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<br />,..... .. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />ACKNOW1.EDOEIIENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 102189 <br /> <br />1 <br />" <br /> <br />eGItIIIOWUI_ _ UPOIIIIIIINIIIG: <br /> <br />8DrIoMn 1T....lare) U.........nd lheltlt.docu......_ UI.IIe""""n"lIboulloaXlCUlal.. D..d 01 T ru.'.nd nDlamortg.geend lh.' lh.pDW.rol..,o pravldOd <br />!of ill 1M llaeIIoITnlll"",,-oub,tanUoIty dlll.1III11 rIgIl"andolllIpUOIlIloth. Boltowe.. Ih.n. mOrlgag.ln tho ov.nt oled.leun o. bf,.eIl olobllgellon undorlho <br />IIIId oITrwL lncIudIng.1KlI nolllmllld 10, IIla '--r'a rI,hllo _the Real Proporty IOld by Ih, Trusl.. wllhoullllY ludlcl.1 proceeding o. !o_IDtulI.IIe"""".. <br />..- and WWranl tIlallllllllCllno......._'... _ulM bylllem aiM 1M ....ulIon o. lhe DMd 01 T'ull, <br /> <br /> <br />-ed~~ <br /> <br />~an L. Jeffres, Bor.o_ A Single Person) <br />114...1 J 9-_"~fVY1m LA.AM.. A....\. J <br />Bono"",. <br />(Laura J. Zimmerman, A Married Person) Wife <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />'IV <br />A Married Person) <br /> <br /> <br />COMJILI11! IIllo ,..,.... ONLY" "'- .... JlIIIIlIflv ...ocri..... ......01... IIIINDWIDUAU. Y OWNED AOIlICUL TUIlAUAND, <br />"~,_"""ONLY C>>lE_A. I, arC: <br /> <br />o A, DlICLAlIlEll 0' 1lI0HT YO OEIlONATI HOMEITEAII: <br /> <br />ThII BorrowatC.) acknowledgethll they .F' aboul to lI.ecule the following Dnd of Trult upon thlt rlllll ellatedescrlbed 'herein. The BorroW8f(s), Ind each af them (f <br />m_ 'hili..... do herotoydloclalm lhelr 'Ighl lo<lo.'l/II.... hOl'll.ll..d punu.nlll",rato No,..rt 01 lho nom....... of.Uhe,.llh. Bo.......(.II. preaenlly o. wfllln .he <br />.utu......tluIted upon .Idrelll alai.. ThlBorrawerCI) undeflllnd thlt It IIInhere-atabUlhea a homeltnd on any part o. qld raal.ltat.durlng Ih.Umethe DHdo.Trull <br />","Il.. ullUlltfierJand a flan upon oaldoaafnrale,lhe",.hall be no Ilgnllo e 6eolgnetlon 01 hom..'..d In Ih. 'v."lolalorOl:lo."", O'IIUI...'. .... wllh mpoc! 10 <br />_llaedolTIIlIl <br /> <br />o a WAWIRO'.OHTTODEmaNATEHOMEI~~ <br /> <br />tM Baffo_rel' acllRowItdg. lluIt IhB~ Ire about to '.tlcu1e the following Deed of T,ust upon the tB11 esf.'e described thereto. The Borrowet('J.and ollhen:a If <br />more than ..... do .,.rwbW- _.,. thel, right to desl;n... I home.lead pUl'luanllhlteto. Thl Borro.wer(ll underltlnd thll they have tn. rlghl to ml.e a dlaJgnatlon ot <br />homfttadend ItIltby ..ecullng th~ waldlr, they I" .aMng ,Ighll otherwllB .1f.lgbl. for the purpose of a'fordlng t'hlm the opporlunltv 10 refljn the/rhomu...clln II. <br />_ III e doIaull upon lJl. Dood oj Trull, <br /> <br />o C, DUlQllATlON 0' HOMEITIA~ <br /> <br />Purauanr ta the firm HamntHd ProtectIon Act (Section 18-190' et seq. Revised StatUi'" 01 the State of Nebrukal.lhl!l BorroW1lr(I). do hlrebyd811gnlle1he reaf <br />property dllc:tibed In the "Oelignalion or Homestead" allached- het.sto .nd 'ncorper.led hemin b..