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<br />f'I~' <br />C~"W~. <br />l "'~,~ ~ <br />~~ '--1J d <br />\: ~~.~ " <br />,~ ~ <br />, ' <br />~. <br />~. <br />\'-J <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />li' <br />il <br /> <br />'0 <br />~ <br />::D <br />cZ <br />iiii" <br />; <br />~ <br /> <br />ExctrptJ From Internal RevenuI Cod. <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />" In~ person liable to ply any tax n~IKtl 0' ,elusn to <br />Ply III, IIml Iller demlnd. 1M Imounl (includin; Iny Inb,. <br />tit. addlllonal .mount. addition 10 tu, or unlsable penalty, <br />toIltthtr wlth Iny cosb tl1lt may aC1:ru8 In Iddillon themo) <br />.hlli be I litn In flvor of t"- Uniled Statu upon all property <br />and rights to propt!1y, whither real or personal, belongirl? <br />to luch ptrlDn. <br /> <br />Sec, 6322, Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anolhe, date Is specifically fixed by law, the lien <br />lmpostd by section 6321 shali arise at the time Ihe assessment <br />is mlde and Shall conlinue untillhe liability lor the amounl so <br />_sed (or a jud;ment against Ihe laxpayer a'ising out 01 <br />.ucIllllbllity) II IIlilli&(\ or becomes Ulll!nlorceable by reason <br />of IIPH of time. <br /> <br />See, 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br /> <br />(I) PurchIN"', Holders Of Seeurtty In- <br /> <br />ttrIttI. 1Itchan1c'. Lltnors. And Judgment <br /> <br />Lien CrH"ors. - Tile lien Imposed by nction 6321 shall <br />nol be vllid as egalnst any pu,cllaser, holder 01 a ~,cu,ity <br />Interell. mKh.nlc's lienor, 0' Juogmenllien credilor until noli~ <br />thI,eol whIch meels Ihe requirements 01 subsection (0 hes <br />been flltd by lhe SKrelAry, <br /> <br />~ <br />(f) PiKe For Filing Nollce; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Film; . The nollce ,elerred 10 In sub- <br />$Iction (a) shall be filed . <br />(AI Unde' Stale laws <br />(I) Real P,operty . In the case of ,eal property, in one <br />oHice within Ihe Slale (or the county, or olhe; governmental <br />subdivision), as desl;nated by lhe laws 01 suCh Stale. In <br />Jl1ich tht p,operty suhjetllo Ihe lien 15 Situated; and <br />(il) Pti'sonal Property . In the case 01 personal <br />1l10pert~. whether tangihle or intangible, in one ollice <br />within Ihe State (or the county, or other governmenlal <br />Subdivision), as deslgnated hy Ihe laws of such Stale <br />in whIch the p'operty SUh)p"1 10 the lien <5 sllilaleO <br />or <br />(B) With Clerk Of Districl Court. In the oll'ce ollhe C'er. 01 <br />lhe United States dlSI"ct court lor It,e ,udlclal CISlrICI ,n ..'h':' <br />the prop.erty Subject ~o lien IS $ltul1rd. lft"tf-:n!Ver the S1a:e ~as <br />not by lawdeslgna\ed one olllce ..h,Ch ",eels lhe 'e~u,' :T.e"" (,I <br />subparagraph (AI. Dr <br />(Cl Wilh Recorder 01 Deeds 0' The OISITlct 01 Co;umO,n . '" <br />1M olloc! 01 1M Recorder of Deeds of Ihe O,sl"cl 0' C",umo,. ,I <br />the property sublECt to :h. I!en , ,-10<": ,r '"! J' <br />Columbia. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />::!! <br />ii' <br />Q. <br />:7 <br />iij' <br /> <br />II I' <br /> II <br />,I ,! <br /> Z I <br /> 0 <br /> ,.... <br /> -. <br /> n <br /> CD <br /> 0 <br /> ..,. <br /> -I <br /> m <br /> >C <br /> , <br /> ..,.....,- <br /> (1) -- <br /> ::J <br /> <br />,I l <br />- ',j' <br />,\ <br /> <br />GO/' <br /> <br />En~A-r~ $[ DOCUmGIOI toll\, <br /> <br />z <br />? <br /> <br />8~:}-X3 2jl <br /> <br />i~~;>lJtae L- <br />r';;.,f~;~.r~~~: /l/ /? <br /> <br />... <br />CD <br /> <br />I <br />~ I <br />I ~ <br />>c: <br />iii 2. <br /> <br />c: <br />::a <br />a <br />(I) <br />it <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />\':'::: ": HEGidSKi\) <br />55 <br />~::'LU'..I_ ) <br /> <br />'ga APR I J <br /> <br />(.~,: <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property SUbject To Lien. FfI'pulllOses 01 <br />paragraphs (t) &00 (4), property sh.1I he deemed to be sllO~. <br />(A) Rial Property . In tilt cue 01 real p,operty, at Its <br />physlcallocalion: or <br />IB) Perlonal Property. In lht cast ot pe,sonll property, <br />whelhe' langlble or Intangible. al tile resloence 01 till <br />taxllayer at the time the notlce ot lien Is filed. <br />For purpoSeJ 01 paragraph (2) (B), \hI resIdence of a corporation <br />Of partnership shall lit dsemed 10 be Ihe place al whlcll the <br />prinCIpal executive oHice 01 the buSiness Is located. and tII, <br />residence at a taxpayer whose residence Is withoU1 the Uniled <br />StaIn shall be deemed to lit in the Dlslrict ot Columblil., <br />13} Form . The lorm and content 01 the. nolll:6 <br />,elerred to in su~sm:tlon (a) shall be prescribed by lilt <br />Stcretary. Such notic! shall be valid notwlthslanding any <br />oIlier provision of law rega'ding Ihe form Of contenl 01 a <br />nollce Dillen. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securities <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />3. Personal property purchased al reI ail <br />4. Personal prcpeny purchased in ca~ual sale <br />5. Ptirsonal property subjetled to possessory IIIn <br />6. Real property tax and speeial ass~smenlliens <br />7_ Re5idential property subjeclto a mechanic's <br />lien for cenaln lepairs and improvements <br />8. Anomey's liens <br />9. Certain insurance contracts <br />10 Passbook loans <br /> <br />(gl Refillng Of Notice. - For pu'poses 01 Ihls <br />seCI,on. <br /> <br />(I) General Rule, - Unless not,ce 0' hen I~ reliled in <br />the manr,e, presc,ihed in parag'aph (2) durmg Ihe reQuired <br />refilin; pe,iod: such netlce DIllen sflail lit trealeD as filed on the <br />date onwhich illS Wed I'n acco,dance WIth suhsectlon ill) alter <br />Ihe e,plllt,on 01 SUCh re!lllng pe"od <br /> <br />(21 Place For Filing. - A nol'Ce 0' I,en 'eWed <br />OJT1rj~ ,"",of reo:.;lfeci 'rcfdl~g penMl sha[; !,t€ eHeCln"e or.I" <br />lA, !f. <br />(iJ 5u~h nolice of liEn 's rellled m the oll,ce ,-. whiCh the <br />~"v' nollee of !;en wa5 filed ant <br />nj! In the, cas:e o~ rEa: tHODP1t t~~ tact {. 'rld'n~ tS <br />cr1f~~i'O ami recorde~ .r; an Ina~i to Hie f'), ten: ~Q..Jir{-.c bV <br />5c. )5e..:ttrl~ d\ i4) af"lC <br />6. ~fl a.nv caSE :rj Wl)l::t'! 9G rih5- 0, 'fIDre- V.'!..l !O I.he Ca1e <br />01 a refilm, of !'!OtICf ot l.en ..::1Gei ~..:..c;;a.a~ J;;~ It. '. the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />11;'1 Q <br />HI ... <br /> <br />57 <br /> <br />.> .! <br />:". ~_#_j;...J <br />Sacretary r!Calved wrinln Inlormatlon (In the manner <br />:',:- ~PNF~ In r~ulatlon' (UtaO by Ihe Secrelary) <br />. collCemlng a chlnge In lhe taxpayer', r1lldr~ce,lf I notice <br />of 'uch II an Ilal.o fllelIln accordance with subllcllon (0 In <br />ths Stale In which such resl~ence Illocaled, <br /> <br />(3) Required Rellllng Period, - In the cm <br />01 any notice olllan, the term "reQuired refllln; perio~. means. <br />(A) the one-year period ending 30 daYI allar the upir;,Jtlon <br />016 yeers aller the dal~ of tM assessment of the lal. and <br />(B) the one-year period ending wilh tlleexplrallon of 6 years <br />afie' the close of tlla preCeding 'tllulred rellllng period for <br />such noliCe 01 lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />la) Rdelle Of Lien, - Subjecl to such <br />regulations as the Secretary may presc,lboe. the SKretary shall <br />ISSue a cenificate of release 01 any lien Imposed with resplcllo <br />any Inlamal revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />whIch. <br />(1) Liability Satisfied or Unenlo,ceable . The Secretary <br />fjnds Ihal the Iiebliily lor 1.-:- amount assessed, togelher with all <br />inlerest in respect Illeraol, has bean fully satisfied or has <br />become legally unenlorceahle; 0' <br />(2) Bono Accepted. Tllere Isli:rnished to the Secretary and <br />accapled bl' him a bond lhat Is conditioned upon Ihe pay'nent ot <br />Iha amounl assessed, logalha, with all interest In respecI <br />thereot. wlihin the time prescribed hy law (Including any <br />edension of such time), and thaI Is in accordence with suCh <br />requirements relating to terms, conditions, and fOfm 01 the bond <br />aM sureties Ih8,eol1. as may M speCified bl' such regulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(k) Dlscloaure of Certain Returns and <br />Return Informltlon For Tax Administration <br />PUrpJleI. - <br /> <br />121 Disclosure 01 amOJnl 01 o"l>1andong hen . II a nollce of <br />lief' nas netr '1lCO PJ's.Lian~ 10 f'crtlon 6323i'f the o'1he <br />oUlslandon~ obllga\lDo sec.JltC by such ilen mal' be 0.5closeO 10 <br />any oerson "hO lurnlshes salislaclory wrlllen p.,dence Ihal he <br />has a ,.~~1 '" Ihe properly sublecllo suc" I.en N Inlends 10 <br />o~la.o a "i~r,c suct, properl\' <br /> <br />~ <br />