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<br />u/ <br /> <br />State of Nebra8lca <br /> <br />Mortgage <br />88- 1 n~~"IE, 1 <br /> <br />nt.A c... .... <br /> <br />321-1233600-203(b) <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />TIIII MortalIae, made and execUled Ihis 29th day of Apri I <br />19 88. by and betwCCIl Ronald G. Schuyler, an unmarried person <br /> <br />of die Coualyof Hall . and SWe of Nebruka, pan)' of the fin! pan, berelnafler called <br />dleM~,ud The Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> <br />I corporallOll orlaalzechDCI exlltin& under tile !aWl of the St ate of Nebraska <br />put)' of the -.l perl, bereIDaftcr called tbe Mortpaee, <br /> <br />W~l Tbal the AId MOI1IIP. fo,and ID coDllderat1on of thc lum of Twenty Nine Thousand Tht "e Hundred <br />and nollOO --------------------------------------------DoIIan ($ 29.300.00 ). pak! !:>y tbc Mon- <br />gape, the rapt of whlc:h is hereby acknowledaed. bu OlUllcd and Sold and by thClC preaenll doa Orant, Barpln, Sell, Convey <br />IDCI Cclallrm WIlO the Mor1IJICIe, iU ~ and 1JIips, forevcr, the foUowiDa-dcacribed leal CItale. Iltuated in Ihc County of <br />Hall . and Slate of Ncbrukl. to wit: . <br /> <br />The Southerly Eighty-eight Feet (B8') of Lots One (I) and Two (2). in Block Sixteen (16) <br />in Schimmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />To ~ ... To Raid tbe pr1IIIIiaCIlbovc described. with aIllhc appurtcl\8IlCCl thcrcuDlo belonslna end lncludlna aU hau.a,. <br />pkabiDs IIIIlIIubdD8 fWlIra aad eqlllpmcat now or hereafter allJIChcd to or UIcd in CODDCClion with AId leal CItalC unto the Mort- <br />..... wto ill ___ IIIIl uaipJ, forever, Thci MOIt&QOIlCJlrelClllI to. ud CO'IaUIII' wllh, the MortNec, thal the Morl. <br />..... bu BOOd riabC 10 ICIJ aacI CGIlYC]' AId pICIDiMI; thai they art free f,om encumbrllllCC; and thalthe MortaaIor will werrllll and <br />defllld the __ IlSIiIIIC the lawful cIaImI of all pcrIOIII ~ llIld tbc uId Mortpaor hereby rcIIJIqlliJhcs all riahlJ of <br />'--eM aDd II/llllllrital rlB/IlJ. dlhcr in law or in equity, and all 0Ihcr CIllIIllJIamllnlcrClll of lhe Mortpaor in and 10 the above- <br />c*aibed ptaDIIcs, the IaleDlIon bcIna to convey hcreb)' RII ablolulc IIt1e. ID fee aImpIc, iadudlaa all riahlJ of homcslcad.. and other <br />rtabla IIIICl iDIcnIlI .. IfOleUid. <br />I'ro9Ilhd AIwan. lIDCI U- ...-u arc cuculcd and dcUvcml upon the followlna COndltiOIll. 10 wit: <br />The MOft81IF.......lD pI3'!he Martp&Ce, or order. the principalaum of Twenty Nine Thousand Three Hundred <br />and nollOO --------------------------------------------~(J29.300-00 <br />willi Ioleral from dale at the rue of Nine and One- Ha I f per cenlum ( 9,5 <br />I/IIPl!id IlII.Iua UIltll paid. The uld prlndpal and blteral shall be payable al the omQC of The Equ i t ab 1 e <br />Loan Association. Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />ID Grand Island. Nebraska , or It IUch other piece.. the holder of the note <br />ID8JcScltlsRltclnwrillDa,inmoothJylDatalbncnuof Two Hundred Forty Six and 37/100 ------------------- <br />----------------DoIIan (I 246.37 I. commcnciaJ on the fInt day of Hay , <br />19 88 . lad on the flnt day of adIlD011lb thcrer.flcr untllthe principal and interal are fuUy paid, cX<<pl thai the fUlal payment of <br />priDdp;Il and imeeat. If not IOOIICI' paid, ah8ll be due IIIICl paYlble 00 tbc I1nl day of Apr i I <br />210 18 : II/l 8CClIJI'dloa to the tcrma of a certaID promiuorJ DOle of C\'CJ1 dalc bacwith CUCUled by the IIlld MOl'lPlor, <br /> <br />), <br />"It) per annum on the <br />Building and <br /> <br /> <br />of the SblIlI'rlDc:lpal MerldIu. contalnlaa In all <br /> <br />acres IllCOnlina 10 00_1 lurvey: <br /> <br />TIIII '- II IdMIIIln connection wllll mort".. lnaured under tno one- 10 lo""I...lly prog""". 01 the NIIlon" Houalng Act which pro- <br />..... far poIlOdlc MortIllll8 Inaurancl Ptemlum paymenll, <br />Plwvloa Edlllona Are ObsoItIte H_,4IM CHI Ecltlon) <br />P1Ige I 01 4 2. CFR 203,17(bl <br /> <br />l <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />