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<br />~t~:t> THISDEEDOFTRUST ("Socunu'lnstrument"}ismadeon April 21
<br />I: - ~ 19 88 - Thetrusloris Sau)' G. SaTilGshom and Jud)' Sandstrom, Hushand and l~ife------
<br />f"" ---------------------------------~'B.m>we'..l. Th<.tru, steeis JARENO R. BMCK,attorney
<br />C'Trustec"). Thebenefidll.l)' is
<br />fUlE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND lORN .ASSUlCU\IUllN I[J]F !GRAND ISUIN[), NEBRA~~\\khisorgAni~l'!jhndex'sting
<br />underlheb\\'sof NEBRASKA ,3\ndwhose;addressis 221 South locust,
<br />... Grallld Islarnd. Nebraska 68BIlIl ("Leflder").
<br />W Bom:nrer01l'es Lmdorlhepnncipa'l sum of TWE!lilty I\1JO l1holllsand SB\1en lHundr'ed fourteen and
<br />~ 28/1I[J]IlI----------_______ ----- Dollars(U.S. S 22,1~ ~ .28 ). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's :r.ote
<br />~ . dated lbe same date as this Soourit), Instrument ("Note"), 'Whic'h pJ1O\'ides for monthly payments, with the full debt, ifllot
<br />~ paideattior.dueandpasab'lecn iA,pdl 21. ~'998
<br />~ This Security Instrument $roUTeS to l..ender~ (8) .the :repayment raf the debt <t\ldenood by the Note, with interest. and all
<br />~ 1'ClD~'&!s" wenuons ;and modific:atiDns; (b) Il.be payment chll o,her 'liuml\, wi,h in'erel>t, ;ad\'Ancod under paragraph 71 to
<br />t protect the .seourity of this Securi,y Instrument; ;and ('C) the penormanoe (If fiorrowei'ii 'C(wenan's ;and ~roemenlS,. For this
<br />~ ~ Borro\\'Cf ilTe\'OCJlb'ly grants ;and oonveys!to Trul\tee, in !trust, 'with pClwerofule, the following descnOed lu~perty
<br />
<br />, located in Ilila 1Ll County, Nwrasb:
<br />
<br />~
<br />~
<br />
<br />lot Eight {ij). [~perial ~illa~e f;hi~d S~bdi~isinn t~ the City of Grand Island.
<br />
<br />lHIaU lCoUll1lty I /Nebraska.
<br />
<br />whicb hu the addressor
<br />
<br />~~22 Nor~h Sherioan Place
<br />[SlrMr1)
<br />("Property Addt'C:$$");
<br />
<br />'Grand lsland.
<br />ICllrl
<br />
<br />,
<br />j
<br />~
<br />1
<br />
<br />Ndosb
<br />
<br />saBD3
<br />'llll Code]
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WIlIt aU the impro\'emcnts no... or haufter erected on the Jlropcr1)', And all ~!oCmC'nl", right!',
<br />awwtmanoes. I'eIIts. royaJtiC5, minttal, oil and gas nahlS and profits, water righ'$ and Mock and all fh.lurC'S now or
<br />~. partoCthepropc:tty. All rep!aoemealu.ndaddi1ionuh.lI~sobero\'c:J'cd by 1hi~ ~urilY Jmlrumrm. All of the
<br />f'orqoina is metred to in thili Securily Inli1rumcot as the "Property."
<br />
<br />Bou.ov.'U COVENANTS l~t Borrower is lawfully seiKd of lhl,; estate he~b)' ron\'C')'cd and has thr: righllO granl
<br />and COIlVC)' lhe Properly and tha, lhe Propaty is uncncumbtl't'd, elcepl for encumhre.nN:s (If rcrord. Horrower warranls
<br />&rid .ill defend amuatly the title to the Propen)' qatnst aU claims and demands, liubjccllo an)' CfI('umbnmcCli of record.
<br />
<br />THIS SECtJlun' ISSTlWMF.NT combines uniform oovmln1li for national usC' .and non',mifllml co\'t'nantl> wilh
<br />limited \'Arialions by jurisdklion 10 oonlililulc a uniform MlCurilf im.trumC'nl C'Owring fc.al PTOJIC"')',
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />".ASlA-~ raml'r-fffMAffHU.C UNWCMlIl IMTItUMlNT
<br />
<br />'~"'-'-call.-... '-fII.,,'"
<br />.c_ '1'1
<br />
<br />rOtm 3028 1211l
<br />