 ). paid by the Mort- <br />..... the receipt of wbidI is hereby lCkDowIedaed. bu Oranted and Sold and by thae presentl does Orant. Barpin. SeD. Convey <br />ucI CoaIIrm UIltO the Mortppe. itl IUCCCIIOI'I and ........ forever. the foUowilll-describecl real estate. situated in the County of <br />H a 11 . IDd State of Nebruka. to wit: <br /> <br />Lot Three (3). Fractional Block Six (6). in Woodbine Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall ,County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />or the Sixth ~ MeridIan, coataiDina in aD <br /> <br />acrel accordina to, Oovernment IUlVey: <br /> <br />To Ibft _To ....the ~ aboft delcribecl. wltb all the appurtCDaIICCI tberew1to beIoDlinl.and inehadilllall beatiq. <br />plumbina ucI UabdalIIxtuns and equipaaIDt now or hereafter attacbed to or used in co~ withaaid, real eataIC, unto the Mort- <br />..... end to itl I1JCCIIIOft IIIId .......Iomer. The MOI1IIaOI' repraeIltIto. IDd coveuiltlwith. tbeMortpaoe.tbatthe Mort- <br />lIIOI' bu aooct rlabtto NIl ucI COIlVeJ laid premia; tbat they are fret from encumbrance: and tbattlae~",or ~warrant and <br />cIefead tbe IInle apinat the lawful c:IaiIDI of all penoaI whonuoever; and tbe aaid MOltIIiOr hereby re1inqWlhea allriah~ of <br />~.IIId, all nwitaI rfIhts. either in law or In equity, and all olbcr continJent lntcreItI of theMortaIIOI' in ancltothubove- <br />dal:ri1Iod...... daCintaadoa bcJna to c:oDVey ~ an absolute lItIe. In fee simple. Indudina all ri,lbtl of homestead. and other <br />rialdllIId inIInIu u aloreuid. <br /> <br />~..",.AInrI. ucI tbeIe praelltI are euc:utecl ancl delivered upon the foUowiq conditionI. to wit: <br />Tbe Mortp&OI' qneI to S-y the Mortppe. or order. the principallum of T wen t y E i g h t Tho usa n d Six <br />Hundred and noli 00 --------------------------Bollars ($ 28.600.00 ). <br />with iIlUnIt from. date at tbe rate of N i n e and 0 n e - Hal f per centum ( 9. 5 lVt) per annum on the <br />uapGd' beIaDce' antiI pdd. The said principal and interest IbaII be payable at the offic:e or Th e E qui tab I e B u i i din g <br />and Loan Association <br />in' Gr and 1 s 1 and. Neb r a s ka . or at IUc:b other place as the holder of the note <br />may .........~ in writiDa. in montbIy iDItalImentl of Two Hund red Fo r t y and 48/100 - - ------------- <br />--------------DoIIan ($ 240.48 ). commenciq on the firltday of May <br />1988 . UId 011 the first day of ach month thereafter watiI the princ:ipaI and interest are fully paid. exc:ept that the final payment of <br />principal ucI iDtereIl. if Dot IOODeI' pe..14, abalI be due and payable 011 the fant day of A p r il <br />20 18 ; aD accordiDIto the termS of . certain promiuory note of eYeD date herewith exeaated by the said Mortpaor. <br /> <br />Thta form la ...... In connection with mortgegu IMunld under the one- to four.f.-nlly progflRlI of the Natlon81 'Houllng' Act which pro- <br />YIde for pertodtc Mona. IntlUrance Prwmlum paymenhl. <br />PreotIOua EdItions Are OblIolete HUD-llZ143111 (HI EdItIon) <br />P~e 1 of. 2. CFR 203.17(b) <br />
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