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<br />. . .88- "i'ijl2'1'81 88- 100715 <br />,. ......""Wi.oIct:'........ IlJ ~ Noll _, Eat_ oIlhe II.... 'a< _nl or modlliClllion 011lYlOl'11n11on oIlhe ouml seClJled by thI. !*Uri1y InsInnnlnl <br />.....~".,.,., 1d'''Y "-Uor In _ of Ilor_ _ not __.10 "_lhe lIol>iUly of lhe original _ or Elolro_'1 IIUCCIssorl in Intlresl,lendo; _ not b.,lqulrod <br />.._~ ~ lIlY _In _ or _10 oatondllmtt lor poyment a< OIhtrrwl.. modlly IIIIIOrllullon 0' lho lum. oocured bytNI Socullly 1/1IlrUmttt1t by "ason <br />::'''=:;::"or~ origInII- or -.. _In InloreR. Any ._or..... by lender In.~ ~,~~"mody _ not be. _ of or ;nc:Iudllhe <br />11. _ _....... _, _ _ _ UoIIlIIIr: CcHJ--. Tho cove_II and Is,..menl. of this Securlly In.lrument sholl bind and be..lIllhe ouc:ce..... and <br />....of~__,........1O 1110 ""'-01-""" 17, _'I _ and Ii-II- bejolnl and _raI, Any _who oo,.1gna unSacurity InoIrumenl <br />1IuI_ not_1ho _: (.. Is co-tignilg ll1iII Sacurity InIIrumont only 10 r11ClflgIIJI, gront and convey th.I Bonowe,'.lnto""I In th. Proporty undo' lhe t..... 01 this Securlly Ir1I1rumenl; <br />..... not porillIlIIIf aIIIIgaIad 10 ~ 1110 ..... __ by IhIa SacuriIy lnatrumant; and (C)lIQIH. thIlllender and .'V _r _ mav Ii'" to .lIend, modify, ,_. or IIIIQ any <br />_._.........., fIllIId 10 Ills _ 0I1h1a SacuriIy ~ or 1110 Not. without thoI Bormwe,'. consent, <br />... .... -.... "1110 .... ......, by" Sacurity lnalrumanI II"""" 10 . .... _ _ mufmum IolIn chargn. and Ih.llow Ia IInolly Inl""""oct eo thol thllntorsll or other loan <br />-... _ or 10 110 _In connoctIon With 1110 loan _ Ills ~ IlmI1o, Ihon: (., any ouch loan r:hIIQI shall be reduced by 1110 amount f1ICUIlIIy to redur:alhe chIrg. <br />............. hit. _ Cbl 1IlY.........1lly _from _ _ __ ~ Ilmita will 110 ....._10 Bormwe', lender mar _10 m....un reluncl by reducing <br />"JlIfnciIIaI- _Ills_ or by 1IIIIdng._ __10 _ ". _ rodIaaprinclpol,lho _ "'110"''''''... partiII-, without any PfIPIIVITIOI1l chIrga <br />-..- <br />11. a....-. ""-'lIng '--'I RlglMa. " __ or ..,....,. 01 ~ IOWI two lhe _ 01 randerIng any pnMaIon ollhe Not. or Ihis Socuri1y Instrument unanlorce_ <br />-.g 10......... ..- 11l1li opIlon, may IICIIIft _ paymant In IuI 0111 IIUI11I by Ihls Sac:uri1y ,natrumonI and mar _ any __ __ by paragraph 19, <br />I ......_lhiIopIlon, ~ _"'1110 ItopS opoc:i/Iod In 1110 _ ~ of potagrapl117. <br />M. ....... N.,., _ 10 _.....- too: In _ Sacurily __110 given by _ng II or by mttlIIng II by IIrI1 c:/au mall Unll" applicable low requinI. .... 