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<br />GEO..tOl <br />'n <br />" <br />3 <br />~ <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />(-. <br />C-:'\ . ' <br />~-.~ - ( <br />~~~~ <br />~ "7 /'\~~ <br />~... ~). (, - <br />~ c ","~ ~ <br />~(~ . <br />".YI"'-.. <br />~ .J\ ,,"- <br />~~,~~ <br />.~ ~- <br />~\ <br />~. <br />, <br />\ ~ <br /> <br />n <br />ii" <br />;;. <br />'0 <br />-. <br />:0 <br />cZ <br />ur <br />i5' <br />-?I <br /> <br />Excerpt. From Internal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />IIlny pel Ion lIlble 10 pay any tax "egletlS ur reluses to <br />PlY the same altel demand. lhe amounl (Including any intll' <br />III additional amount, addition to tax, 01 assenable penalty, <br />together with lily cosls that may actrue In addition Ihe,eto) <br />,hili be I lien In favor ollilll United States upon ail plOperly <br />and ,Igbls 10 Plllperty, whelillll 0' personal. belonging <br />to lutIl pellon, <br /> <br />Sec, 6322. Period Of lien. <br /> <br />. Unless anothef date Is sp&tifically fixed by law, the lien <br />Impond by settlon 6321 shall arise althe time the assessment <br />Is made and shall conllnce until the liability for Ihe amount so <br />asussed (01 a judgment againslthe tallpaye, alising oul of <br />such liability) Is satisfied 0' betomes unenfo,ceable by reason <br />of lapse of lime, <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(al Purchaser'., Holdero Of Security !n- <br />ttmla, Mechanic'. llenol'l, And Judgment <br />L1tn Credltol'l. - The Fen Imposed by section 6321 sbell <br />nol be valid as against any pUfthaser, holde' of a security <br />inlelesl. mlthanit's Iienol, or judgmenll;en Cleditor unli! nOlice <br />Ihereof which meets Ihe requirements ot subseclion 10 has <br />~n fil61l by the Sec'etary <br /> <br />(I) Pllce For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(I) Place Fo, Filing - The nollce referreo to In sub- <br />slttlon (a) shall be filed. <br />{A) Under State laws <br />(I) Real Property. In the case of real property. In one <br />olllce within the Slate (or Ihecounty. ~r OIM, governmental <br />subdivision). as designateo by the laws of such Slale, In <br />wbich the property subJetlto the lien Is situated; and <br />(ii) Personal Property - In the case of pe'sonal <br />1II0perty. whethel tangible or intangible. In one ofiice <br />wilbln the State (or Ihe county. or olher governmental <br />su!ldivlslon), as deSignated by the laws ~f such Slate, <br />In which Ihe properly su~ject to Ihe I.en is situated; <br />or <br />(8) Wilh Cle'k 01 Oistricl Coun - In Ihe oWce of the clerk of <br />Ihe United Stales dlstllcl c~urlfor the Judlc,al d,slricl to which <br />Ihe ploperty subjecllo lien is situated, ..h~neve' 1M Stale has <br />notbyfaw designated one ollice which meels the reQulremenls 01 <br />subparagraph (A), or <br />(e) With Recorder Of Deeds Of The O'slncl 01 Columb,a In <br />the ollict ollhe Recorder of Deeds Of the D.slllel 01 Columbia. II <br />the property subject 10 the I,en 's slluafed In the D,s'",,! ~' <br />Columbia. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />t,I,IG'\-o:"d it.. ~~'-).."U":~/I>,j ~,1;".", <br /> <br />:!! <br />[ <br />g <br />iii' <br /> <br />.. <br />~ <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />... <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />...c. <br />-I <br />m <br />>< <br />r- <br />-. <br />C'D <br />::J <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />j. 1--:.1 <br /> <br />1 8 API? I 9 <br /> <br />I <br />~ I <br />I ~ <br />'< <br />~ 2. <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Properly Subjecl To lien - For pUlpom of <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be deemed to be slluatlll. <br />(A) Rill Properly. In the call of lIa' property, at III <br />physlcallotaUon; or <br />(8) Personal Property - In lhe case of PIrsonal property, <br />whethel tangible ~r intanglbll, II the IIsl~en" 01 tho <br />taxpayer at the lime lhe no lice 01 lien Is f11Ill, <br />F~r purpOses or paragraph (2) (8), thlllsldenCll of a corp~rallon <br />0' partne'ship shall be dtemed 10 be thl piece at which the <br />principal encutlve ollice of the business Is located, and the <br />IIsldlnce of a taxpayer whose residence Is without the Unit61l <br />States shall be deemed to be in the District of Columbia. <br />(3) Form . The form anti conlent 01 the notice <br />'eferreo 10 in subsection (a) shall be prescribed by the <br />Semtary, Such nollce shall be valid notwlthslanding any <br />other provision of law regarding Ihe lorm or content of a <br />nollce of lien. <br /> <br />Nole: See section 6323(b) for protectIon for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section $321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />l. Securities <br />2. !.Iotor vehicles <br />3. Personal propeny purchased at retaIl <br />4. Personal property purchased on casual sale <br />5. Personal p;operty subjecteillo possessory lIen <br />6. Real property tax and special assessment liens <br />7. Residential property sub!ecl to a mechanlc's <br />lien for certain repaIrs and improvemenls <br />B. Aftorney's liens <br />9. Certain ;nsurancecontracts <br />10. Passbook loans <br /> <br />(gJ Reflllng OJ Notice. - For purposes ot Ihls <br />section - <br /> <br />(1) General Rule. - Unle~s nohce of Iie~ 15 reWed in <br />the manner prescribed in paragraph (2) dunng the 'eQuired <br />rellling period, such notice of lien shall be Ireated a~ filed on t~e <br />dale on.whlch it;s liled (in accordance wilh subsechOn ~f)) aller <br />the eKpiralion of such IIli1ing pe,iOd. <br /> <br />(2) Pllce For Filing. - A nOllce of I,en ,,"'ed <br />durmg the reQl'ired period shall be effective only <br />,AII1- <br />0) such notice of lien is refiled In the ollice ,n which lhe <br />onOI nOlice of lien was Wed, and <br />Ill) In the case of 'eal property. the fael 01 rel.llO~ IS <br />enlered ano recorded on an lOde. 10 Ihe ..tent reqUired by <br />SubsectIon !O (el, and <br />IS! '" any case In which. 90 da~s or more plre, 10 the dale <br />of a rellllOg 01 nOllte 01 iien unde, subparagraph (AI. the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />88 ~_. 1 .) 1 9 J 0 <br />Grilli10i <br />Grantee L 67 <br />NumerIcal ~)/! <br /> <br />'- \ 0 -~, 1 <br />.\vf <br /> <br />z <br />? <br /> <br />- ,! <br /> <br />, :.' '. ) <br />'\'''' <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />c: <br />:::I <br />8: <br />C/) <br />lit <br />c;r <br />tit <br /> <br />,:.;,; <br /> <br />F, II <br />tll, <br /> <br />c <br />!1' <br />55 <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />.J ! <br />.' :;_.....~1:..o"I-= ._~.,J <br /> <br />r r r;-:.- i' ~ <br /> <br />Secretary received wrmen Information (in the manner <br />prncribed In 'e~~llIlon5 Issued by the Secretary) <br />concerning a chlngeln the taxpayer's ruldence, If a notice <br />of such lien 1IIIso f11ld In actordance with subsection (I) In <br />lhe Statl In which such '''idencels loceled. <br /> <br />(3) Required Reflllng Period, - In the cm <br />01 any nolicl 01 lien, the telm "requIred rellllng period" means. <br />(Al the one.year period endIng JO days after the expiration <br />of 6 yea,s aller the date of the assessment of the tax, and <br />(8: the one-year period ending with the explralion of 6 years <br />aller Ihe close of the preceding required ref;ling period for <br />such notice of tien. . <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />DiSCharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(al Release Of L:en. - Subject 10 such <br />regulations as the Secrelary may prescribe. Ihe Secretary shall <br />Issue a certificate of release of any lien imposed with respect to <br />any Internal revenue tax not later Ihan JO days alter Ihe day on <br />which. <br />(1) liablllly SatiSfied or Unenforceable - The Secretary <br />finds that Ih~ liability fOI the amount assessed, together with all <br />Interest in rlSpecl there~t. has been fully satisfied or has <br />become legally unenforceable; or <br />(21 Bond Accepted. There is furnished to the Secrelary and <br />accepted by him a bond that is conditioned upon the payment of <br />the amount assesseo, logelhe' with all interest in respect <br />thereot, wilhln the time prescribed by law (Including any <br />extensiOIl 01 such time), and that is In accordance with such <br />requirements relating to lerms, conditions. and form of the bond <br />and sureties Ihereon. as may be specifIed by such regulalions. <br /> <br />Sec, 6103, Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(kJ Disclosure 01 Certain Returns and <br />Return Informallon For Tax Admlnlslratlon <br />~urposes. - <br /> <br />.21 Disclosure of amount of outstanding Ilen. -II a notIce of <br />I,e' ~as been hied pUIsuanlto section 6323ifl. the amounl cl lhe <br />outslan~,ng obligalwn secJled by SuCh lien may be disclosed to <br />anV person who fU'OlShes satisfactory written evidence thaI he <br />has a nghl In Ihe properly sublecl 10 such lien or inlends to <br />obtain a nghl In such property <br /> <br />~ <br />