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<br />88- <br /> <br />-102,167 <br />.~ '-~ I l' n I <br />( . .I <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />IIonoww aswI Lnder ..........t .nd apea u rullowt, <br /> <br />I, Th.t Borrower will pay the Indebtedn.... u herelnberora provld. <br />.., Prtvllcp Is reserved 10 pay the In whola or In part on .ny In. <br /> duo clal8, <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />I. Tlaat, loCdI- with. and In .ddltlon to. the monthly paymenll <br />of principal aswIln*- payable under the of the nola secu.... <br />.....,. the Borrower wOI pay to the Lnder. on lhe IInl doy or each <br />_III untO the uld _ Is rully paid. the rollowlnlwnu, <br /> <br />C., Amount sufrlclent 10 provide lhe holder hereof wllb ruods to <br />pay the neat mOll.. buur...... premium II tbis lrul...menl and lhe <br />-....... hereby .... Inw'... or a monthly charce (in Ilru oJ. <br />......,... louu""," "...........) II lhey a", held by the Seeret..,. or <br />ltOlIIiatland Urban Development. u rollowl: <br /> <br />(I) 11..... '" ...... u uld not. 01 even dat. .nd tbls Instru......t <br />.... ......... or .... relnwred under the provlslons of the N.ta " <br />"_DC Act. aa ..-nt oufIldeat to .....,..mulale In Ihe he..... or the <br />hulder .... (lllDOllth prior ta III due clat. lhe annual mortPce In. <br />__ pr-"am in order 10 pravlde web holder wllh ruods to pay <br />such premium to lhe Seeret.ry 0/ 1I0us/nl .nd Urban Development <br />punuaal 10 the Natlooalllouslal Act. u amended. and applicable <br />R.,p1.'In... thereuader; or <br /> <br />(Ill II ..... .. ...... u said DOle 0/ evell dal. and this lrulrumenl <br />.... held by the Seeretary olllo.......nd Urban De..lopment, a <br />_thIy cbarp (m IIn oj. "'o"I.~ i.....'anu "mn......) whleb sba11 <br />be In aa amould aqualtc .....,tw..fth (III!) 0/ o....balf (1/2) per COIl' <br />t_ oItbe a..Olce oulltaadlJll bala""" due OIl th. nuta computed <br />. wI!Ioout takIaJ Iota _I dellnqucnda or p.....ymenll' <br /> <br />(b) A WID equal to the .......... ....b. Ir aay, neat due. plw the <br />prcmlaras that .iII aut become due .nd payable on pollel.. of II", <br />..... otba ........ Inw,...... coverl... lhe properly. p1w t.... and <br />_ aut d... na lbe properly (all... ali_'''' '" .Iv LnuUr) <br />... aU _ a1...ty paid thael'or divided by lhe ..umba 0/ mont'" <br />10 ...... Won ..... (lllODOth prior to lhe dal~ wbon web around <br />nail. ,...nhuna. t_ and _II wiU become dellnquenl. .uch <br />_ lD be beId by 1..ender la tnul 10 pay said around ranll. <br />........... '- aad opaelaI _nu; and <br /> <br />Ce) All pa,.-s _lIna" In lhe t_ ...-JInlw'-'tloru oS thlt <br />............ ..... aU ",~lIto be made uodar lbe nut. .,.,.... <br />......, ...... be 8dded t....her. .nd the aarept. amounl Ibereof <br />...... be paid by the JIorrower each _tb In a Ii..... payment to be <br />appIiIII by the LoMar lD tbe rolJowlo& lIenu In the orr1er ... rOllh, <br /> <br />CI) ,...nlum char.. under the OOIItract or Inwra""" wllh lhe <br />Seentary 0111_... .nd U...... Developmenl. ... .-thly d..,p (in <br />..... .J....... __ ,..,.,,,,.,. u the cue may be: <br /> <br />CII) .......... _. '-. _II, lire and ot'- .....n1 in. <br />-- ..-s\UlDI: <br /> <br />CIlII ~ na the _ '-obyl <br /> <br />CIV) _Ullaa DI the principal oS I&Id _I" and <br /> <br />(V) late......' <br /> <br />My do&laaer .. the _t of ouch .......... _thly ...ymeat <br />..... ....... raade .... ..,. the IIonoww prior to the d... dale Dlthe <br />_ .... ",y_, _It ubi .. _ 01 .w.ull undor Ibis mort- <br />... ,... I..dar _y IlIIIIIaal . "Inl8daarp- _ 10 __ four """II <br />(4") .. .... dollar (II) of -a. ...y_ .-. thaD flit.... (151 clays <br />In ...... 10 _ lbn "'0 ...... Inwulno! 10 handllnl doIlDqllllllI <br />...,...... <br /> <br />l. <br /> <br />" 'I1tnt If ... laIaI of the ...fII*IlI mrode by the Borro..... unclor <br />lbI 01 .......... I ,.,...110& ohaIl --.I the .mouDt of pay.....1I ac- <br />,..., ... ..,. ... Landar Iar pound r...... t... .nd _II or <br />....... .....1waI. .. the e_ ....y be. such __, Illhe loaD It <br />....... .. the DptIna 01 .... .......... shall be cndI... by tha <br />..... _ .r-.-a ...~ la be m.... by lbe Bonow.... or <br />........ 10 the 1Ionoww. II. ......_. the _tbl, ...,........ made <br />., the ....... ..... (h) of par........ I sw-dl... ....U _ be ......' <br />..... .. pay ......... _. t.... aad _ or I.......""" <br />......... .. the _ ..,. be, ....... the __ shall '-.... duo .nd <br />..,........ .... --.- shall ...y tD the Landar .ny amount <br />-r .. .... .. .... dalWoooo)o. ... ... ........ t'" date ....... ...,. <br />_II..... ....... _, t..... _, or I_,a""" ..._Iumo <br />... ~..., .. al ..., II"" the Iorr_a ....11 lander ta the Lender, <br />In ~ ..Ith tbe pravioIotlI 01 the _. .,.,...., lull ...y. <br />_ oIt......... .....od_ rerw-tod t.......f. the ......... ....11, <br /> <br />In ......pollnl the amounl of web Indebt......... credit to t.... IlOCOlIDt <br />of lhe all payment. und.r t"" prav"""" of C.) of <br /> 2 hereof whleb lhe Lender hu not beonm.. obIlpted 10 pay <br />to t.... Seeret.ry or rtoudnl and Urban Developmenl aad aay bat.- <br />remalnlnlln t"" ruods accumulated uncIer the provlsloru of (b) of <br />par.,..pb 2 h.reof, II lher. shall be . def.u1t wtder aay of the pr0vi- <br />sions of Ibb Instrument nosuJllnlln . pobllc uIe of tbe premises <br />rovered l...eby. or lithe Lender acqulns the properI, otherwise alter <br />def.ult. th.. Lender ohaIl apply, .tthe Ume of the onra_1 01 <br />web proceedings. or .t the lime I.... properly It otherwlle &aJoInd. <br />th. baI....... then rem.IDlnlln the lundI accumulat'" wtder (b) of <br />paoaraph 2 preceding. u a credit .plrul lhe ........... of prlndpal <br />tben """alnlnl unpaid under uld aul., .nd ...... properly adJUIl aay <br />pafll*lll wbleh Jhall have '-a made wtder (.) 01 parqrapla 2. <br /> <br />4, That lhe Borra..... ...01 pay ground r.nb. t..... --I.. <br />w.ter rater. and ot"er aovemmental d' mulllclpal cbarpI. rlnes. or <br />Im....tloos. for whleb pravlslon h.. nut '-a herelabeIon. and <br />In delault thereof t~ Lender may pay the ume: and t.... the JIor- <br />rower .iII promptly d"lver the o/lIc1al .ecalr.1I thenfor ta the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. n.e Borrow.r will p.y alii...,. wllleb may beleriod upontbe <br />Lender', Interest In aid .eaI ....t. and Impruvem_. ..... wlUcla may <br />be levied upon Ibis instrument or t"e debt ......... hereby (but ....y Ia <br />the eatentthel sucb Is nol prohibit" bf 1.011 .nd only ta the .._ <br />that such 01101 nut make thh luan wurlousl. but eaducllaa aD)' u- <br />t.., Slale or Federal. lmpmed on 1..ender. and will file the oIfldal <br />rcccIpt .....wlnl ouch payment wilh the Umdoor, U.- Yiolatinrr 01 tbio <br />undertallnl. or i1lhe Borro..... Is prohibited by any Ia. _ or <br />hereafter ..iJtlnllrom paylnlllo. whole or aD)' portlna 01 the <br />aloreuld t..... or upon the .enderinl 01 any court deone pruhIbIttoa <br />Ihe paymenl by the Ilorrnwer 0/ any sucb I..... or if ...... law.. <br />decr.. provlda thai .ny amount", paid by the ~ obaJJ be <br />credited on the debl. the Umdoor &ball he"" the ....1 10 live Dlady <br />d.ys' wrlllen nutlee 10 the owner 01 the praniIeI. rrquIrIoa the pay. <br />ment of the cIebI, 11 such _ be p""". the uld debl obaJJ '- <br />d.... payable .nd ...u-ible .t the ......._ of uld -,. days. <br /> <br />6. That .....u1d t.... Borrower r.u to pay aay 111m .. keep DDY ...... <br />nanl pravlded lor In Ibis Instrumenl. t..... the Leader. at III optIno. <br />may pay or perform the ....... ..... all ..pencIll..... .. made...... be <br />8dded to the prlndpal JUm owl... on the above -. ...... be ......... <br />hereby. and sba11 ...... lot_ at the rate lei Iorth ID tile uld -. <br />unlU J'Ud, <br /> <br />7. That I'" Burro..... hereby......... IraasI.... and .... _ lD the <br />Lenc1ar. to be .pp"" tow.rd tbe ...,- of the -.. and aU _ <br />"'"'y.... hereby in cue 01 a delayll In the pafunna_ 01 ...,. 01 .... <br />t....... aswI c:ondllloru 011.... lmtnuralt .. the uld _. aU ... _. <br />'.........- and Income to be cIerIv" lrom tile uld __ rIurIoa ..... <br />lime .. lhe Indebted.... shall remaia unpalcl. aswI the Lender ..... <br /> po..... to appolnl an, apot or ....111 II may dalre for the ...... <br />..... 01 repal,l... aid p"",,1om .nd of ....U... the _ aswI coIIrd.... <br />lhe ran", rwenueI .nd 1_. .nd tt may payout of uld ~ <br />aU ..,..- or npalrI...1&ld ......Iom .nd _y _~ and <br />_ Incun-ed In renllnl .nd ............. the _ and of caIIar:&Ioa <br />notab thoreflDlD' the bal.""" remaInI.... II aay. to be applied IaWDnI <br />tile diJcbarp 0/ uld I..........u-, <br /> <br />8, Thai lhe Borrower will bop lhe Improvcmenb _ aIsliDI .. <br />hereafter ",....ed on lhe property. I......... u may be ............ f..- <br />lime 10 Um. by the Leader aplnst ... by n", aswI othIlI baunIs, <br />cuuall... and OOIIl1n......... In sucb amoun" and lor ouch psiodI .. <br />may be .....ulred by the Lender .nd will pay promptly. ..- due. <br />any premlulDJ on such Inwr.""" provblon ror payment 01 wlUcIa .... <br />_ '-a made .......nbelore. "Illmu....... oIlaU be carried ID onra- <br />pan'" .pprvved by the Lender .nd lhe pol""" and _ab t......... <br />ohaIl be Ioald by the Lender .nd have .ttached lhereto 1_ ...y.bIe <br />da_ ID ravo. 0/ .nd In lorm aooept.bIe to the Lender, la _ 01 <br />... Borrow", will II"" Immediale _Ic>e by ....U to lhe Landar. whD <br />may m.u proal 0/ 1_ iI not made promptly h, Borro..... and .... <br />Il\IUr._ ......pany ""......nod .. he",by .ulhDrl..! and d1NCtad to <br />make pafllMllIl ror IUcb I... to the I.......... IlIIlead oS ta tile <br />Burro_ .nd I.... Leader )olnlly. .nd tl.. Inw...... .....-... ... .., <br />part II_I, m.f be .pp11ad by lb. Leader .1 III apllun ell'" to the <br />.od..eUan olt'" Indebl"_ Io..",by ........ or to the nat....t..... 01 <br />repair olt'" properly dam.pd. In evenl DI rontt....'" 01 t.... loa...- <br />_ or other trand", 0/ 1111. to lhe mortl.... Prol""'y In ..11.......... <br />_t n1lhe Indebied_ .,."ed he,eb,. all rllht, 1It1. andlnt_ 01 <br />.be Borrower 'n .hd tu all)' ' ,MIlle,.. tlMII1 III 'or. ....11 pall <br />10 .... purm..r or I,.antlll!, <br /> <br />g, Thai u ...dlllooll and ,"",urlt, lor tlo. oltlo. <br />ROlli dmcrlbed. and .11 ,urn. In becotn~ dUll under 'lib h,"rul11elll, the <br />Borro.... henby _.... to lhe !.end... .11 I.rulll., r..-u_, royalt.., <br /> <br />.' <br />.. <br /> <br />PItIJI.... . <br /> <br />HUO-I,2'..1()1 <br />