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<br />~Ir..'c_~ <br /> <br />",- <br /> <br />State of Nebr_. <br /> <br />Mortgage <br />BS- til2.1li.3 <br /> <br />FHA ee.. ... <br />321-1248004-203(b) <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />'nil M....... made lUId executed this 2 9 t h day of A p r i 1 <br />1988 .bylUldbetween Christie J. Roy, an unmarried person, <br /> <br />of the County of Ha 11 , and Stale of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called <br />1M MOft8qOr.1lDd The Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> <br />. corporation orpnJzed and existina under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />perty of the aecoad part. hereblafter called the Mortwee. <br /> <br />WIG nma: Tbat the saUl Monpaor, for lUId In conaideraUon of the sum of Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred and <br />no/ 100 -------------------------------------------------- Dollars ($ 22.400.00 ), paid by the Mon- <br />...... the receipt of wbicb II hereby acknowledged. hu Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Darpin. Sell, Convey <br />lad Confirm unto the Mortppe. ItJ lucceuors LJd usJana, forever. the foUowiDa-deac:ribed real eatale. litualed in the Count)' of <br />H a 11 , lUId State of Nebruka. to wit: ~ <br /> <br />Lot Three (3). Chateau Orleans Subdivision in the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />of the SbUh PriDcipGI Meridian, containiaa in aU <br /> <br />acres acc:ordina to GoverameId surwy: <br /> <br />To 11898 .. To HGIIIIlbe premiIea above deacribed. with aU the appurtenanceS thereunto beloaalDllUld iDcludina aU beatiDa. <br />plwabiq and UabtinI fbdtare8 and equfpmeat now or hereafter altac:bed to or UHd III connection with saUl real estate unto the Mort- <br />..... and to ita liuccelllOrl and uaipII. forever. The MortNor repreaeats to. lUId I:OvelWlti with. tbe Mortppe. IMt the Mort- <br />lIP bu pod riPt to aeII Md convey said premisel; thal they ue frcc from eaeumbranc:e; and tbal tbe MOf1IIIOJ wiD w&n'1IBt and <br />cIef_ the 111M apiII8t the lawful daimI of all perIODS whomloever: and the aaid MortNor hereby relinquisbes aU riIhlI of <br />~08CI, lAd aU marital rigbtJ. either In Jawor In eqully, and aU other I:Ontinaent Interestl of the Monpaor ill and to the above- <br />dacribed preaUaea, the InteDtion beJna to I:Onvey hereby an ablolute tille. w fcc simple. Indudina all riabts of bomcstead. &Bd other <br />rithl8 and iaterestI as .foreuld. <br />Prcmll.j AInJs. and tbe8e preaeatl ae ntcUted Uld delivered upon the foUowina I:OndiUoDl. to wit: <br />The Mortaqor qroell to pay tbe MortN., or order, the principal sum of Twenty Two Thousand <br />no/IOO ------..--------------- __________________________Dollarl ($ 22,400.00 <br />witb lnterGII from dale at the rate of Nine and One-H.a 1 f per centum ( 9.5 <br />UIIp8id bGluclc will paid. The aaid prlDdpaJand interest shall be paYlble It the office of The Equ i t ab I e <br />Loan Association, <br />in Grand Island, Nebrasb'l ,orat such other piaceu tbe holder of the note <br />_y ~ In wrie1q.1n moathly lnatallmenta of One Hundred Eighty Eight and 36/100 ------------------ <br />____________ ------Dollara ($ 188.)6 ), commendna on the first day of M a" . <br />19 88, and 011 the lint clay of eech month therealler until the prlncipallUld Intereat ue funy paid, except that the final pa)~ of <br />~ ud latcrest. If not sooner paid, shall be due and paYlble on the fiut day of A p r i 1 <br />20 I 8 ; all ecc:orcUq to the termll of a certain promWoFY note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortaqm, <br /> <br />Fcur Hundred and <br />). <br />Il1'o) 1'8" IWIUBl em 1M <br />Building and <br /> <br />Ttml Ion.,. 10 uMd In COflMOtlon with mortg.. Inoured undo' tho one. 10 lour.lamlly programe 01 ,,,& National HOUGlng Act ~h ~ <br />vldIIl fcf J*IOdIc Mott~ IDIU'InCIl Premium paymente, <br /> <br />~ Editions A'lII Obeollllt& HUl)..Ott QfdI (34'8 I~ <br />Plgo 1 01 4 :\14 CFR !03, t 1lb4 <br /> <br />
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