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<br />I <br /> <br />FOR AND Ii 1 CONSIDERATION OF __________._____.___,__..___,_______.____________ <br />---II:IIBIY=EIGt:lI_II:fOUS~~I2_~tl!t!_~QL.lQQ_______._____________.______________ <br />d G L Len- s , to I t p aid , --We:SIEBl:LSECUBIILES_CQl:::1E:Atf:L_____________________ <br />.d CorporatiDn dUly or9anized and existing under and by virtue of the <br />Laws of the State of Wisconsin, located at Hi Lwaukee, Wisconsin <br />does he1-eb~ gl-an1 bargain, seLL, assign, h-ansfer, convey and set Ovel- <br />unto UUI~EBS~L-MQBIGeGE_COB~QBaIIO~_QE_WISCQ~SIN__________ a Corporation <br />duly ol-ganized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the <br />State of ______WISCQ~SI~______a certain indenture of Mortgage, executed <br />by -JQ~U-Ue~OBUY_e~D_BUI~BU~_~aHOBU~___________________________________ <br />-------------___HUS&A~~_~~~_WIEE_____________________________________of <br />_GBe~D_ISLA~~____t County of HaLL________________, State of _____~E___ <br />and dated, the _______________27IH________ day of _EEBBUABY__t A.D., <br />19a~ to ---___SU~ERLQB_~QBIGeGE~_I~C~___________________________________ <br />on certain !ands in the County ot __HaLL__________________________in the <br />State of___~E____together with the Mortgage Note therein referred to <br />and alL the right, title and interest r-onveyed by said Mortgage, in and <br />to said Lands., which MOl-t<<,Jage was duLy ret.:ol-ded in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds in and for the County of _HALl______________________in <br />the State of _~S_ on the 2ZI~_______day of__EEBBUBBY___, A.D., 1961, 9t <br />__________~-clock __H., in VoLume ____________of Mortgages, on <br />pa~e_________________, Document No. ____61=000222_______. <br /> <br />0007140114 0047796 <br /> <br />88-102116 <br /> <br />LOT TEN (10), JAMSON SUBDIVISION, IN CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have and t~ hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the <br />debt thel-eby secured, and alL )-i<jht, title and intel-est conveyed by <br />s..aid Mortgage, in and to the lands therein described, to the said <br />U~IYEBSaL_~OBIGaGE_CQBeaB~I~C~_DE_WISCOUSI~_____________________________ <br />its successors and assigns forever, for its and iheir uSe and benefit. <br /> <br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now OWing and <br />unp..aid on ~he said MOl-tqaqe Note and MOI-tgage, as pl-inc:ipaL, a sum not <br /> <br />Less than ______________________________________________________________ <br />IHIBIY=EIGHI_IHDU5aND_~ND_NOL1QQ_____________________________________DOLLARS <br />and also interest ____________________________________________ and that <br />it has 900d right to dssign the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said _WE5IEB~_SECUBIIIES_CQM~aNY_________ <br />__________________has caused these p1-esents to be signed by ____________ <br />eEtitiYLYtiH_ZDaE~_ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AND Countersigned by <br />HlC~LE_L~_DBEWICZ_______________~ its -ASSI5I~UI_SECBEI6BY___________ <br />at Hi lwaukee, Wi scons in, dnd its corporate sea l to be he1-eunto aft i xed, <br />this ___lSI_____~ay of __aEBIL_________, A.D~' 1986. <br />/ ======; <br />_~_WE..-SI ~_SE' r <br />. COl~ r...a <br />-- ~ c.-:: <br />PENN N ZO L <br />ASSI ANT VICE PRESIDENT: l <br />Count ~gned: jJ~' ~,:".' ;.... .. ". ~; <br />I 0?\ i - 'u:c ./ <br />---~~------~. 3J<.;___~. _, __..... <br /> <br />MIe ELE L. IIREWICZ ---.,' (,~.:, , ":'. <br />ASS "TANT SECRETARY' ~l! , " \,' <br /> <br /> <br />SIBIE_OE_WI~Sl~______) 55. <br />~lLWBUKEE_________County) <br />P~rsonally came before me, this __lSI___day of -_A~BIL_____, A.D., <br />,1988, ---eEHNYL~~_ZaBE~___________ASSISTANT VP and ---MICHE~E_~DBEWICl <br />asslSIaIiI_SECBElaBY________~f the above named CorpOl-at i on, to me'known <br />to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me <br />known to be ~uch asSlSI~I_~~~~ and 6SSISr8NI_SECBEIABY________ of said <br />CorporatiOh, .nd acknowledged that they execut~d the foregoing <br />instru..nt as such officers as the deed of said Corporation, by its <br />.U'hOl- i ty. ;;fiJ l'" /{~ ~/. / <br /> <br />-.;-:..::.r(l~~i:{:2tf.____-'g2.__~~}m~,LQ.::", <br />PAULINE E. ROBERTS /. <br />Notal-y P~b lie <br />--QZa~EE_______________Countyt_Wl. <br />My Comm i ss i Q n exp ll-ea lieY__S.t.._12SS_._ <br />This in.tru~~nt was drafted by WESIEB~-SECUBIIIES_CQ.t..LMICHEL~_OaEWlCZ_. <br />