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<br />,- <br /> <br />OOlf7136724 0043165 <br /> <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF __'__'_'__..____.._..'..'..'_'__'_'_'_'....._........'....'~.._,~,~_=~_Q,~_~_1.4.._.. <br />._.__,E IEli:_IWO_ IHOUS{:)~I:!_, S~;;~t;;~__L:IU~DB:El!.._ B~R _bl 0 ,:. 1 QQ.._ _..m ,.....__ ........ .... _'_'.m.._ ....__ _, ........ ,,__..,.., ....,_, <br />dollars, to it paidf__WESIEB~_SECUBZIIES_CQMeaHY_____________________ <br />a Corpol-ation duLy organized and t"",xisting UndtoH' i.lnd by vi,-tue of the <br />laws of the State of Wisconsin, Located at Mi lwa~{eet Wisconsin <br />does hereby grant bargain, sell, assign, transfer, convey and set over <br />unto UI:U~EBSt\L.,_t1Q6:IGeGE,_,CQBEQBAI.lQl~LUE._IIJI.SCQ~SI1;L_,__,____.__ a Con:>Oy',:\ t i on <br />duly organized and existing under a~d by virtue of the laws of the <br />State of ______WISCQ~SI~______a certain indenture of Mortgage, executed <br />b y _Il::IQMClSL.J..l.__MtUJBE_~t::IlLSHEBE;X_,tlOOEE,_,_....__...__,_______,______,...._.___..____ ___._....,__,.._____, <br /> <br />------__________!::IUS~~~I:!_ef:!r.!_W.IEE_.__,______"_,_,____..______._____________,_____.____,__ ()-f <br />_aBB.~O__ISL.::jt:lI!__.___, Co ~ n ty of HALL_________.__._______,. S i:a t e 0 'f ___,__t::lE__,.._ <br />and datedt th9 ----___________21SI________ day of _~ULY______t A.D., <br />198Q to ______Bl_MQBIGAGE_CQM~e~Y~_INC~_________________________________ <br />on certain lands in the County of __H8LL__________________________in the <br />State of___~E____together with the Mortgage Note therein referred to <br />and alL the right, title and interest conveyed by said Mortgaget in and <br />to said Land~t which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the <br />Reg i ster of Deeds i n ~nd for the County of _I:.-IAI...I.....,._,___.._.___________..__,_..___.._ in <br />the State of _NE_ on the 21SI_______dsy of__JULY_______t A.D't 19SQ, ai: <br />__________a-ctQc~ __M.. in Volume ____________of MortgageSt on <br />page_________________1 Doc ument No. _____aQ=QQ366~L.___.__,_. <br /> <br />LOT SPJEN (7) IN SUNSET SUBDlt..'ISIONt BEING A PART OF THE. NQ- <br />RTH HALF OF THE NOI:;:THEAST QUARTER (Nl/2NE1/4) OF SECTION EL; <br />EVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) ~<JEST OF TI-IE SIXTH PiUNCIPf\L <br />MERIIlIAN, HALL COUNTYt NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have and to hold the said Mortgage Note and Morigaget and the <br />debt thereby secured, and aLL right,. title and interest conveyed by <br />said Mortgaqe, in and to the lands therein describedt to the said <br />UhlI~EBS~L_t10BIG{:}~E_~D6:~QBaIJ:Q~_QE_WISCQr1SI.fj_____,____________,_._____..____..__..___,..'''' <br />its successo.-::o and dssi<3ns for'evel-~ for its and theil- use and ben(':? <br /> <br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mort<Jage Note and r\ortg,-;jge, as pl-incipal.t a sum 1"\"'!' <br /> <br />lass tha n ________________________.__.__,___ ______ _.______._.____________,_ ___.__._____ <br />EIEIY_IWO_I!:-JOUSetJD_SE~E~Ll::fU~~BEI!_At::ID_NQi.1QQ______,__________._____._.____,____DOLL...'HS <br />and also interest ____________________________________________ and that <br />it has good right 10 assign the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sa i d .-WESIEBtLSE:CUEiII1ES._CQt1ee~L_______,_..__._ <br />__________________has caused these presl~ni.:s to be signed by _____,___._,_,__,___ <br />EENl:.J:iLY~l::LZQEE!.._ ASSISTANT ",JICE pr~ESIDENT t AND CQUntel-s i gned by <br />MICl:jELE_'-.t._t!BE~ICZ_,_______._,___,,___, i ts _ASSISIt?lfjI_,SECBEI!\8Y,______,_,_,_.__ <br />at Milwaul<ee, Wisconsin.. and its c\ln=>orate seal to be affix\'.'!d~ <br />this ___lSI_____day of __aEBIb_______~-.' A.Q , 1966. <br /> <br />____W~'" f:!_E <br />/ <br /> <br />--........ ...... <br />PEN ':( <br />AS I (~NT VICE PRESiDENli <br />Co un t e' i 9 ned : .: .-_ .' _ <br /> <br />-_'__J}1d1<~_~_~~~~, __ ...__,_..,_~'\.,('~.,:-~ <br />Mlt\HELE L. DREWICZ '.... '.:'1 ..,..~.'., <br />ASSISTANT SECRETARY . .. .. <br /> <br /> <br />- <br />~, <br />, . <br />~,r-. <br /> <br />~, ~ <br /> <br />SIAIE_QE_W!~CO~SIN______~ =5. , <br />MILW~U~EE_________County~ <br />Personalty came before me, this __lSI___day of __Be~IL_____t A.D., <br />19aa, ___eEtl~XLY~~_ZQ~EL___________ASSISTANT VP and ___MICHELE_L_DBEWICl <br />AS6ISIahlI_SECEiEIl:lBX__________(l-f the above named COI"POI-at i on, to Ille known <br />to be the per'sons who execu1'ed the foregoint.:! inst,.umen1:, and 'to mm <br />., nown to be such ASSIS:Iat:U_~.i,E:..t. a nd BSSISIa~I_U:ECE:EIf:lBY.______,_,_,_ o-f SiJ i <:I <br />Corporal i on, and ac~(nO~~'ll~dtJed that they executed the forego i ng <br />instl-umen't as such office.-s as the deed..~of sai<} Con:Jor..}tioTlt by its <br /> <br />dutho.-; ty. ;1 / - d . /'72/1. .' <br />,~~ JZlil.{/fl!c:,__~,~_{~.A _.t~_/d:.~,~."._ <br />PAULINE E. ROBERTS .~~.. <br />No -l;<-'ll-y Pub I, Ie <br />__OZ6U~EE_______________County,_WI. <br />11Y Comm i ':I~'j i II n e)(p i l"l,~S t1aX,,_,8,t......l~.?l.:.HL,.... <br />ThiH illotrument was drar.ted by WEBIEBN_BECUBIIIES_CQ~tMICHEL~~D~~W1Cl_. <br />