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<br />I <br /> <br />1:1)' <br />ill;!;, <br />.jl!ili"'~.~I. <br />l,h"I' <br />1'!IIIi.1 <br />'1111 I!:; <br />Iljl"i!~;111 <br />I !~I;! <br />liii:i;;~1 <br />~Iil;~~ <br />1111!iB' <br />I !Iii!~,! <br />II p'~j'l <br />,f: <br />11.'.I!i~:., <br />111"111) <br />:!ill~iI <br />11i'1:1~\ <br />1 ':1.., <br />.11[J:i~i <br />l'IIIS! <br />l'li;.:'.'~.'i <br />1!.J1 <br />/!.:,~. <br />:il':d <br />I."i"'~l <br />&l:irl <br />111101""'.\ , <br />I!,i:::rl <br />11"1.:~' <br />tq <br /> <br />T/ris is to certify t/rat there is pcnding in tile Cuunty Court of <br /> <br />Nebraska, a proceedill(J entitled: <br /> <br />P88-41 <br /> <br />Doc, <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />No. <br /> <br />,which is (1, proceeding involving <br />HEIRS TO CCl'WIR1 TITLE. <br /> <br />FORMAL AI1JliDICATICN OF INI'ESTACY AND DEI'EmlNATION OF ' <br />(pfouate of will. adminisl,u/ion of est ale, determinCltion oj heirs, determination <br /> <br /> <br />, ill which proceeding the following described teal <br /> <br />of inheritance tux, guardians/tip. or consut'utorsliip <br /> <br />estate is involved, la-wit: AN UNDIVIDED 3/8 INI'ERES'l' <br /> <br />The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E~SE~) of Section Three (3). in Township <br />Nine (9), North, Range Nine (9). West of the 6th P.M.. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Richard E. Weaver <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />County Judge of said county <br /> <br />~ab~ <br /> <br />Clerk of the County Court <br /> <br />Srdirm 24-;159. "In any proceeding in the county courl involving (J) the /lfobate of wills under the prOlJisions of Chapter 30, article <br />2. (2) the administration oj estates under Ihe provisions of Chapler 30, orlicle 3, (3) the determination of heir:f under the provillionll oj <br />Chapter 30, article 17, (4) tile determiIlatirm of inheritatlCe taz under the provisions of Chapter 77, article 20, (5) guardianships <br />under Ihe provisionll 01 Chapter 38. article I, 2. 3. or 'I, or (6) cOllserl'alors/ril's under Ihe prolJisions 0/ Chapler 38, article 9. where <br />teal ellalt ill anu part oj IlIe assets oj IIrt estate or prorl'eding. tile county judge be/ore whom the proceeding ill pending shall iSlfue a <br />certificate which shall be filed with Ihe register oj deeds of the County in wlrich the rtat estate is tocated within ten dalls after the <br />deuription o/Ihe real estate isJUed in the proceeding...,..~.................................... <br /> <br /> <br />. i!i:i:i;til. . <br />til'~i;l j <br />i~~~\;.t~\~~'!t1~~~::;~'{c,c <br /> <br /> <br />--. --. - - - .-:;~::~:~-c~~~-2:.:~~:~~f_~Yi~~T-i_R~f=-,_4'-:~-c5-:- <br />~~ -- ,~~-~..,-..:' ~..~~~~~~~~t~;1~~tI5tt~.~:,=~-., <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />! <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />r <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />