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<br />Excerpts From Interne' Revenue Code
<br />See, 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />If any plrlen IIlble 10 pay any lax neglecls or reluses 10
<br />pay thl lama alter demand, Ihe amounl (Including any Inler-
<br />. addlllonalamounL addillon 10 lal, Dr assessable penalty,
<br />IOlIl1htr wlttlany COlli tlIlllIIl)' aecrul In addition therelo)
<br />Ihlll be . nln In flvor of lite Unlled SlallS upon all property
<br />and rlghll to property, .1It1l'..r rnl or personal, belong!ng
<br />10 luch parlOn.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322. Period, Of lien,
<br />
<br />Unl", Inolher date JI specifically fixed by law, the lien
<br />Impoltd by netlon 6321lhall arise allhe tlma the assessmenl
<br />II mid. and Ihall conllnue unllllhe liability lor IhI amount so
<br />ISIt5Jtd (Dr a Judgment against the taxpayer arIsing out Of
<br />loch lIablllty) Is satislled 0' becomes unenlo,cnbls by reason
<br />ollapst 01 lime.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(a) PUrchlHr'., Holdtrs Of Security In-
<br />ttrella, MlChlnlc'. L1tr1ors, And Judgment
<br />Lltn Creditors. - Thll1en Imposed by section 6321 shall
<br />not be valid IS agalnsl any PUfchaser. holder 01 a security
<br />/nlsresL mechanic's Ilenor. or judgment lien creditor unlil notice
<br />thereol which mNls Ihe Itqulremenls of subseclion (0 has
<br />bean filed by the See,elary,
<br />
<br />(f) P11Ce For Filing Notice; Form,-
<br />
<br />(1) Place For Filing. The nolice referred 10 in sub-
<br />section (a) shall be liled -
<br />(A) Unde, Stale Laws
<br />(i) Real Property. In lhe case 01 real property. in one
<br />office within the Slale (or Ihe counly, or other gove,nmenlal
<br />sl,'bdMslon), as designated by the laws 01 such Stale. In
<br />which Ihe property subjecllo the lien is situated: and
<br />(iii Pe,sonal ProPlrty - 10 the case 01 personal
<br />prdtterty, whether langible or Intangible. In one olllce
<br />wllhin the Slate (or Ihe county, or other governmental
<br />subdivisiOn), as designaled by Ihe laYws 01 such Slale,
<br />In which the property subject 10 the ilen is silualed,
<br />or
<br />(8) With Clerk Of Districl Court. In Ihe oWce of the clerk 01
<br />the Uniled Slales dislricl courlto, the judlcnl dlsl"ct In whIch
<br />the property subject to lien is silualed, wh!never Ihe Stale has
<br />nOlby lawdesjgnated one olfice which meets t~e reQ",r~"'ents 01
<br />subparagraph tA), or
<br />(Cl With Recorder Or Dee~s 011he D,st,,(1 01 COlumL'a -In
<br />IhI olllce 01 Ihe Reco/de, 01 OeeOs 01 the DLSlnCI 01 Columbia ,I
<br />the property subjetl 10 the lien LS sltualed In 1"f D,sir,c! 01
<br />Columbia,.
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<br />(2) Sllus 01 Property SubJeCI To LIen. For purposes 01
<br />paragraphs (1) a~d (4), property shall be deemed 10 be situated.
<br />(A) Real Property . In the case 01 real property. at It I
<br />physicallocallon: 0'
<br />(8) Pereonal Property. In Ih. case 01 personal property,
<br />whelher tangible or Intangible, II Ihe residence 01 thl
<br />taxpayer allhe time Ihe notice 01 lien Is flied.
<br />For purposee 01 paragraph (2) (8,. the resldlnce 01 a corporation
<br />or partnership shall be deemed to be Ihe pllce II which the
<br />principal executive olllc. of the buslneu I. loclted, and thl
<br />residence of . IlllPlyer whose resldenc. I. wlthoul the United
<br />SIll.. Ihall be dHmed 10 be In thl Olstrlcl of Columbll.
<br />(3) Form - The form Ind conlent 01 thi nollct
<br />relerred to In subsecllon (I) shill be prescribed by thl
<br />Secntl;Y. Such nollce shall be valid notwithSlandlng any
<br />olher provisIon of law ,aga,ding the lorm or conlenl 01 I
<br />nolice of llan.
