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<br />88- <br /> <br />10216 ':I <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />!r <br />~. , <br /> <br />875 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. HI <br /> <br />FHA <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ThaI John W. Parker and Mary S. Parker, each in his and her <br /> <br />own right, and as spouse of each other, <br />Morllllgor, wh.lh.r on. or mor., in of Ih. sum of <br />Five Thousand and nollOO ----------------------------------------------------------~LLARS <br /> <br />101n.d 10 said morlllllOr by Th. Equll.ble Building .nd Lo.n Associ.lIon of Gr.nd hland,, Mortgage., upon 50 shor.s of slock of <br /> <br />said ASSOCIATION, C.rllfical. No, III 875 FHA. do gr.nt. conv.y and monlllg. unto the said ASSOCIATION the fonowing <br />described real ..1.1., situal.d In Hall Counly, N.bnslc.: <br /> <br />Lot F:fty Three (53) Potash Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />1"Iflh.r with aU Ih. t.n.m.nt., h.redit.m.nts .nd appu'I.IIII1L'" th.,.ulllo b.longlng, Including .Illch.d noor coverings. aU window screen., <br />window sllIde., blinds, slorm window.. awnins" hellins, air conditioning, and plumbing .nd wat.r .quipmenl and .cceuorles thereto, pumps. SlOWS. <br />r.CriJerllou, .nd otll.r fixtur.s .nd .quipmenl now or h.r..Cter .lIlch.d 10 or used in conn.cllon with said r.ll.stale. <br /> <br />And wher"'1he said morlJll&or has .p..d and does h.,.by og,.e th.t Ih. mortgagor shlU .nd will pay all tIX.. and ......m.nts or <br />....ued upon said premi..s .nd upon this mart(lllg. .nd Ihe bond ..cured th.reby b.Core the sam. shall become; to furnish .pproved <br />insurlnce upon Ih. buildings on said premises situal.d in the .um of S 5,000,00 to Slid ASSOCIATION .nd 10 d.liver to Slid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for aid insurance; .nd nollo commil or permit .ny WISt. on or .boul Slid premises; <br /> <br />In cue of d.r.ull in lhe performance of .ny of Ih. I.rmslnd condition. of this mangas. or Ihe bond secured, Ih. mortgaac. sholl, <br />on demand, be .ntitl.d to immedial. posscssion of Ih. mortlllSCd premise. and Ihe mortJlll\or assign., tr.n.f.u .nd sets over 10 the <br />mort..... .lIlh. r.nts, revenues .nd income 10 be d.rlved from the mortlllg.d pr.mise. during .uch 11m. IS th. mortlllg. shall remain <br />unpaid; Ind lh. mo11lllgee shall h.v. Ih. power to Ippolnt .ny or 'I.nt. It may for the purpo.. oC r.p"irina aid premiseslnd r.ntina <br />the same .nd coll.cllns lhe r.nts, rnenucs.nd income, .nd II may p,y oul of Slid incom. all .xpense. oC rep.lrinasaid pr.mlsct .nd n.ceSSlry <br />commissions .nd expense. incuned In renlina.nd man.alng the SI'M alld oC collecling r.nlal. Ih.r.from; Ih. b.llnce rem.inlna, If .ny, 10 be <br />applied loward Ih. discharge DC Slid morlpg.; these rights oC Ihe morlg.gee may be .x.rclsed It any lime durlnglh. .xl.tence of .uch <br />d.C.u1t, irr..pective of Iny lemporary w.iver of th. Slme. <br /> <br /> Present., how.v.r. .r. upon the COl\dltion. ThaI If th. said MOIlgagur shall r.r.ay said lo.n Oil or beCor. Ih. m.lurily of said shar.s by <br />paymenl; pay monlhly to said ASSOCIATION of the .um specified in Ih. BUild secur.d , "' int.r'll .nd principii on said loon, on or before <br />th. Twenlielh dlY of .Ich .nd .very monlh, unlll said 103n i. Cully p.ld; p.y all laxcs .nd .1.ln.lsald pr.mi..s.nd on thls MorlW. <br /> <br />Ind th. Bond secu..d Ih.reby. beCor. d<llnqu.ncy; Curnish .pprov.d ill.urlnc.upon Ih. building. Iher.on in Ih. .um of S 5,000.00 paYlbl. <br />to said ASSOCIATION: r'plY 10 said ASSOCIATION upon d.mand .11 mon.y by II p.ld Cor .uch I.x... ......m.nt. Ind wilh Int.reslll <br />Ih. maxJmum '.gal r.l. th.reon from d.l. oC p.ymenl .11 oC which ~"ortg'l\Or pay: per mil no wa.te on Slid premise.; k..p .nd comply <br /> <br />wilh IU tlte aSlcementland condillonsof th. Bond for S 5,000,00 this day given by Ih. said Mortgagor 10 said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />wilh IlIlhe tequlr.lI1.nts oC lhe Con.1I1ullon Ind By.Laws of Slid ASSOCIATION; th.n th.14! pr.sent, .holl become null and void, olherwise Ih.y <br />shall remain in full fore. and may be Cor.c1osed at the opUon oC Ih. Slid ASSOCIATION afl., C.ilur. for Ihr.. months 10 m.k. .ny of said <br />paymenl. or be thr.. months in ." in mlkins said monlhly Plym.nlS, or 10 k..p Ind comply wilh th. .gr..ments and condlllons of Slid Bond; <br />Ind Morllllaor Igr..slo have 0 r.c.iver .ppoinl.d Corthwilh in .uch lor.c1o.ur. proce.dlns.. <br /> <br />If Ih.r. i. Iny" in own.rshlp DC Ih. r.aI .11.1. morlpg.d, by sale or oth.rwise. then Ih. .nllre r.mainlng h.reby <br />..ured shall, Illh. oplion oC The Building and loin Association oC Grond Island, N.braska, due .nd paYlble wlthoul <br />furlher nOllce, .nd Ih. .mounl rJmlining due under Slid hand, .nd Iny oth.r bond Cor .ny .ddillon.l.dv.nees m.d. thereund.r, shill, from th. <br />dlle of ...rel.. of Slid oplion. b..r Inleresl 1111'" maximum kllll r.I., .nd Ihis morlllll. may th.n b. Cor.c1osed II' SllIsfy Ihe .mount due on aid <br />bond, and Iny olher bond for Iddilional .dVlllces, tOJl.ther with.1I .ums p.ld by said Th. BuUdlng .nd loin AlSDciallon oC Grind Island. <br />Neb.... for Insurance, tax.s and .ueumenls, and .bslr.cllng ext.nsion charges, with inlere.1 Ih.r.on, from dlt. of p.ym.nt .1 Ih. maximum <br />IepI rale. <br /> <br />As r,ovlded in Ihe Bond sccur.d, whil. lhi. mortJlll\o r.main. in Ih. mortgageo m.y h.r.lfl.r advlnc. Iddillonll sum. 10 the <br />makers 0 sald Bond, their ...ians or .uccessors in, which .ums shall b. within the sccurily of Ihl. mortple tho sam. u Ihe fund. o.iJin.ny <br />......... thereby, the tOlal .mounl of p.inclpal not 10 exceed ot any time the D1iJinal amoont or lhi. marlJlll\o. <br /> <br />dlyof April A. D.. 19 88. <br /> <br /> <br />Mary <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA,l IS. <br />COUNTY OF lIALL { <br /> <br />11th <br /> <br />d.yof <br /> <br />April <br /> <br />19 88 ,beforell\ll, <br /> <br />On Ihls <br /> <br />th. und.nign.d, . Notlry Public in ond for said County, penonllly came <br />penonllly known to <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />John w. Parker and Mary S. Parker, each ;.n his and her own right, who are <br />and I' .pouse of each other <br />IlIIIO IlIll11lc1fnllal perllln. whole n.mes are Iffiud 10 lhe above instrum.ntll monlllor s <br /> <br />"cIttd lhe Slid Instrument In "" the i r vuluntory Ict .nd deed, <br />WlTNP.sS my hand .nd Nollfial Sullh. dl~wr.Slid. <br /> <br />My Commission exptre.//-.;? S' 0;1 <br /> <br />.','01 ., <br /> <br /> <br />.nd they sever.lly <br /> <br /> <br />(/. 'jc~ ~~~N <br /> <br />~ NUII'}','u Ie <br /> <br />__ _-11.... ........ <br />~ G.1lClW1 <br />............ II, l_ <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />, <br />