- IhJII reference. <br /> <br />Barrowllr <br /> <br />Bart ower <br /> <br /> <br />_""'Ulllll__lt <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION Susan L. Jeffres, <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, I. m.d... olin. 19_ d.y of -ApriL--, , 1988-... ,by .nd .monglhe T"'51or, A )::; ngl e J>ql::li'on and <br />A marr:.:~fdd~~~~~f~n.c;1_.wholem.s'jng.ddrelsi' --2007 wP,:;t: Div;Qinn~ G-r~nn Tt:::l;:w,nd, <br />l;'rein~'Borro_"I, In'T'U'IO,e ....__..l!!...!liam G....Jliacki:l!lm. A m"mhpr nf t-hp .... "t Bar Assn. <br />P.O. Bolt 22BO. GramL!!i]..iillP.....Jij;;~2-22BO In...ln "T.u.I.."). <br />Five Points Bank <br />P.O. Bolt 1507 <br /> <br />'"'- mal/lng add.... I. <br /> <br />_Ille BanIlIciary, <br /> <br />Grand.Island. NE ~ee02-l507 <br /> <br />(herein "lender"'J. <br /> <br /> <br />. FOAVAlUASLE COr.SJDEAATlON.lncludjng the indebledness idenUlfedhete~n ana .rusl herein cle.led. the recftlp' 01 which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />i herIIbyinwocabtygrantl. 'ranlters. con"")'1 and aslignalo Truslee. IN TRUST. WITH ;POWER OF SALE. for Ihe be"eUl and .ecurHy 01 Lender. unCler Bnd lubjecl to 'he <br />, 1InnI-.d COftdhJonI ~nllt"r set lorth. 'hlt real propertV. deJCrlbll'd .. 'OIlDW.' <br /> <br />it of Lot Fifteen (15) of the County Subdivision of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (stsEi) <br /> <br />;Section Sixteen (16), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. more <br /> <br />iticularly described as follows, to-wit: commencing at a point BO feet southerly from the south- <br /> <br />~terly corner of Lot Four (4), in Block Four (4) in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> <br />~aska, and on a line with the Westerly boundary line of said lot, thence running southerly along <br /> <br />, easterly boundary line of Eddy Street. in said city. for a distance of 68 feet to the northerly <br /> <br />~dary line of John Streetr in said city, running thence easterly along and upon the northerly <br /> <br />~dary line of John Street for a distance of 66 feet, running thence northerly, parallel with the <br /> <br />terly boundary line of Eddy Street for a distance of 68 feet running thence westerly, parallel with <br /> <br />northerly boundary line of John Street, for a distance of 66 feet the place of beqinnina Hall Co <br />lGg1lh1r with III buildlngl, ImprOdmen'I, li.'uru. streets. 11t1lYI. pau.agewaYI. sasemltn1., rlghlS. prl'lll1eglsand Ippurt"anancellocltelfthllrean or"" ."YWIN . · <br />pertalnmg ......0. and 1M renta, IMueI ilmd profitt.. re".fI~Qnl and remlfndets therttaf: (ndulling. but not limired ta, hallting and COOling equlpmenl and .uch pefsonal <br />Pf'(IIJIfIytM1IIMtlchlftJtotl1eilmprawememlto..loeonllilutea thdure: and togetherwllh Ihe homestead Dr mlrllallntereatl. it an~. whlc.h Interests arB heraby refIlled <br />and......: all oIwhk:t\, Inc.udlng replaC'lme"... and Idditlona thereID.I. hereby declantdto'ba . pI,. OfthB real estate sKuredby the fien of IhfJ DIed 0' frUit and.II or the <br />IIwogoIng -.. ......... let heroln e.'he .~., <br /> <br />n.fI, DIed 01 lNl1w.u Me"'" ~a) 1M payment ot lhe plinc..l sum and _nlerest .'lttdanced bV Borrower.! note .nd/or credit Igreement dlled <br /> <br />5/1/88 . having a m.tu,llydlle 01 9/1/90 ,In 'hoo.lgln.1 pr>nclpalemounl of S ll, 532 lill .nd .nyo"".1I <br />I'ftOItttIcItio ........GM, and fttMINfa thereof Ot the"'to'M .ny .nd.n 'utw.eadd:1lCH and readlll'lnCBI hereunder pursuanl10 eme or more promlllDl)' nolll OtCfldit <br />............ .'-reInCIIlted""Not...); lb) lhe payment ot OlherlUlTllad..,anc:ed by Lender to prolect the HCurlty ot the NOle; tc) the performance IUcovenanll .nd lorHml!tnl <br />of eona-- MCIottb he....; and (d'all lncI'ebtedMU and obll;.Uonso' BOffO.,. 10 lender whether di,ecllndlrecl, abtoltJle or and whelbet .rlung by nole, <br />~.-.InlII.._, <br /> <br /> tel pratKI: ... tecurity 01 thll Deed 0-' Trult. covenants Ind agrees 'ffith lender.s fOlltt"': <br /> <br />I, "'-~"""''''''''''''IIorr''''''''lIpromp/ty paywhan duelhe p.lne/pal 0/ .ndjnlO'.el on, ond eny 1101'" enelVl' provided In..n. Not.o. In 'hi. <br />llaeIIal T..... <br /> <br />. I. 'fIIa...,........ ownltrDfthaProPlfly.hallhI righl.mlaulhority to con:vey thePrDl*'tt'. end wlrrantllha' the Uen cr.aled tlereby '1.1:1rlland I]f1Qrltenon <br />..."'-tr.lOllOIPlae -r _lie HI __, _lheblOUtlon.nddel,,",y 0' II>IsDeMol TIU.t doe. no' Y1..... .nycon".cI O' o,he. obllg.Uan '0 willen <br />--- ......... <br /> <br />I. ,.... JIo1rT II .h lL To,... .undlJe........ .poclcl......menl..nd..lothttrchargel apinSllhe ProPl'rt~.nd. upon wflnendemlndbv l.nd"f, 10 paylQ <br />L-*..._....., ....,,1'_,10_ u..L_'o pay"""h 10-. _ OlOIN< Charge. at tnoy becorne duo, <br /> <br />... . -...-. to...,..... Propertyin....-cl.gajftltdltnaDllb'l tI.... hull'dllnctuded within the term ~..htnded co'lt!lr.... end luchQlher-hlzafd, II Lender I1\IIr <br />................Iftd WiUt 00IftPIrPn ~ 10 Lender. and wt'thlloa papble 1ott.. tendlf, fncew of loli under such pollc~.., me lllfldttf is auUtDlVed la.dlUlr, <br />1IJOIIcI....................cbMM~ Ind ......)hhelbt op1iono' 1p;It"'''O III arp.1t 01 thIIlnluranc. proceed, (1110 I~y IPdttbl-edMUHCured h~eb" Indln wen <br />................. ............ (I'] '0 U.lSOno.wr 10 bII "led 101'" repair or In1Ofation 01 tN P~tr or (Iii} fa, In, ot"'r purpo'" Of object ntllfru;lorV to te"t1e, <br />..................,. Of 'II'NI DMcIo' TtUtl for t'" futl- amount MCvted hMltby beforl IlICh payment .wer 'ook pIIt:1 Any appUcauon ot P'OC.ed1 10 lndebtedneu thlll <br />-- at ~ __ _ 01_ ~ _ Ulo _, or c.....ny clotoull...._ or n...undor <br /> <br />S~ ...... ... c-... .... ~ BOllcwwr mitt ....., tt.. Property I" good condlf\on and f.pIlr th." pfomrfly ~"~If or In, <br />......1 1 .........,... ~ Ot~.1haI'I ~ com,,", or- permit "'.U..or dlI\ertorll:lon 01 ,.... Propefty, ,hall no' t.."O..... (lpn.oliS-h 01 flUbltanlll,II'J Ill.' <br />............... I. Dft.....",ooerty;ehall:nolComtl'Ml. tuft., O-fl>>frNl&nyKltowIfOflll1nOf UpDn 'h. PrOPl'ftr In \ltolallon of.ny taw c.'dlt'.~. 01 r_gufaheJO .nd <br />...IJIY.............~.. ~..ICOSt.nd .."'*'lCumbr.anc..and c.....,epn I-h'.d ImpOMd Of UMIIMd avl1r'lII,he P,'Qpt!"y or .n'l' pari '~r"ol <br /> <br />NE: <br /> <br />"/ <br /> <br />1;..( <br />L.;~ <br />: \. <br /> <br />:. <br /> <br />... <br />,J <br />