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<br />I <br /> <br />88-102112 <br /> <br />()()(),,?:l ~'m(?z!.o <br /> <br />()()4t;:i~520 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />FOR AND I N CONS 1. (IERA 'f I ON OF ___....____.._......__._.....__..'.._____..__..'......._........_........._..........._,......,........... <br />.___II::lIBI Y._EDU5:._IHausAblILIW(J_I::lU~J)F.~E:ILA~t!....~OI..1QQ_. .__....,...._, -... -.,-...,..-.............-,.......- ..-....... ..., <br />dol. lal. $.~, to I t p.'1I i d , HmWEaIE::EiiN....SE~UBl:I:lE;;a...c.:Ot1F.~t'!lt'..f:L_,......__........__.._,__.._......,.._.._...........,_........ <br />a Corpor~tlon duly or9anlz~d and exl.tln~ under and by virtue of the <br />lawm of the St~te of Wisconsin, located ~t MI Lw~ukee, Wisconsin <br />doem h~reby grant bar9aln, mell, am~i~n. transfer, convey and mnt over <br />II not 0 U~.IY.EBSAL.,_~J.:U;:IaaGE_,C;QBf~QBf.n:IQt~LQE_WISCCija.IhI_....__.................._ i~ COY'f) In" a t ion <br />dul.y orc.~()nl7.ed and existing undew and by vil"tue of the laws of .the;? <br />S'ta't+.~ of ._........_HH_.W1.aCQ~SltL__......,...a'ta i n I nden.tun~ of Mo\"tgilge, ~:!t)(ac:uted <br />b y _WIL.L..l~t:J._f~~IB.lCI:LJe:EEBIEEi..._e_.Slt..U;U..ELE:f.BaQtL.._.,_._........ __,_............_......_._....___._._..__........._ <br /> <br />_~.__..__.__......_ _.""'.__.....___..___.........._..........1_.___._....._ _._......."".'H._...~........__.........t............_...,_ _.... ....__.___.............__h............__. 0 'f~ <br /> <br />hhGBethlILlSLt?lt:lIl____, C()un'~y of I::IAI...I.._'~_'_'_"__"_"H"_."_'..___' S.ta-t('~ of ...__.__NE__._ <br />and d~ted, the _______________12IU________ clay of _DECEMEEB__, A.D., <br />19aQ t 0 _.____._SUE:EBI0B_MQ6::I:aeal;;;..._II:~U;...__._........,.._,....________.__._.....__,____,__.......__._...._ <br />on c:;er'ta J n lfl"nds in the County of __UAL.L......._____.__....__.....___.....___.__._....__.... in the <br />State of___t:lE____togeth~r with the Mortga~e Note therein ref~rred to <br />Clnd all the \"1<3ht. titl~! .and intel"f.)~!)t conveyed by said, in <<Hid <br />to s~id lands, which Mort~age was duly recorded in the Office' of the <br />Reg I ster of [leeds in and fOl" 'the Coun.ty of _bJAI..L..__,____......__.._....._____.__.___.__ in <br />the State of _~E". on the 12I~_______ddy of__DECEMBEB___, A.D., 1geQ, dt <br />__________o-clock __M., In VoLume ____________01 Morigagem, on <br />page____,_______,__._._._.._, Doc ument No. _,EH):~;QQ1.2QQ....,_..,.._,_,_,__._.._._,. <br /> <br />LOT FIFTEEN (15), BLOCK TWO (2), IN SOTHMAN'B SUBDIVISION, <br />HALL. COUNTY, NEI.RASKA. <br /> <br />To have and to hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the <br />debt 'thereby mec:ur'ed. and all. rigtd, title dnd illtal"est conveyed by <br />.dld Mortgage, in and to the lands therein described, to the said <br />UNl~EBaaL._,MOBIGAGE_.CJJReOBaIIO~ _.OE_WISCONSlhl_____.........____........_,__......_.__._.._.._.._._.._..___.........,_ <br />its successors and assigns forever, for its and 1h~ir use and benefit. <br /> <br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Noie and Mortgage, as principal., a sum not <br /> <br />L ems t h a n __________.._.__..____....___.._...._.___,_.._._,___.....__._..__.._ ____,__,.._._...._..,_.._..,_........__.._,_,_,__,_ <br />It:llBI~_EaUB_It:JDUSetllD_IWl:Li:fUt4I!BEt'-eMD_tiOLlO'Q___.__._..._, .__,_,_....____._,........ ....._,_ __.._.._.._....DOLLARS <br /> <br />and also int~re.t ____________________________________________ and that <br />it has good right to assign the same. <br /> <br />1- ~ .- ...'" <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sa i d _WE;SIEBtLSe;CUBIIIE;S....CQl1E:~c[t....._._...__............ <br />__________________has caused these presents to be signed by ____________ <br />E:E~UXL~tftLZD:aEL._ ASSIS'rANT VICE PRESIDENT. ANI' Countens i gned by <br />MICMELE_L.t._DBEWlCZ,__._...__________,___, its _eSSlSIeNI_SE;{~E:EleE::t:._.._.______._.__ <br />at Milwaukee,. Wisconsin, and its CUl"purate ~..eaL to be h(i'n:.'llnto ..~'ff'ix("~d, <br />th is ___lSI_____da y of _,.._aE:BIL.__._______...., A. [I., 19ae. <br /> <br />__ZWE9 BtLS "'III"_ <br />/ CO\"P' .' <br /> <br />-- - . .- - - <br />PEN N ZOI4~L, <br />AS S "'NT VICE PRESioE;f,rn <br />- . <br />Countel t9ned: :: '-'.: ..' <br />. ) .,. <br />---~~wicz~ <br />ASSISTANT BECI~ETARY <br /> <br /> <br />E:~"'a ::f..-- . ...~-,-,-~- <br />a" ft_ . <br /> <br />. .:,\ .' . ..~~~.C <br /> <br />f'" <br />r <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br /> <br />-i <br /> <br />1-' <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />sIeIE~DE~WISCD~Gltf______) SS. <br />~lLWAU~EE---------Couniy) <br />P~isonalLY came before me, this __lSI___day of __aeBIL_____, A.D., <br />, 19Sa,. .__.:..E:EtfU~L~tilLZQBEL._..__.____,____ASB I STANT VF' and __...,MICHEL.fLL._t!BEWIC2 <br />aSSlSIBtlI_SEC6:EleS:'!____._____of the above named Corpol",:lt i on, to me f.tnown <br />to be the persons who executed the fOl-egO i ng I ns'tnJ.ment, and 'to me <br />",known to be such eSSlSI6tfl_!ll.t.E:... and eSSISletfI._,SECBEIABl:__,__...____ 01' sa i d <br />Corporat i on,. and adtnowLedged that they exec:n'ted the fon~'go j nl} <br />instrument as such officers as the deed of ~aid Corpora'tiont by l'ts. <br />authol" i ty. /' .~.;;} Ii ,j! ..' "~?i:.. >__ . <br /> <br />-~~~_(l-i{/:.!.gf.:.:___(.~~;__~i::::)f:..~t;;&:.._...._,_ <br />PAUL tNE E I ROBEt--..:Hl.... . <br />No t .'il-Y Pubt ic " ... <br />....,_OZ(jU~e;E_....,_......,_. .,._._".., _,~.. _'H~:"~C 0 un t y ,._, WI t <br />''''y C()mm i ~H!> i I,) 11 (~XP i n~mt1t)y.._a,.......1.9.el;L,.... <br />'Th I.. i nsh"ument was draf.ted by WESIE::B~_aECUE.uIIE6..j~Q._.t.MICHEI';:O.,..UHJ;::WICZ-. <br />. t" ("' <br /> <br /> <br />