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<br />. <br /> <br />il <br />~~~ <br />~ ~;\G <br />(" l ~ <br />~ \~)'. ,<. <br />~ <\. '~ <br />:~ '~ <br />'~J~ ,', <br />, ~ . ,- i .: . <br />~ ". <br />"- <br /> <br />~) <br />C:{ <br />v <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />~ <br /> <br />0' <br />... <br />:z:I <br />cZ <br />! <br />~ <br /> <br />EICtrptl From Inlemal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321, Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />II Iny parton IIlble 10 pay any tax or r.fu," 10 <br />pay IhI .Illr dlmln~, Ih. .mounl {Including any Inl.r, <br />tit, Iddltlonallmounllddlllon 10 lax, or usuuble penally, <br />togttiler with Iny COI.. tl1al may aeel'lle In addition Iherelo} <br />ahlll tit a tI.n In IIYOf of till United States upon all p,oparty <br />and rlghla 10 PlOJIIrty, wlltther rell or perlonal, belonging <br />10 luch parton, <br /> <br />Sac. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unll" Inollltt'dllII I. lpecllically fixed by la.., Ihe lien <br />ImpoHd by ~Ion 6321 ehallarlle al Ihe lime Ihe aUl$smsnl <br />II midi .nd shill continu. unl1llM IIlblllty lor Ih. amount so <br />ullllId (or a JUdgmenl againslthe lupayel arising out 01 <br />luch IIllbllllyllS IIllslitt1 or btcomes unenforceable by reason <br />allllPH oltiml. ' <br /> <br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br />l Certain Persons. <br />(II) Purdlae"l. HoldeR Of SccLlrily 1n- <br />i......, MtchIn\c'. LItnOl'l. And Judgment <br />lien Crtclltora. - The lien Imposed by uctlon 6321 shall <br />, nol tit Vllld IS Igaln.' any purchlur, holder 01 a ucurlly <br />, inl.rnl, mechanlc'llI.nor, or lI.n creditor until nollc. <br />Ihlraol which mH1S the rIQulr.m.nls of su~seclion (f) has <br />. betn IiI.d by In. Secretary, <br /> <br />(f) PIIct For Filing Notice; Fonn,- <br /> <br />(Il Place For Filing - The noUce relerred 10 in su~ <br />section (a) shall be filed. - <br />(A) Under SllIlelaws <br />(I) Real Propeny , In th. case of real propeny, .n one <br />office within IheSlal. (or thl counly, or oth!1 governmental <br />subdiViS10n),'Bl de~ltlnated by the lawS 01 such Stale, In <br />which 1M property subjecl!o Ihe lien 'S situaled: and <br />I (II) Personal Propeny , In the casl 01 personal <br />" prpptrty, wheU,er lang~ble or Intangible. In onl ollice <br />within Ihe Slale (or Ihe counly, or olher governmental <br />subdiVISion), as desi~nated by Ihe laws 01 SUCh Stale. <br />in which the properly subjeCI to Ihe I.en 's SituatEd <br />or <br />(B) With Cler~ Of District Court' In Ihe office 01 the clerk 01 <br />the United StallS dlSlricI court lor the"c! In <br />Ihe property subjeclto lien 15 situated, wh:ne", Ihe Slate has <br />nol by law designated one ollic! rr.eels Ihe 'eQulT~menls 01 <br />subparagraph IAI. or <br />Ie) With Recorder 01 [)eeds 01 Thl O,S"'C! Of Colurr.b.. . In <br />1M oflice of 1M Recorder of Deeds 01 the Olstrocl 01 Columb'a II <br />Ihe property subiecllo the hen .s Situated IT. the O,SI"C' r-' <br />ColUl'lbla <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />EntttrGd AS D.OClUment ~. <br /> <br />88- .1:] .1 8 e LI <br /> <br />Gfl!nWT ,\ ".:~ <br />Grant$e /Yl ..~ <br />~ .. NW;lellql_..!.!~ <br />o Ii,,_ ',' ,__ , '." ~~;\) ,'" <br />C i: ; 'i. ..." F: 1 ,. 1_ L :;. ..) <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />:!! <br />3: <br />:f <br />j;;' <br /> <br />.... <br />co <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />(') <br />CD <br />o <br />..... <br />-t <br />S>> <br />>c <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />:s <br /> <br />,."'.......-:, <br />'.. /. <br />;;'/-" .~ <br /> <br />Of ' 1- c.,/ l <br />\u 01' <br /> <br />z <br />!=' <br /> <br />'88 fiPH 15 <br /> <br />!Hi 91'i 56 <br /> <br />c: <br />:::lI <br />[ <br />en <br />S' <br />- <br />m <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />f <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Sltul Of Property SubJecI To lI.n . For purpllUl 01 <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), prop.rty shill be deemed 10 be sltualed. <br />IA} Rill Prpperty . In Ih~ cua 01 real prOplrty, II III <br />phYllcllloCllIon: or <br />IB) Perlonll Properly' In the call 01 per..nll property, <br />whalhlr tanglblt or Intangible, II Ih. resid.nce of thl <br />lupayer at lh.lImt Iha nollea of IItn I. flIld. <br />For purpoles 01 par.grlph (2J (8),lhe r6lldence of a corporation <br />or pertnerllllp shall be dHmI!d 10 be Ihe place al which lht <br />prlnclpaleXBcullve office of the Is lOCI led, and the <br />reSidence of a laxply!r whose II wllhpul Ihe Unilld <br />Stalll shall be deemed 10 be in Ihe DIllrlct of Columbll, <br />(3) Form . The lorm and contenl 01 Ihe notice <br />relerred IP in subs.ction {a) shall be prescribed by Ih' <br />Secrellry. Such' notice sh.11 be vllld nolWlihslandlrig any <br />other provision of law regllfdlng Ihe lorm or c;onlent 01 . <br />nollt.olllen. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of Iren <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />" SaCuril;!S <br />2, Motor vlhlcles <br />3, Penonll property pun:tw.d .1 retail <br />4, Perlonll property purchased In cBsual sale <br />5 Personll properly subJecled 10 possessory lien <br />6, Rell property lax lnd special allusment lI.ns <br />7. R.sldentliLI property subl,cI to B mechanlc's <br />lien lor.teitaln repairs and Impro....ments <br />8. Attorn.y'lli.ns <br />9, Certain insurance ,ontracts <br />10 PasSbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Retlilng Of Nollce, - For purposes 01 Ihls <br />section. <br /> <br />(1) Generlll Rule, - Uniess nollce 01 lien IS reliled in <br />Ihl manner prescribed in paragraph 121 durmg Ille reQuired <br />reliling period. such notice of lien shall be Ireated as Hied on lhe <br />dale on'which il is filed (,n accordance with subseclion III) all.r <br />Ihe e~p.ration 01 such refiling pepoo <br /> <br />i21 Place For Filing, - A nOllce of Illn rellled <br />dunn. Ihe 'eQu"eo rel'lmg period shall be effecl,vl only, <br />(A) ,1, <br />Ii) such nolice of lien is reliled in Ihe ottice In which thl <br />pltor nollce of lEen was filed. and <br />(ill In the case 01 reai propeny the lacl 0' refllln~ .s <br />entered and on an .Mel 10 Ihe elle,,! 'Nu"ell by <br />sullsecllon (I) 14), and <br />iBI In any case In 90 days or more p"o' to Ihe dale <br />01 a refjltn~ 01 not,cl 01 lien under suliparagraph (Ai. the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br />..'._~.i...o(.',.J <br /> <br />r' (' ", I') C' n!~ ~ !") t:; <br /> <br />SeC!1llry received wrllltn Inlormltlon (In Ih. manner <br />prucrlbed In regullllonl luu.d by Ih. Secrellry) <br />concerning . chln~' In In,'axpIYlr'. rlllderce,II. notice <br />01 luch lien Js allo 1II1d In ICccrdl~ce wIth lubnctlon (I) In <br />Ih' SII" In which luch rllidence llloolted, <br /> <br />(3) Requlred'ReflUng Ptrlod. - In Ihe cm <br />01 any nOlic. of lien, Ihlllrm "required reflllng perlod- means- <br />(A) tile one-year period ending 30 days aller the explrallon <br />01 B yeers .fter Ihl dele ollhe BS!lumenl 01 Ihalax, Ind <br />(8) Ihe periOd andlng wllh Ih. .xplrallon 01 6 years <br />all.r Ih. close of Ihl prEceding required "filing perIod lor <br />sue II notice of lien, <br /> <br />. r <br />Sec, 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />'Discbarge Of property. <br /> <br />(a) Release Of Lien. - Sublbcl to such <br />regulations as Ihe Secrelary ma~ pramilll, IIlI Secretary shall <br />iSSUI a c.rtilicat. olrelllse 01 any lien Imposed with respect 10 <br />any Inlernal rev.nuelax not laterlnan):) days allar Ihe day on <br />which, <br />(I) Liability Satislied or Unenforceable' Tile Secretary <br />linds thellh.Uablllly for Ih. amounl assessed.logelh.r with all <br />Inlerest in respect Ihereol, has be.n lully satisfied or has <br />becomalegllly unenforceable; or <br />(2) Bond Accapl.d. There Is lurnished 10 Ille Slcrelary and <br />acceplld by him a bond tllalls conditioned upon th. plymlnl 01 <br />Ihe amounl asse.sld, logelher with alllnllresl In respecl <br />tllereol, wllhin the time prlscrlbed by law (Including any <br />extension of such lim~), and Ihat is In accordance With such <br />reQulremlnts rellling 10 lerms. conGltio~s. and form ol.lhe bond <br />and surllles Iherlon. as may be speclfild by such ragulallons. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. C,onfidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />lkl Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />Reh.lfn Information For TalC Administration <br />Purposes, - <br /> <br />(2) ~i>ciosure of amounl or oulslandlng lIen, iI a nollce 01 <br />lien has b~en f'!e~ POrSUa"l ro '~ClI0n 632JlIi Ih! amount 01 the <br />outstanOHlg IJbhgalu)t; $eC~JfC lit. &oJl::'\ lil;:n may be 10 <br />any person who lurmshes satisfactory wrillen €videncl thai heOhas a "ghl In Ihe property subject 10 such I,en or 1,1tends to <br />obl~.n a "gilt In such properly <br /> <br />~ <br />