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<br />Excerpts From Int.m.1 R.v.nu. Cod.
<br />'Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />II any plrlOn 1I1~11 10 PlY Iny lax ntgleclS or refuses to
<br />pay the IImr al1lr dlmlnd, Ihl amounl (Including any inler.
<br />111. Iddillonlllmounl. Iddillon to tax, or astessa~l. pinal!)'.
<br />logttI\Ir wlllllny COIl1l111t mlY ICCrue In ~Ilditlon therlto)
<br />II1II1 be I IIln In flvOr 01 the Unlled SlIt.s upon III proplrty
<br />and rlg~1I to Prolllrt)', wtlttlltr real Of personal, belonging
<br />to luch IlIrlOn_
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien,
<br />
<br />Unltsl lnothlr dlte I' 'PfCilic;ally fixed by law, the liln
<br />ImpoMil ~y 1IC110n ll321 shlllari" at ttlt tlml tilt assessmlnt
<br />II mlde Ind ,hall contlnul until thllIlbillty lor the amount 50
<br />_sed (Dr Ijullgment againstlht taxpayer arising oul of
<br />ludllIl~lIlty) I' Utlslled Dr ~Oilles unenlorcla~lt by reason
<br />',f IaPM 01 lime.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />, Certain Persons.
<br />. (I) Purchaltr'., HoIdtrI 01 Security In-
<br />........ MtchInIc'. LItnon, And Judgmtnt
<br />LIen CfldtlOl'l. - Thlllen Impose(! by ~ecllon 6321 shall
<br />IlOt be valid II agllnst any purchasl.-. holder 01 a securl!)'
<br />Int_~ mtehanlc's lienor. or Judgment flencreditor until nolice
<br />tlItrlOl which metls the requirements 01 subsection If) ha~
<br />bMn filed by lht Secrelary.
<br />
<br />If) PlIct For Filing Notice; Fonn.-
<br />
<br />(1) Place For Filing . The notice relelled 10 in sull-
<br />SICtIon la) shall be liled .
<br />(AI Under Stale laws
<br />(i) Real Proplrty . In lhe case 01 real property. in one
<br />office within Ihe State (or lhe counly, or olher governmenl,,1
<br />subdivision), as 'deslgnaled by Ihe laws ot such Stale, in
<br />which lht property subjecllo lI1e lien is situate(!; and
<br />(ii) Personal Property . In Ihe case of personal
<br />prOlllrty, whelhtr Ilngible or in~~lble. in one office
<br />within tile Stlte (or the county. or olher governmental
<br />subdivision), as deslgnaled by the laws ot such Sial..
<br />In whIch lilt property subjecl to Ihe lien Is situate(!;
<br />or
<br />(151 Wilh Clerk 01 OistriCI Court. In ttlt ofllce 01 ItIt clerk 01
<br />lilt Uftiltd SIll., dlstricI courl for Ihe jUdiCial dislriCI in WhiCh
<br />Ihl proll'rty sublecllo lien Is siluated. whenever lhe SIale has
<br />oot by Ilw dulgn.led one omu whith meets Ihe requl'emenlS 01
<br />lU.rlt'IPh (AI, or
<br />IC) With Recorder Of Oteds Of 1h1 D'striCI Of COI"l1b,a ,In
<br />lhflNite oHIle RKOrder olllteds 01 lilt Disllicl 01 C.a'umbia,"
<br />Ilia ,,,peril sublecllo lhe hen is s,tuated in I~' Dlstllcl or
<br />CoID.bIt,
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<br />(2) SlIus 01 Property Sublect To lien. For purposes of
<br />paragraphs (I) and (4), property shall be deemed 10 be sllualed.
<br />(A) Rul Property . In thl CBSI 01 rur proplrty, al Its
<br />physlcalloclllon: or
<br />IB) Personal Property. In \he tase of personal property,
<br />whelher tangible Dr Inlangible, al the residence of tilt
<br />taxpayer atlhe tlmelhe nollce 01 lien Is tiled.
<br />For puryoses 01 paragrap~ (2) (B), lhe residence of a corporltlon
<br />or plrtntrehlp shIll be detmed to be thI place al which thI
<br />principII execullve office OltM business II IllCIted, and the
<br />mldence olllupayer WhOst residence Is wllhoulttlt United
<br />Sates Ih~1I be detmed to be In thI Olslrlcl 01 Columbll.
<br />(3) Form . Th, lorm Ind tOnlenl 01 tile notlc:t
<br />rel.rred 10 In subsr.:tlon (a) shall be prescribed by \he
<br />Secretary. Such notice shill be valid notwlthsllnding any
<br />other provision 01 law rtglrding Ihe torm or conlent 01 a
<br />notice 01 lien,
<br />
<br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even though notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 632f is filed with respect
<br />to:
<br />
<br />I, Securllies
<br />2, Molor vehicles
<br />3. Personal property purchased al relail
<br />4. Personal property purchased in nsual sale
<br />5. Personal property subjected to possessory lien
<br />6. Real properly lax and special asssssmenlliens
<br />7, Residential property subject to a mechanic's
<br />lien lor certain repairs and improvemenlS
<br />8, AlIornlY's liens
<br />9. Cl!rtaln insurance conlrac's
<br />10, Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Rellllng 01 Notice. - For purposes of Ihis
<br />section.
<br />
<br />(1/ G.ner.1 Rule. - Unless nolic! of lien Is refiled In
<br />lhe manner prescrib!d In paragraph (2) during Ihe required
<br />rellling plliod, such notice 01 lien shall be trealed as Wed on the
<br />date on'whic~ il is Wed (In accordance with subsecliDn (f)) al1lr
<br />the expiration 01 such refiling period.
<br />
<br />(2) PIKe For Filing. - A notice of lI!n .efiled
<br />dOlring lilt r!quire(! rellhng periOd shall be effective only.
<br />(A) i1-
<br />(I) such notice of lien is relil~ In lhl ollice in which tilt
<br />crior notice 01 lien WIS tiled, and
<br />(i1) in Ihe case of r&ll prOperty, the lacl 01 retiling Is
<br />entered and recorded In an index to the edent required by
<br />subsection III (.). and
<br />(8) in any case in ...hich, 90 d~ys or more prior to Ihe dlle
<br />01 a .eliling of notice 01 lien under subparagraph (A), the
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<br />~retlry received wrlllen Inlormallon (In tha manner
<br />prescribed In regulations Issued by the Secrelary)
<br />concerning I change In thllaxpayer's rtlldem;e,lf I nollet
<br />olsuth lien Illlso Wed In ItCOrdlnetwllh sublecUon (t) In
<br />\he Sllleln which such residence b localed.
<br />
<br />(3) Required R.f1Ung Period. - In lhe cm
<br />01 any notice of lien, lhe 111m "required retlllng period" mllns .
<br />(AI thl one'yllr period ending 30 dlys after the expiration
<br />of 6 years after ltls dlle oltlle aU15sment 01 the III. and
<br />(B) the one.year periOd ending 'NUh IhuxplrltlOh ally.."
<br />aftlllhe close of the p.-tcttllng required retlllng period lor
<br />such notice 01 lien.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />
<br />(a) RtI... 01 Lien. - Subject to such
<br />rogula1ions IS the Secretary mal prescribe, the ~retlry shall
<br />Issue a certificate 01 release of any lien Imposed wUh respetlto
<br />Iny Internll revenue tax nOllat" than 30 days Iftar tile dlY on
<br />which.
<br />(1) liability Sallsflld or Unenforce~~le . The Secre'ary
<br />finds tIlelthe liability lor me amounl nussed.together wllh III
<br />Inleresl in rlspecl Ihereof, has been fully sallsfled or hIS
<br />become ftgally unenlorceable: or
<br />(2} Bond Accepled. There Is furnished to the Secretary 'M
<br />accepted by him a bond thaI Is condl1loned upon thl payment of
<br />the amount assessed, logelher wl1h all Inlerest In respecl
<br />Ihereof. wllhln lhe time prescribed by law (Including any
<br />exlenslon of such time), and Ibat is In accordanCe wllh such
<br />requlremenls rllatlng 10 lerms, condillons, and lorm of the tIond
<br />and sureties lhereon, as may be specified by such regulallons,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6103, Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />(kl DlICIOlllrt of Certain Retum. Ind
<br />'R.tum Inlormatlon For T.l Admlnl.tl'ltlon
<br />Purpose.. -
<br />
<br />(2) Dlsciosure of amount Of oulslandlng lien,. If a nollee of
<br />lien has been liIed pursuant to section 6323(f), Ihe am Dun I ollhe
<br />oulslanding obligation secured by such lien may be disclosed to
<br />any person who turnlslltl satisfactory wllllen evidence Ihat tit
<br />has a right In 1M property subjecl 10 such lien or Inlends 10
<br />obta!n I rlghlln such property.
<br />
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