0I8I1Othor <br />_ n._ _110 _10 1110 "'-'Y _ or lIlY _ -.. _dasignaIII by _10 lender, Any _10 londo' shall 110 9Mn by tIrIIt c:/au mail 10 lend,,'1 <br />__ _ _ or lIlY _ -.. ~ cloIIgnotoa by _10 _, Any _ providod lor In un SecurIty InsInlmtInt _ be!lnfllod 10 have been gIvoI1lo _ or <br />...... .... gIMn . providod In 1hII....."" <br />... GD-*'I La; --.. 1IiII Sacurity ~ _IIO~ by lodorII.... and 1110 low 01 tho lu_'n wl11ch 1110 Property IllocIted. In the .~1t lhal.ny provlllon <br />or _ of lhiI Sacurity _ or Ills _ ....- wtlh applIc:abl6 raw, tuch contIIcl_ not oIIoel othe, pravIalona 01 thII Socuri1y Ir1I1rumanl or the Not. _ Co.'" bo Ulvan e"oel <br />_ Ills-.u proviIIon. To thII end Ills proviIionI" tIlIa Socuri1y Ins1rumont and Ihe Note 110 daclorod 10110__. <br />,I. _.~. _ _110 given... conformod COJ11 0I1he Nolo and 01 this Sacurity 'nalrWnOnI, <br />". ...._ aI.. PraparIy ... _ _In _. lId or any part 0' lhe Property or any Inl."" In It I. sold or Iranarlmld (or " . bonlllclollnllra" In Bonowor I. eold <br />.. _ _ _ III noe. _ _1_ ......'. prior wri_ """"1, lendor may, 01111 ""'Ion. raquiIe Imn_to paymonlln full 0111 oumo IIIClIlId by thl. Socurity <br />_ ~ lhiaopllon _ not 110 ._ by......U ._1. prohlbltod by '_01 low .. olth. _ 01 this Sotullly lnalrument, <br />I ~ __ ",*,", ...... _ gIvo _ _ 01_. Tho _sholl provido . petioli of not "..than 30 daya from th. dole the noUce I. ""_ or moiled <br />_"'*'" _ ""'" ~..............., by" Socuri1y InIUumont. II _lalla 10 poy __prior 10 lhe.xplraIlon of un poriod,lendo' mar Invcil<. any ramodlU ponnllloct <br />bylhilSacurily ~_Iurbr _or domandon_, <br />,I. _._..1llgIII to _ " _ _ _ c:ondiIiona, _ sholl havelha right to have Inlorcomonl olthla Socurity lnalrumenl dIacontlnued at any Ilmtt prior 10 <br />.. _ of: (0) 5dop (or"'" _ polfod II ""'*'** l1li mar apocIIy for _.menl) boforo .... of 1110 Property pu","ant 10 any _, 01.... coni_in thla Socuri1y tnatrumlnl: <br />or 1bI.., 01. ~ onIaR:ing _ Sacurity 1nIIrumont, ~ condIIIonI III lhaI _ (.) _ L.onder aU oume which Ihon would be duo under Ihla Sacurity and tho <br />, .... had no _ _; lbl ""'"lIlY dollUlt 01 any _ """,,"""II or agraornonta; (cl _II llIpoIlUS IncumId In enlorclng thla Sac:url1V Inltrumonl, lncIudIng, but noIllmlted <br />... _ -..yo' _; end (d) ..... tuch _ .. ...... mar rallOl1lbly fIlIulra 10 IIIUII th., 1110 U.n of thia Socuri1y InOlrumonI, lender'l rights In Iho Property and Bonower'l <br />alIIgIlIon III ~.. .... ......, by IhII SacuriIy __ _ continuo unchanged. Upon roInststement by Bormwe" thIa Socuri1y and Ihe obIIgaUona oocurod ""'by shall <br />-lull' _. It no _ had _, _, IhII rIghllO roInatalo shall noe app/y In tho..... 01__ under paragrwpho '3 or 17, <br />NCJN.UNlFOIlM COVENANTS, _ and ...... fuf1hor covononl and _ ..1oI1owa: <br />,I. ----.: _ ....