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<br /> <br />3 <br />g; .... <br />U:~ <br />\'...~:\- :a <br />.~,"\J '--'.~ ., <br />~ N' ~,s~ <br />r (1, ' <br />~~\' <br />~~~ .~ <br />'~. ~ <br />, k <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />is'' <br />;t- <br />O' <br />.. <br />::D <br />~ <br />if <br />! <br /> <br />ElcerptI From Inllmtl Rmnut Code <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes, <br />" Illy \*IiIn lIablt 10 illY any to ntgllCll or r.fum to <br />J<<Y lht Ill1II a!llr dlrnand. !hi Imount (incllllling &/IY !nltr. <br />Ill. ..tdIUD!Ill Imoun\. a6ditlon 10 to, cr ISsnslble pona/ly, <br />-- wl1!I any COI1s tIIlt may aa:rue In addition thmto) <br />WIllie I IlaI1l~ fIotorof lilt IlnItiId SUltH upon allpropeny <br />II1II rlghta to pI'OpIfIJ; "'*'* raal or PlrSOnal, belonging <br />to IUCfl ptflDn. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />IhIIaa lIlOthlr dill II $plCificaUy fiIed by Ilw, Ute lien <br />IIIlpOMd 1Iy MCtlon e321 sh.111 IrI., al!lltl time the auessmenl <br />It madl and sh.111l:Dtlll1llll Lrllilthe liability lor tile amount so <br />-....d (or I/udglllllrl agalnst tilt mpayef arlslng out 01 <br />IUCfllllblllly) It lltisfitcl or bleomes unenforceable Ily ruson <br />er_oftll1ll. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />! (I) Pun:hMer'.. HoIcItrI Of StcurtIy In- <br />...... IhchInIc'I LIInon. And Judgrntnt <br />LIen CrIdIIon. - TIIa tien Imposed by section 6321 snail <br />rtlIt lie vali6 IS IlIlinst any flUl'dlaser, holder 01 I security <br />'""'lIllMdIanlc's lienor, 0' judgmtllt lien Creditor IIntil notice <br />t!IIrIot which lllIlts tile requirements 01 subsection (I) nls <br />!lien filtlllly till Secretary, <br /> <br />If) PIIce For FHfng Hollet; Form.- <br /> <br />(I) Place For FiJinll - Tile notic;e reler,.d 10 in sub- <br />MCtlon (I) Mall be filed- <br />. (A) Under Stale un <br />"'(i) Real Property - In tile use 01 rulllrOl'lrty, in Ol'll <br />offic;e witIlin tile State (Dr tile county. or ot~r 1I0vernmental <br />sulllllVitlDII),:.illiislgnated by the laws 01 such Stale. in <br />w!lich tIlIprolllflY subject to I~ lien Is situaled: and <br />(Ii) Penonal ProPlrty . In the CiSe 01 personal <br />pro;erty, .-bether langillll or intangible, in one offIce <br />within tile SlItl (or the county, or other governmental <br />aullllivislon). as dtsignaled by 1/'.. JIWS 01 sutll Stale. <br />In wIIIch 1fIe property subject to !he lien is sit~lled; <br />.. <br />(8) With Clerk Of District Court . In the off.c;e of the c!er~ 01 <br />IIle Urn," Slales dislr,ct coun tor lhe judicial dislrict on which <br />tile prOlllrty subjec;t to lien is situal~d, wh:nem Ihe Slate has <br />nol by law dtsignaled one offICe wfIichlllPllS the rt.j~irrmfr.IS of <br />subparagraph (A), or <br />(C) Witll Rtcorder 0l1leelJ~ 01 TIlt Disl';ct 01 Ca!umb:a . In <br />the ollice of tilt IlKo<dtf of OMds olllle Dislrict 01 Columbla. II <br />the P'Olllrtv subject to Ihe I;en is situate~ in Ihe 01511,,, of <br />CoI~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />:!! <br />[ <br /> <br />tntered as Docu",lI~nt No. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />88-1i11K33 <br /> <br />Gia~iGr_______~~ <br />Grantie ~_ <br />Numerical ,IV ~ <br />TA T E :' " NF - 'II'~ 0',\) <br />C l"'T ' "'f ,~...: :""'\; ) SS <br />: "i 1: i.j ; i .c; t ~_ <br /> <br />g:; <br />en' <br /> <br />- <br />- <br />- <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />..... <br />....9 <br />I>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />~ <br /> <br />B APH I 9 <br /> <br /> <br />oJ <br />I DO <br />IoV <br /> <br />z <br />? <br /> <br />i2 <br />A/1 10 00 <br /> <br />c <br />=' <br />I <br />o <br />!it <br />i <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />(f ...:I~ t> , <br />;. , ..'. ... =:;::c::~-~__Lf,,"j <br />,-,< <br />./ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />fI <br /> <br />It <br />>C <br />S!. <br /> <br />(2) Situ. 01 PrOJllrty Subjtc:t To lIln - For pu'pom of <br />plragrlphl (I) Ind (4), prOJllrtylhlll be deemed 10 bt sllultld- <br />(t.) Rill Pro~rty - In tilt CIIt 01 till prolltrty, II III <br />phraleallocallon: or <br />(B) Peraanll Prolltrly - In tilt _ of PllSOnll property, <br />wllether langlbla or Inllnglbll, at the I$lldlllCl 01 \ht <br />tolllyer II till lime !Ill nolke 01 Uan Is Iilld. <br />For purpom of plragraph (2) (8J, 1ht mldlnee 011 COrporation <br />or Plrtnershlp slllU be detmttllo be the place al wlllch \ht <br />princIpal