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<br />r <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I v.... TI'tUIII)' ladell-RIlIe Cap') <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER Is made this ...Z!},t.h. day of .........~.P.1;,U,..................:...... 19 ~.?.,... and is <br />incorporated into and shall be dccmcdto Imend and supplement the MorlSlle, Deed of Trusl or Sec:urily Deed (Ihe <br />"Security Instrllment~) of the lime date liven by the undenilned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrow.:,'s Adjustable <br />Rate Note ( the "Note") td....J~Rn!~~,~...>>,'"n.~.,~,~,P.}i,'Aft~ih.,1i!!~J.C?,p.i!-.!..A.,~.~~.~~!!.t!~.~........ .................... ............. <br />...........................................................................,.. (the "Lender") of the lime dlte Ind coverina Ihe property described in <br />the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />4404 Calvin Drive. Grand Island. Nebraska 68801 <br />....................................,...............................................'j',;,;;j;;;;.Add';.;;.j"........................'...................'.................................... <br /> <br />88_102156 <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE UMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE B0R- <br />ROWER MUST MY. <br /> <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to Ihe wvenanls Ind larcemenls made in the Sec:urity Instrumenl. Borrower <br />Ind Lender further covenanl Ind laree as follows: <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAVMEN1' CHANGES <br />The NIHe provides for an initill inlerest rale of ,7..,J.7o..'L... %, The NOle provides for chanscs in Ihe inleresl rate and Ihe <br />monlhly paymenb. .s follows: <br />.. INTERfST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(At CIlup o.t.. <br />The interest 'ale I will ray mlY chanle on Ihe lirsl day of ........J.l,I.l.~.............................. 196~L...lnd on Ihll day <br />CYClJ 12th monlh Ih_fler. Each dlle on which my inle,est rile could chinle is called II "Chanle Date." <br />(.tn.l.... <br />BeaiMinl wilh the Iinl Chanle Date. my inleresl rile will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weekly <br />IYCnle yield on United Slales Treasu,y sec:urities Idjusted 10 a conSllnt maturily of I year. IS made Ivailable by the <br />Federal Racrve Board. The mosl recenllndel Iilu,e available u of Ihe dale 45 days before each Chanle Date is called <br />the "Current Index..... <br />If the Index is no lonler aVlilable, the NOle Holder will choose a new indel which is based upon comparable <br />information, The NOle Holder will live me notice of this choice. <br />(C) C....... C1Iups <br />Before cac:h Chanp Date. lhe NOle Holder will calculale my new interest nle by addins ...IJltQ..."nd..Jln~....... <br /> pcrc:cnla.e points (.~.~,~!L....,%) to the CuncnL Indel. The Note Holder will then round the <br />mull of tllia addition to lhe nearesl one.eilhth of one pe,cenlale point (O,125~), Subjecl to !he limib Silled in Sec:tion <br />4CD) below. thia rouacIed amount will be my new inlerest rate until the nut Chanle Dlle. <br />The Noee HoIeIcr willlhen delermine Ihe amounl of the monlhly paymenl that would be sufficient to repay the <br />unpaid princ:ipallhat 11m expected to owe at the Chanle Dale in full on Ihe mlturily dale II my new intelesl rale in <br />sullllanlilll)' equal paymCIIII. The result of Ihis calculation will be Ihe new amounl of my monlhly peyment. <br />(D) u.a.. _ 1..1fIII R.t' CIIaIIpI <br />The laterest rate 11m required to pey Illhe Iinl Chanle Dlle will nOI be sreater Ihan ..9~,L25..............'l or less lhan <br />........1..12.S........~. Thereafter. my interesl rate will neyer be increased or decreased on Iny sinlle Chanle Dale by more <br />thalltwo percentile point. (2,0'") frem Ihe rite of interest I have been payinS for Ihe prcccdinl twelve month.. My <br />iaterat file will /lCYer be Irealer than .....L2,.,l;!5...'", <br />(Et Deed.. 0... .. CIluaII <br />My new interat rite will become e/l'ecliye on each Chanle Date. I will pay the amounl of my new monlhly peymenl <br />bqinninlon the fint monthly payment date after Ihe Chinle Dale unlillhe amounl of my monlhly payment chanaes <br />apin. <br />I F) NtMIee 01 CIluaII <br />Tile Noee Holder will deli"r or mail 10 me I nOlice of any chanlcs in my inlereil 'lIe Ind the Imount of my monlhly <br />payment before the ell'cc:ti" d.te of Iny chanle. The notice will include information required by raw 10 be aiyen me and <br />allo tile ti'" Ind telephone number of a pe,son who will Inswer any question I may hive rell,dinl the notiee, <br />.. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEnOAL INTERfST IN BORROWER <br />Uniform Covenant 17 nf lhe Sec:urily Instrument is amended to read al follows: <br />T................,..,.. .1IntIIdaI1.......... Borrow.. If all or any parI oflhe Properly or any inlerest in it is <br />sold or tranafi1t,ed (or if a beneficial intereslln Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is nOI . natural person) <br />wilhout Lender's prior ""itten consenl. Lende, May, II ill oplion. require immedilte paymenl in full of all slims secured <br />by tbl. Security Intlrumcnl, However. Ihis option shill not be ellercised by Lende, if uercise is prohibited by federalllw <br />I. or lbe date 0( Illia Security Inslrument. Lender Ilso shall not exercise this oplion if: (a t Borrowe, caulClto be <br />..lNftltled 10 Lendtr informallon required by lender 10 evaluale the intended I,ansfe,ee as if I new lOin were beinl made <br />10 ... tr.....erM: .nd (b) Lender reasonably dllermincs Ihll Lender's security will not be impaired by the lOin <br />-pt- and that the rist 0( I breach of any covenanl or alreement in litis Security Instrumenl is Icceplable 10 <br />Leader, <br /> <br />.... <br />. <br /> <br />l WON Inclell O,ure nlllable I. or Ihe dale: Ihe inlliol hlle:re51 rille WII5 delermincd for lhis loon was,(i,J.......... '.'1, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />....nsTATt AOMTAIlIIlATlIllDlA- ~IIM H-s.r.~ f i1flll1v-Fln/llt Mat, f.1CIdl1 1Qc Un.lorllllllSINllllnt <br /> <br />form 3111 ,) 15 <br /> <br />rrc '_IMI".',...... <br />