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<br /> 88- 10184r; <br /> ... "TI I Ef'lt.!-red as Document No.- - ~ / J <br /> !/ f <br /> :I L- l'/ <br />W\\J~ ! 57 88-, q \0 I <br /> ;r - '- <br /> Z <br />~ ~:t/ 0 <br />~ ~ t ... z <br /> -- ? <br />~~~!/' n <br /> (1) i ~! ;\SKA) S ~ <br /> 0 d.'llL ) i <br /> -- pi 0 <br /> - ~ <br />~~ co '88 APil.. 8 <AN1rJ <br />' 1 II <br />,~ )C <br />~ {J 0 ~O~. <br /> ! r- <br />~'L?,'l -- <br /> 0' . (D "'. .'" - - <br /> - <br />. ~ ~ ::1 i/"- '..- ~ <br />l~ :lJ <br /> tZ !1 - '~:-()F flf:Fn~ <br /> .- Go <br /> ;r . <br /> 'C <br /> ~ ? 9. <br /> <br />Elcerpta From Inttmal Rntnut Codt <br />Sec. 6321. lien For Taxes, <br /> <br />" any peaon lilblt to PlY Iny tu neglects 01 rtl~~u 10 <br />'PlY ltMIlImt Il1tr ~'l1IIna. l1li ..mwnl (incJudm; Iny inlar- <br />-.t.1lldltion&1 alllOllfll. Il:Idilion 10 Ill., or iJJeSSable ptll11ty. <br />1llgI\lIer within)' costs IlIaI mlYlcaue in addilii)/l tlIertlO) <br />IIIaIl III . IIIn In IawDl 01 tllt Uniled Salts \lIlOn all propt.'t)' <br />Illd rIQJda to proptlty. wlletlItr rell or ptrsDnal. belon;ing <br />10 IUdl ptrSDIl <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien, <br /> <br />tw.a MOIIIk dati it spttIfally f!.ull by Ilw. IIlI lien <br />IaIpoaad by MCtiolll5321 Wlllrise II tht lime llIlllsstSSmenl <br />II .. and Wll contin:le ....111 IIlI blb'lay fDl tht ..~unt $0 <br />-- (1If a j~lIItll1 ao.....,,!he tupayer lrising 1M 01 <br />IlICIlllal.ilily)is salisftld or becomes unenlorcelb!e by 'USOll <br />01 __ of tiIIIt. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br /> <br />(tJ ~ HoIdIn Of SIcurtIy In- <br />...... II'WIlIe'. UInon, And Juclgmtnt <br /> <br />UIn CNdIIan. - Tilt IiIIl ~ by MClion 13'21l1li11 <br />IIIC III VIIICI II 1t&1rWt any Pl'c:fItw. holdtl 01 . MCIIity <br />...... ~'.Ilanor. or ~Mnt litn tnlIi10r unlil nolq <br />..., wNdl IllIetI lIla I !qlIlflllll!lU 01 SlIbMottion II) has <br />IIIIa NaIl by lIla $eQ'NIy, <br /> <br />(f) ..... For fling Noticti Form.- <br /> <br />(I) ftaca For Fili"ll . Tile nola relened 10 In s~ <br />IKIion (1.1 IIIaII III filed. <br />(AJ lltldIr State laws <br />(i) Ileal ProlIer1Y . In !he U~ 01 rnl p/operty. III Ont <br />olficI witlIilI!he SIIII \DI!he to<>nty, Of olhlf ;o..-mmenlll <br />1llIIIIMsioII). II clnitlll~ by !he Iallllll lath Stilt. in <br />wlIicIIlIla property subjKt 10 !he I"" is sihllt!lll; IrIll <br />\111 "'-1 Propeny . In the USI 01 PtI$IlNI <br />1fOIIIIly. ~ tan;~ or onllng,ble. ill one oll.ce <br />wi1IIin. 1!Ie $a'- IClI the to""'l)I_ Dr DIner ;vnrnlMn1Il <br />lUWiYiIlon). .S llIsilllllted by lhe 11111 01 suell SUle, <br />ill .-tlicfI tile Plowtr .