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<br />
<br />1 02200 '.h;ffman and Felton ~ Wolf; w.;;on, He. ~~
<br />
<br />m CONSIDERATION of the ~t of the, debt named therein: I or we, hereby release the mortgage of
<br />1JItIIfl-f1ve Thousand Five HUDdreci: anc1,. no/100 _ . _ _ _ _ . .' _ _ _~LLARS,
<br />on thefoUowing deac:ribed property, to.wit:
<br />Lot ODe (1). Graff SUbdlv1.s1on111 the Village of Doniphan, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, , p;,.~',. I ~.
<br />~()-oolbt3 ~~~~ r.t// ' vJte?-
<br />
<br />-. of Deeds
<br />which is recorded in boot:' . of real estate mortgages, page..... of the Records of the County of
<br />Hall _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .and State of Nebraska. I
<br />'I 'lliaedthla In ~ 01 doyol April - - - - - - _,1988 . II
<br />
<br />
<br />II ::~~:~=~:=~~~,,'::::,::::'::::,:,.,:,:,::::,",:":: ~rf.~::::::~=:~= I
<br />I STATE OF.............=~..ka.....................................,...lss, il
<br />1/ ,............................. ............................ ,County ! Ii
<br />I' On thia....l.........day oL..........~............m..'''..._............ 19.8.8..... before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned II
<br />i! "
<br />Ii and qua1iIied for said county, personally oame.....G.~....Layeme....J.e..sa...aDC.'l...LaUI'.in&..ii......Je8....husban !i
<br />il ~~..~.f~.....JA'"JQ.~Jlt....tenaDt8.,..and...noJ:",as....tenan.ta...in.. commoR."...w:Lth..~;LpG...of........ II
<br />
<br />I i ~~.~~!........_, ...., .............................',. ....'......"....,. .............. ...... .........................,....."........c......................................................... i!
<br />
<br />I! to me peraonally known to be the identical person or persons who executed the above release and acknowledged 1:
<br />II th9 said instrument to be his. her or their voluntary act and deed. ~ Ii
<br />II;; Witness my hand and seal at.G.tand "NH1!'''.ka'~' in said unty, the ear last above written. li!,1
<br />I J.6l4nd, ()
<br />jl .......... .., 0:l:. . . .. ~. .... . . . ._ otary Public. Ii
<br />
<br />,+~.~.~/j~ .....d~ OLm.....~.,,",,~~=19j?~, . .... ......!;
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