- _.... _10 _ prIar 10 __following Bonowar'. _ 01 an, _nanl or 1lI-_In..... Socurtty lnalnlmonl <br />.......prlarto __ _ ___ 11_ 17 _ __... ~ _II), Tho no_...... .pad": (.,.. dalault: Cb,1IIa action _'red 10 eurelho <br />~(C1.-..... _ _lIIdop _.. _.. _ 11....10 _. by _ilia _It muolllO cu....; _ (eI) lhallallulllo ....1IIa dolou/l on ..IlOl011 <br />.. _.......In.. _ may _In __ aI....- __ by till. SocurIly In_ _.... 01.... PraparIy, n. noUr:a.....,_,nlonn 1IorTo_ 01 <br />......10____ _........10 bring. __10_" _._ 01. do_or.., _ doIonIlO'_1o _Uon and..... II <br />.._ Is.... _ on or _.. _ ......_In .. -. loMw .11Ia apUon may _'II _to poymanlln lull 01 all Iwns _ by "'II Socurtty In.lnIrnonl <br />____may-.._oI--any--ponnI-byappUoabla.....londorohollllOan-lo-aII_''''''''''''lnpuraulng <br />...--.......-In lllIa __ I"""""""'''''' ""_10. re..._ ._y.' _ and...... 01 UUo_. <br />I" _01- II""""" ~ _ _........ 01 do_In _h county In _ .n, pori 0I1ho Pmparty I. .....lId and Ih.1I mall c...... of ouch nOlIr:a In Iho <br />___by.............Io--IO....-___by.ppl-...-the.....~byoppl-.....1hII.._IUI'"'publl.noU"" <br />ai_to "_-In,, _ ...-by....- .,_ _and on _.IIlIII........ """,",,,.1 publle ._to.... h'U.....blddar..1IIa <br />__...... _ _.... _.....-111.. _ af _In _.. ..... po.- and In any order nu_ -. 1hII.. _ poIlpanI.... aI all .. any....... <br />".. PraparIy by...- _II............ pIor:a 01 "'" ~ _ ..... loMw or III dulgMa _ ......_the Praporly II III'..... - <br />.... .......aI__ Ill..... bid. 1luoloo oIIaII...... to.... ,...-1hII..'. _ .....veying ....~. n. _'n ....1hII..'. _1IlI1I1IO primo f.... <br />......aI.._ Ill.. _ _1llafIln. ~..... appIy......- 01 ilia.... In" _l1li order: (.1 to all .__ of........, Inoludlng. but nolllmllld <br />... __'._....- by.......... __ __-..,.' _: Cbl to a1111U1111_ by lllIaSocullly _i_(el any.._IO...._......_ <br />............ to .. <br />. .......... '-"Ion. Upon _ undor pII~ ,g or IlIIItdonrnant of1lla "'-'1, Lc_ ('n poreon, by agon1 Of by judicloIIy lIJIlClinIad '-""1 _ 110 onUlled 10 <br />_ -. ... --'"" 01_ monogo .... "'-'Y and 10 _the ronIIr 011110 "'-'1 Indudlng _ put duo. Any IIntI colIac:tod by Londo' 0' thl _ l/1li110 oppIlod IIrsl <br />10 PIIft*Il 011110 COllI 01 rnanogomonI"'" "'-ty and _ 01 "nil;, _og, bul not limited to, _Mf. ,_, promluml on fIClIivlr"1 bond. and 11_ altOmlyl' 1M., and <br />_10.,..........., by _ Socuri1y_, <br />11. _._..._ Upon pavmonI 0111 ............... by IhIo Sac:urity 'nalrumonl. lendor shall roque., Tru.l. to '""""""Y lhe Property and shall ounondor thI1 Socuri1y and <br />.. _ ovIdoncIng _......, by IhIo Socuri1y _III~, ~ _ _ .... P~ without __ty and without r:hIIQI to lhe po<oon or poroonalogally_1O <br />.. Such _ "'........ ..... ~ any __ cooll, <br />a. ~ -.~, II l!w O!>I!On, ""'Y '""" limo to limo..._ TNOtH and oppolnl I oue<eaor t....... 10 any Truslolt appolnled _.r by rocordad In Ihe <br />""""'Y In -'*II_ SocuriIy _ fa _. WIIhout __ 01 the P~, Iho _tru.... _.ucr:aed '" all tho tille, _, and dullo. conforrod upon TIUII. hl,,1n <br />end by ~.... <br />a. ...... far --. _ rwci-II IhIl copie. of1lla noticeo 01 deIauIl and .... 110 lint 10 _'I _ which 1.1110 P~ Addntsa, _ further roqul." th.1 <br />........ 01 Ills _ 01_ end ....110 oonllo __ person who Is . party hlralo .1 .,. _ 01 .uch po,",," III forth heroin. <br />M. ...... to lllIa SocuIIly -.. " ono or """" __ III elllCUled by _ and _ Iogolhor with this Sac:uri1y In_menl, tho covo_1s .nd au,..menll 01 ..... .uch <br />_ _.. ~ "*' and _ _ and IUflIIIamttnllhe __ and _II of thIa Socuri1y lnalrumont .." tho _(I' WII1l . part ollhis Socurlly 'nalrumenl, IChlck <br />......... _-II <br />D ~ Roll Alder D ~Inlum Alder D 2-4 Family Alder <br />D _ PIIymonl_ D Planned Unit ~I Alder <br />D OIhortllloPSdtY) <br /> <br />BY SIGHING BELOW. _ __ and _10 the torma and..,..,.,,1o c:ontalnod In un Security and in <br />,) <br /> <br />ridor(11 oxoculed by _ 'racordod with If, <br />1 ;. L-. ~ <br />'- 1.'\,/~J"o.J ~ J'-r.1--' .t. <br /> <br />/ ' I} [}. }d; <br />L/l-J~./-!>t ~~~/L:::,-) <br /> <br />[Space Below Thl. W". For Ac llmonll <br /> <br /> <br />(50011 <br />, -1lamJooi <br /> <br />(50all <br />_1lamJOOi <br /> <br />Slolaof _ t <br /> <br />Countw 01: 1I:l 1 1 : IS: <br /> <br />0'1" r; dIlfor F~h 19SL-. before ma, a Nolary Putl!(: In tt. ~18t. 01 '~,,:,>I,...,r,: I., <br />---..~'lu;o;(!11 i~. Lic:,ten'Hltel' and C'1I'ol\1n Lichte,,.:~lter ~11IC;hll"" """ !Hf.. <br /> <br />..... ---.. _111110 Ills PIfIO'l4.) nomad In and who ox_1ho JorogoIng Inalrumont, and _!edged th.t ox"",,'ed thl ...... .. <br />-,ooIend-.,/ " ") I <br />My ~ EIpIrao: ( ---,...u, a q '""';:7 (1.} L _ <br />-rr ^ GtI".rll t-.lolAry .St.teofNllbraske NotARY PUBUC <br />ll.J.-tf 2/, 1'1'1 0 r' CINDY PALU <br />lIloIaol....- I' -"." M, C....., bp, Mo. 21. 1990 <br /> <br />Caunlrof:,.~ : II: <br /> <br />On lhiI ..., of , tg _, _ ...., . Notary Public In Iho SII" 01 <br />---..-- <br /> <br />10... ~ _ ",110 .. poreon(l' nomad In and who ._1110 Iorogoing inalnlmtInI, and ..,loJ -hodvod thot <br />........... and_, <br />Uy~~, <br /> <br />e.ecu18d tM Mm, lIB <br /> <br />A'~IHo,&ry..5t.I.~gf~ <br />r~ =::><u,!OY P"'LU <br />"'.Z":'~C""":rlp./oo\Q 2',1990 <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBl.1C <br />