~ 10 !he 11t~ ., Sl1ulted <br />or <br />'" lfl'otII CleR DI ""llId Co;n - I~ lilt allot. of lilt e!t.t 01 <br />t!lI UftitId SlUM dis1l'i<< eOllf1IDl ttle l;rl\lClll ~lslriCll!l orlIltlI <br />1!Ie IIfOtI'ty IlIbj1c1 to t..~ ,s 511...114. whene...r I\lI SllIt lias <br />noIlly In _'IIlIIltO 0/lI etli(l -"otflltfttl llIe rfQUlftmtr:l1 01 <br />s""~rtP/lI"'. l)I <br />It) Wrtfl Iltcorw {)l0Ma, ()I Tilt O,str.ct Ol!AllumH -In <br />"" 0Ita lII' t!lI ~l\tf III 0It0t III lhe OtSll>tf 01 Col.mD:. " <br />"" prottrty IUbJtcf 1) IIIe ~t' 'S S.IUllell III t,... !l,w.ct 01 <br />~I <br /> <br />{ZJ Sllus Of Property SubjtCl To lien ' For purpolU 01 <br />Plragllphs III and (Cl. property shaH be ~'Imtd 10 be .itulled. <br />II.) Real Property - In lhe cue of rnl proptfty, II lit <br />physlc.tlIOUlion; or <br />iB) PeISDnal Property - In the CUI 01 l*IO/Illllroptrty. <br />.-helMr Ilngibll or inllngible, 11 lhe mklenct 01 Iht <br />IllpI)ItC II tllt lime 1/lt nOlice 01 lien Is f,\ell, <br />For lI\IrprlllS III paragrlph (2) (8I,l1\e rnklence 01 I colp01I1Ion <br />or PArtne.ship shill be deemeel10 be !he plitt 11 wlliell tllt <br />principal Il~UU"'1 offitt ollhe busintu Is loeIltd. and !ht <br />resi~lnc:e 01 I IIlJlll~lr .110,. rni~tnct Is without tllt Unltld <br />Sales WlI be llH/lllOd 10 be in the Oi$lricl o!Columbla. <br />(3) form - The ;orm Ind conlenl of the nolitt <br />,Il.rreel 10 in substc110n II) sllall be prtKIi~ by lilt <br />Stttlta!)'. SIIdl nolitt slla. be n1l4 nolwl1latarding .11)1 <br />otlltr prDvis,on 01 I,. regl<<llOg tilt form or conlanl 01 . <br />noliCe oll~n. <br /> <br />Nol.: See see lion 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interesls even though notice 01 lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Stcutl\itS <br />2 Motor "I hie'" <br />3. f'lrtDl\ll prO/ltrty p~ "I maY <br />4. "'''onal proptlty ~ in cuual lilt <br />S. ftmllll PTO/ltrty 1ubjtc1t<<l 10 !lOSMnory lien <br />S. l\Nl prO\llrt)' tu 1"-' .l*\.'......llItIIllitnl <br />7. IlaIkltnlill PlOptit)' s~ 10 I IllKllInlc) <br />lltn for tertllin ,.pairs l"-'lmpro....mtnlS <br />e Ahorne~'s lilns <br />i Ctrtllln insurlnce conlratU <br />'0 Pmbook IGtns <br /> <br />19l Riming 01 NDtice. - For purposes of this <br />Stelion . <br /> <br />III GIntnII Rule. - UnltunolittOfli'nIlrelUtllIn <br />tilt fI\lMlr prucClbe(l in Plrlgrapll l2l11urin; IIle rtqulrtd <br />..!,lin; periOll. such N1t~ ollltn IlIall be 1I...11ll al !i.led on tllt <br />Illle on-.tliCll.llS fl\~ll (in Iccordancl with subJectiDn (0) 1!llr <br />!he elp"lt~ 01 SUCh ,e!~'ng penOll <br /> <br />(ZJ PIIct For FlIltig. - A noUtt 01 relllt<! <br />ll.Jfing lhe rtQu\rtd rtt,lIn" period WII be 1IllCtlve OIl;y. <br />\J,) If. <br />(.) Iu~" noUtt 0' l;en OJ '1',1ed In lilt Otllct In .