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<br />r__lILI!,_~~~-R~~~~~_~_~~_f>II~~~~~.:~=o~or~lon _,,81l~.. J"QJ,_90 6- Huffman and Felton & Willi. Walton. Ne. 68461--1 -li--
<br />I II
<br />I: IN CONSIDERATION of the pa)I"lent of tile debt named therein, tile ! !,
<br />I i Overland National Bank of Grand Island hereby releases tlte mortgage IIMde to I ii
<br />
<br />, *e Overland National Bank of Grand Island b). Douglas L. Crumrine arid Cynthia H. Crumrine I :i
<br />I Husband and Wifet and Lawrence G. Crumrine and Lois A. Crumrine, Husband and Wife r II
<br />I on the following described real estate, to-wit: i i!
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Argo Fifth Subdivision, an Addition to AIda, Hall County, Nebraska. i Ii
<br />!;
<br />~ !
<br />
<br />.~t-lwc<~ Hall Ii
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is reCQrded/~ , of Real Estate Mortgages, page '{ I!
<br />of the records of said County. as Docwnent #83-005112 I :!
<br />IN TESTI.M.9NYtlVHo/iEOF, the said Overland National Bank of Grand Island has caused I H
<br />these prese~ts to~efx~cu~~ by\9!{/presidcllt a"d its Corporate Seal to be affised hereto this 26th I H
<br />
<br />I ~.:!;~;' ~iJ.Il'!~~ · 1988 .TI!F;~.......~~?;Eg.~~./..J?~Fe".c"~t'.1~'V...''''V.~'~'.c'''e' I I,'
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<br />.: ~~~";"""r::'.~:'.~":"",/\,;:".,,; :....,.....,..........", ,....""".... ...,... ,.."..,... By ....,'\?'/..;/'...7.....,....1...."..,.....,J..!..L....'>-...: ....m..,,,,' President, il I,
<br />i .~. I '.'. A - / I J~~ ~, S I
<br />, ~'..................:.:...................:;;;.....................m...........'..........Attest .._....--.--.~~.,..~..~ 'Caslner, ecretary II
<br />: 'J" ., NEBRASKA I ,I
<br />;~T~TE OF.....;;.tr'..:.:;..........................................}ss. On this.....~2tJ:L..day oL....J.~mJ.~Y....'........m.....' 19..~.~.I' !I
<br />' .. " .,::.~.........................~......._'u,.................County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Ii
<br />'I
<br />"s8id:€ounty, personally came......m.~?:y...9,~,..?~~,'?~.",.....................m................~~R)J.tJ~~...y';i.Qg, President of the! n
<br />r-' '-. t 'I
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<br />,.~;~~..~~~g~~\~lffi~~~d!:~~d~i:~~i~~.~~~~.~h.~.~~'~~~.~..i~.~ffi;~~i'~'th~'~b~:e ~~~;:sr::~~! Ii
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<br />acknowled~d the ex~ution thereof.to be his voluntary act and deed as suc~ officer, a?d the voluntary act and I Ii
<br />I deed of 88ld CorporatIOn, and that Its corporate seal was thereto affixed by Its authority. I "~I
<br />I I I
<br />I I last :~:'::i~ and N= .:.:~::~I~"~~~uu..~uum... iJCJ::;he day and year I .1
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