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<br />I <br /> <br />88- 101871 <br /> <br />'&1-001819 <br /> <br />H.II c...,. NeIInIIIMI <br /> <br />IUffALO ,,,,,Vi...INI COftI'OrRATION <br />1450 C...," -.... <br />.....,. MI.... ...47 <br /> <br />,.se,.... <br />(101) Ul-J7ID <br /> <br />...... ..l.-- If ') <br /> <br />a trnC't of Imltt 10c~tcd in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br /> <br />III l:t r t er of <br /> <br />~ection -12-. T~N. R~ W of the 6th P.M. <br /> <br />Hall County. NebraHka, <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />JanURry 13 <br /> <br />, 19~ <br /> <br />LF.GAI. DESCRIPTION: <br /> <br />SlTE: GSl B. EXHIBIT A-:",1 <br /> <br />A tract of lal1d being part of the So"thwest Quarter of thp Southwest <br />quartpr (SW~ SW~) of Section Nineteen (19). TowuRhip Nine (9) North. <br />H::m~f' Ten (10) West nf the 6th P.101,. Hall County. Nebraska, morp <br />particularly described as follows: Referring to the Northwest corner <br />of lhe Houthwpst quarer of the South""est Quarter of said Section 19; <br />thence SOl1therly on the West line of said SouthweRt Ql1arter of the <br />Southwest Quarter a distallce of 15.0 feet; thenre Easterly parallel <br />with the North line of sRid Southwest Ouarter of the Southwest <br />~llarter a distance of 63,0 feet to tht' ACTUAL PLACE 010' BEGINNING; <br />th....nce continuing Easterly un the afore described course Co distance <br />of 70.0 feet; thpnce Southerly parallel with the West line of said <br />Southwest ~uarter a distance of 70.0 feet. thence Westerly parallel <br />with the North line of said tract a distance of 70.0 feet; thence <br />Northerly a distance of 70,0 feet to the pla('e of beKinning. <br /> <br />LEChl. DESCRIPTION FOI~ 20 FOOT INGRr:8S-I~l:HESS EASEMENT <br /> <br />A tract of land being 20.0 feet in width which is to lIseel for tngress- <br />erress easement road purpos{>s for the above described tract of land <br />with the centerline of said 20 foot strip being more particularly <br />described as follows: Referring tn thp Northwest corner of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Southwest ~uarter of said Sectinn 19; thence <br />Suutherly on the l-lest line uf !'>aid Southwest l!u~rtpr of the Southwest <br />Quaner a distance of 25,0 feet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence <br />Easterly pRrallel with the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter of said section a distance of 63.0 feet to the point <br />of termination. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOH 10.0 FOOT UTlLlTY EASEMENT <br /> <br />A strip of land being 10.0 feet in wlrlth which is to used for utility <br />easement purposes with the centerline of said 10.0 foot strip bein~ <br />more particularly describf'd as follows: Refprr1ng to the Northwest <br />cnrnt.!r of the Southwest Quarter of the SOllthwest Quarter of Section 19. <br />Township 9 North, Range 10 West. thenl"e Southerly on the WeRt line of <br />said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distrmce of 40.0 feet <br />to thp. ACTUAl. PLACE OF REGINNING; thence Easterly parallel with the North <br />line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said section a <br />distance nf 63.0 feet to the point of termination. <br /> <br />u <br /> <br /> <br />.19~ <br /> <br />N <br /> <br />Nebraska <br />