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<br />r- <br /> <br />000713892B 0045328 <br />. " 88-102113 <br /> <br />F OR AND IN CONSIlJEtRAT ION OF _..,___...__~.......__.._...._..~._..._.................._............__....,...............__..,.._... <br />___IUIBI~_ECUB...:c~ICUa~b1D_r.WQ_I:lU~.tIF~EfJ_f.!lhlt!_.~Ot.1QQ......._,...__,......__.__...._..,........_,............... <br />do 1. L,lll-15 , to I t p ~ I d t __Ubll!l.!EBSAl.~, <br />a Corporation duLy organized and $xlmtlng under ~nd by virtue of the <br />l,iws of the State of WllScon1!sin, Loccl'ted c'~t Hltwl';\lk",.a~, Wisconsin <br />does hetn~by gl.ant bal"galn, !iOell, assign, '~'''anf~f(.zo'., convtl!Y ilnd ~f~t ()vm" <br />unto _U~I!llEBSAL._S~~lNGa_aANI:C.f.:..._A.t..__......~.__,_.........:.__,__..............,........0 Gon' (n"i:\ t Ion <br />duly organized and existing under ilnd by virtue Qf the l~w!!l of 1he <br />state of ______WlSCC~aIhI______a certain Indenture of Mortgage, executed <br />b y _Wl...t...IA~..LE:eIE:lQIL JEEEBIE::S.t,...,:.._aINI3L.F.LE:E:BaQ~L..,...._..,...__,_,~...__...._,...._....,_........,......._.......,., <br /> <br />_~-..______.....H...___.__________._____....._......_ __.._._....._............-............._.................................._.._.....____._....._.........._........ t,'f <br /> <br />_.aB.ltf.l.lILI6L.e~Il.____, Co u n* y of 1::I{jL.L.___._.........___...____..., 8 * ate of _.__._".tlE:__"" <br />and d.ted, the _______________1aI~________ clay of _DECEMBEB__, A.D., <br />19SQ to ______SUeEBICB_MCBle~~E..._l~C~___________________________________ <br />on certain lands in the County of __HALL__________________________ln the <br />State of___~E____together with the Mortg~ge Note ther~ln referred to <br />..nd all the right, titLe and Inte'''8st conveyed by said Mori9E1I,ie, in and <br />to said lands, which MO,.tgdge wa~ duLy n~c:onJc~d in the Office 0" ttH,~ <br />Register of Deeds in and for the County of _HALL______________________in <br />the State of _t:fE_ 011 the l;;!UL." of...._IJI;;Ce;t=I~e;5:___., A.rl., 19fH>., l1\t <br />__________o-cLock __M., in VoLume ____________of Mortgage~, on <br />page.__.____..._..____.____, Doc: ument No. _6Q:::;QQ:z:aQQ._....__,_......."..".... <br /> <br />LOT FIFTEEN (15), BLOCK TWO (2), IN SOTHMANtS SLllmIVISION, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />To have and to hoLd the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the <br />debt the~Meby sec:u\"ed, and aLL r'ight, titl.e and interest conveyed by <br />said Mortgage, in and to the Lands therein described, to the said <br />UtllI!.lEBSat..._Sa~I~GS_FJe~K.E.L._e..._._.___ ___...,_.._,__.___.___,.._______,_____.________.__.__... <br />Its succe550'''S and assigns fon~ve'., fo," its and 'thei,. use and bene'fit. <br /> <br />And sa i d Cor'po,"at i on he\"t~by covenants '~hc'~t theH"e is now ow I n9 iilnd <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mort~aget as principaL, a sum not <br /> <br />less tha n ______________._,__.___"...""_,___,__._._._._......"....__..."_...._,__...._...,.............,..,..,__,._,..,...._._..... <br />IIdIBIY:_.EOUB_Il::fOUSA~If_IWQ_l::fU~t!B!E:t!_.A~D_htOI.1O'O'...___,_".._.....,__....,....... ..___......___......._.__.I:lOLLARS <br />and also interest ____________________________________________ and that <br />It has good right to assign the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF t the sa I d _UhtI~El~aeL,...t1QE:laauE..Ca.1BE:QBalrQtLQE__ <br />WlSCCtfSlt:L________has c:aused these P\"esen'\:m t () be signed by ...._........,..._'''.............,__ <br />EEtltlIXt...:tNt:LZO:aEL_ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT t ANn gned by <br />tllCIdEL.E_L..i._t!BEWlCZ__..___....._.__,.._.__,__,..., i ts ,..eUSISlet:lI_r:le;CBEIAEfi___.__."....__._... <br />at Milwaukee,. Wiscon!!\int and its c:o,"pol"aie seal 'to be hen,:~unto .~1"'flxed, <br />th i s ___lSI...__"._d ay of ,__A~Blt...__..,.,..._.._._........" A. D., 198a. <br /> <br />Uli:L~1I0ElIG . __~ <br />orpo\. <br /> <br />-......-... -- ~ ... <br />PENNYL EL <br />ASSI A VICE PRESID~NT. <br />Counte\.s. ad ~ <br /> <br /><'J,~II;: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />--_._~~- --,.' -..... <br />M~~~~~~ L. DREWICZ <br />ASSISTANT SECf"ETAHY <br /> <br /> <br /><' <br /> <br />/ <br />/ <br /> <br />>, <br />) .',.. <br /> <br />-"'... <br />:-.", "',; <br /> <br />IaI&:tE..:;ae:_WlSCC~SltL___...._ ) 5S . <br />. al"'WQU~EE______.___Co u nt y ) <br />. 'Per50na 1 Ly came befoy'e me,. th is _...lSI__._day of _..,AE:BIL..,..._..__,, <br />,1 ~lit _-::...fEtit:lXLXtltLZOBEL.._.....___,_____.._ASSISTANT VP j~ nd _........,MIC.He:I.E....L....,t!Be:W.lC~ <br />.aaJU,EjiI~~I_aEt:BEIBR'l.-___M..--.."of the above named Co,"po'''i:\t i ant to me known <br />.t~,b. lhe persons who eKecu1~d the foregoing instrument, and to me <br />~'.. nown to be such l:IISSlSIAtiI_~...E:.t. and ASSlSIahtL.SECE:EIABY._..._....,__... of sa i d <br />Co~poratJon, and acknowLedged that they eKecuted the foregoing <br />Instrument .5 such officers as the d~ed of said Corporation, by its <br />author: Jty* /~:. ..//--;) J . <br /> <br />_~dg:}L&~.~,.~t6~....,'!~~~.~_ <br />PAUL tNE E. f"OBERTB 7~ , <br />Nota\.y PubLic. <br />__CZeU~e:E____________~__tountYt_Wl. <br />My Commission expir~5 ~~X_e~_12Ua__ <br />Th I!I Instrument W.s!S d\.<Ifted by Uht~!.!EBSAL_~QRleaE_CaE:E:_QE_W.t:4M.lf.'.;UEI..t;;,_[j~~fi:WICZ <br />.' <br /> <br />..'") <br /> <br />I <br />l <br /> <br />, , <br />