-!lith lilt <br />pnor nollCt 01 hen ""..s filed. IrIll <br />(l~ .n Iht elM o! rill P'D;lIrty. the llet 01 rtf.lln" IS <br />enlflel!! ltCO.lItcI in In lNle. 10 IIle eaten, rtQUlIed b~ <br />subuel,on (II <<C). IrIll <br />leI '" In~ use ,n ",'uCh. 90 IIIl" 01 more pIoO' 10 the Illlt <br />01 I "I,hng 01 nollCt o! btn linlltr Su~II;Tlpl1 (AI. the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />s.mtary rectlvtd .rllllll Informallon (hl tilt ll\lnntr <br />pr"crlbtd In regulallons luutd by the Stmtary) <br />toncemllltl I Wlltll In llIItnp'yw'I mllllOtt, " IllGlltt <br />01 slle!, nail Is I\SO liltclln ICCO<<lllltt wlttt IlIbHct10n (f) In <br />the Stale In w111c1\ Wl:lllllldllltt Is Iol:altd. <br /> <br />(3) Required RlflIIno Ptt1od. - In Ihe CUI <br />of Iny nolltt ollltll. Ihe ttrm "nqulrtd rellll~ perlod" mtIN . <br />{J,) lhe ollt-)'tIr perlocllndlllQ 30 da)'1ll11r Ihe upll1tlon <br />01 8 }'tars ITlII Ihe lIlll 01 the IUlUlTlIl\t 01 tilt tax. and <br />(8) 1111 I;\.'lt-)'III pirlolllnlllllll willi lhe uplllllDn 018)1'11.11 <br />llar 1he ~1011 01 1M ~lltIllqul1ld nlllllltl perlod lor <br />such n(\\ltt o! liln. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />III R.... Of Utn. - Subfttl 10 .~ <br />regu'llions 111111 Ssml"!)' mlY pmulbl..llllI Stcrlta1)llhaU <br />ISSUlI ctrtllic.ell 01 relllM 01 a1l)' lIan lmpostd wllh mpect to <br />Iny InlllMl rl\'tlll,ll till nolllllllllan 30 ~I)'I aTltllhe daYDn <br />wllictl. <br />(I) liability Slllslltd or lKlIn!oTONbla . 1M Saerllary <br />1lIllIa thll1hc liability lor thlamOlJlI UMUId, IOOllhtr wIth all <br />Inltlllt In ml*l 1"'1101. IIn bMn fully ""I!lId or IIU <br />bKo"", 110111)' Ul'IIIIIoreiUll; DI <br />t2I Bond Aettpltll. 1'he11 II 1umlahtd to tl'tI &emtary lIld <br />aettpltd by him a bond 'tIIlll condltlolllCl upon !ht pa)'lMlll of <br />Ihe .mo~nl UIIIMCl. t00t1l\tt wlth all IntIrIIt In 1"1*\ <br />thIrtol, wltl\ln Ihe tl'M Po"*"*' by IIw (lntiuflno any <br />tlltnslon 01 sueli t1ml). and thIllI In aecordlllCl wItI\ .~ <br />requll1mlnlS rel.ling 10 IlImS, conll1110ns. .nd lorm ollhlliond <br />1"-' s\!rlUu tlltraon. n mly bllpttlflel! by such regulallons. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and DIs" <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(k) DIIdoture of CtrtIin RtNI'M Iftd <br />Rltum lnfonntflon For Tu Admlnlatrltlon <br />Purpolll. - <br /> <br />(2) OlSclO$Ule ollmount 01 oulSII"-,inQ liln. .Illnollce ot <br />liln hn betn I,lellpurlu..nllo 1K110n 6323(0. lilt Imounl olthe <br />Oull'llICillll ollllglllon newel! by.uch liln may be ~iSclou<llo <br />Iny pilSon who tum,slIts IIt1S'lClo!)' Wllhln 'V.clnct IIIaI M <br />lias I r'ghl in lhe PIO/ltrty S.titc:110 SUCh l"n or inlends 10 <br />oblsin I right'n s~ch proplrty. <br /> <br />-1 <br />