<br />
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even though notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect
<br />to:
<br />
<br />1. Securities
<br />2. MOlor vehicles
<br />3, Personal property purchased al retail
<br />4. Personal property purchased In casual sale
<br />5. Personal p,operty subjecled 10 pIlssassory lien
<br />6. Real p,operty lax and special assessmenlllens
<br />7. Residential property subject 10 a mechaftlc's
<br />lien fo, certain repairs and Improvements
<br />8. Allorney's liens
<br />9. Certain ins~rance conlracts
<br />10. Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice, - For purposes of (hiS
<br />sechon -
<br />
<br />(1) General Rule, - Unless nohce 01 lien IS refileO in
<br />Ihe manner prescrit>ed in pa'agraph 12I dunng Ihe required
<br />refiling penod. such notice of lien shall be trealed as filed on Ihe
<br />date on.which it is liIed (in accordance WIth subsecliOn (I)) alter
<br />Ihe expi'ation of such reliling period.
<br />
<br />(2J Place For Filing, - A notice ul lien rehle~
<br />durmg Ine reQuHed rellilng j)8rtOd shall be etleCUve only -
<br />(A) il-
<br />(,) suCh notice of lien is relile~ in Ihe ollice In which the
<br />pno' notice 01 lien was .,Ied, and
<br />(Ill In the case 01 ,eal prope,ly. the lacl 01 ref,l.ng IS
<br />enlerec and ,ecordeO in an lOde> 10 the ulfnl : fQu"ed by
<br />subsecliOn il) /4). aM
<br />181 ,n any case in which. 90 day> or mo'e p'.o' 10 the ~ale
<br />of a 'elllong 01 nOllce of lien under subparagraph (A), Ihe
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<br />Secretary received wrlll~n Inlo,mallon (In Ihe mannar
<br />prescribed In legulallons Issued by the Secrelary)
<br />concerning! changaln Ihe tlllpayer'. residence, If a nollce
<br />01 such lien Is also flied In accordance wllh subsection (f) In
<br />Ihe Slalaln which slJ{h residence Ie located,
<br />
<br />(3) Required Reflllng Period. - In Ihe cue
<br />of any notice of lIen,lhelerm "required relmng perIod" muns-
<br />(A) the one-year perIod ending 30 days alter the expIration
<br />of 6 years after the dale 01 the 8S.!mmenl ollhe tax, and
<br />(S) thl one.year period ending with Ihe explrallon of 6 years
<br />elter the close of the preceding reQuired 'ellling period for
<br />such nollce of lien,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325, Release Of Lien Or
<br />
<br />Discharge Of Property,
<br />
<br />(a) Relesse Of Lien. - Subject 10 such
<br />regulations as Ihe SeClltary may p,escribe, 'hi Secrelary shall
<br />Jssue a certificate 01 relelSe 01 any lien Imposed with respect to
<br />any inlernal revanue lax notlaler Ihen 30 dlYs aller Ihe day on
<br />which.
<br />(1) liability Satisfied or Unenlo,ceable . The Secrelary
<br />finds that Ihe liability 10' the amounl assessed. logalhar wllh all
<br />Interesl In ,upect thf,~,f. hu bun fully salls lied or has
<br />become legally unenlorceable: or
<br />(2) Bond Acceple~. There Is lurnlshsd to Ihe Secrelary and
<br />accepted by him a bond Ihat is conditioned upon ths payment 01
<br />the amount asse$Se~. to~elher with all Interest in respect
<br />thereol. wilhin Ihe lime prescri~ed by law (Including any
<br />extension 01 such lime), anO Ihal is in accordancs wilh such
<br />reQuiremenls relallng 10 lerms, conditions. and lorm 01 the bond
<br />and surelles Ihs,eon, as may be speCified by such 'egulali~ns.
<br />
<br />Sec, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation,
<br />(k) Disclosure of Certain Returns and
<br />Return Information For Tax AdmlnlstralloJl
<br />Purposes. -
<br />
<br />m llisclosJ.e 01 amount of oulslan~lng IlIn . II a nol"e 01
<br />lien hlS been hied pu's"anllO seCMn &323(0, me amount Of Ihe
<br />outstanding obligallOn secured by such lien may be dLsclosed to
<br />any person whO turn, shes saloslactory ",rlllen evidence Ihal he
<br />has a "gr.1 In Ihe properly SUDtecl 10 such hen or Inlends 10
<br />obla,n a nghl '" such property
<br />
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