uec:utlve a!IIcI 011h1 busfl1l$l Is 'ocatld, ~ tilt <br />resldenc;e 01 a tuplyer whost resldeneels wilhoulllle Unilld <br />StatH shall be deemed to be In the District of Columbia. <br />- (3J Form . n. form an4. contenl 01 tile ,nOtlCII <br />referred to in Sub5lction la) Shall be p'esc,illed by !Ill <br />Secretary. Such nollell shall be vllld notwithstanding any <br />other provision of law rllllarding tll. form or contenl of I <br />notlet 01 lien, <br /> <br />Noft: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice ot lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Sec:u,ities <br />2. MOIOr vehic;les <br />3, Pe'sonalprope'ly purc;hased al retait <br />4. Pe'sonalpropeny purchased in usual Sill <br />S. Personll property subjected 10 possessory lien <br />6. Rlllprapertv lilt Ind spec!al USlSsmenlliens <br />7, Residential property SubjKllo a mec;hani(s <br />lien lor certlin repairs and improvemenls <br />8. "!!orney's liens <br />9. Ctrtain insu,arn:e contraClS <br />10. Passbook loans <br /> <br />la) R.fillng Ot Nollce. - For purposes 01 this <br />sec;tion. <br /> <br />(1) Gtntrll Rule. - Unless nOllee 01 lien IS relile:l In <br />tile manner pruc;ribed in paragraph (2) durin~ Ihe 'eQu;red <br />'eliling periOd; such notice 01 lien shall be truted as IIltd on tilt <br />Olio on..lllch il is lifed lin accordance with subsecllon (I)) aller <br />lilt uplralion 01 such telJlill9 peri~ <br /> <br />(2) PIICe For Filing. - A notice of lien rellled <br />during I~ reQuired 'elihng period shall be tllecllvl only. <br />(A.) iI- <br />(i) sucll notice 01 lien IS refiled in tile office in ~hich the <br />prior notice of lien was flied, and <br />(ii) in the case 01 real p'operty, Ihe facl 01 Ifllling is <br />entered and recorded in an index 10 Ihe lltenl ItQui!ed by <br />subseclion (I) r4), and <br />iB) in any ClS~ in whic;h, 90 days or mare prior 10 Ihe date <br />of I relding 01 notice of lien under su~pa'agrJph IA), the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />(H't;: rlF OJ:"i:"IlS <br /> <br />Secrellry rec:ef'ild wrlllen InlormltJ~n (In the manner <br />premlbed In IIgullllons ISlued by Ihe Slcretlryl <br />conctrnlng I chlngeln lIIa Iu:plywr'llIlldanct, " I noUce <br />of luch tltn I, all~ iliad In l'tordance with eubllctJon (I) In <br />lIIa SIlt. In wlllch such rllldlnct iJ locattcl. <br /> <br />(3} Required R.flUng Period. - In thl cm <br />of Iny notice 0111"', tlla term "ltQulrld IIli11ng period" mllns . <br />(A) the one.yur PI,jod Indlng 30 dlYS aller the tIplrallon <br />015 years alter the dill 01 the lS3essment 01 the IIX. and <br />fB) Iha one.year Plrloll ending with thl uplratlon 016 Yllrs <br />Iltll the 1:10" ollha Preceding UQulrld relHin" Plrlod lor <br />suc;~ nollce 01 lien, I <br /> <br />Sec. 6325, Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />DiSCharge Of Property, <br /> <br />(I) R..... or lltn. - SubJecl 10 mil <br />regulations as Iha Secretary may prescribe, lilt Sttrellry shall <br />Issue a cenlllcata 01 rele..e Ollny lien Impostd with respeclto <br />any Inltrr.llrevenUlfax nOI h..Jr Ihln 30 dlYs Iltllths day on <br />which- <br />(t) liability Satislied or Unenlorcllbll . The Secretary <br />linds thaI the liability lor Ihe amounl assessed.loget~e' Willi all <br />IntlllSt in respecl thtreol, has been lully salls lied ,If hiS <br />become IlIlIally unenlorceable; or <br />(2) Bond Acc;epled. There is lurnlshtil to the Sec;rellry Ind <br />accepted by him I bond I~atls Conditioned upon the paymenl 01 <br />the Imounl assessed, tOgelher wit~ all Interest In respect <br />Ihereol, wllhln the lime prescribed by law (including any <br />IItension 01 such time), and thai is in acco,dance with such <br />requirements relating 10 terms, condmons, and 10rm 01 the bond <br />Ind surelles the reo;), as may be specilie~ by such regulalions. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103, Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In. <br />fprmation. <br />(k) DIsclosUre of Certain Returns and <br />R.turn'Informallon For T'l Administration <br />Purposes, - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure 01 amount 01 oulstanding lien. . II a nOlice 01 <br />lien lias betn "'ed p"'SUanllo section 6323(1), !he amounl ollhe <br />oulstandlng obligalion secured by such lien may be disclosed 10 <br />any person Who IUlnishes satisfactory \lirille~ evidenctthat he <br />has a right in Ihe propelly subject 10 such lien 0' intends 10 <br />obtain 3 right In such property <br /> <br />~ <br />