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<br />I <br /> <br />;}I <br />3 <br />!0. <br />r ~\:: <br />~ ~~:J ~ <br />~. ~~y{ <br />r t,\:,\\\'~ <br />~ ~ 1\ '0 <br />~ ~', <br />\~~i': <br />"0Y <br />~ <br />~''J <br />'~ <br />~. 1/ <br />\, <br /> <br />- <br />51: <br />;v <br />.. <br />co <br />.. <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />ii" <br />~ <br /> <br />Elcftptl From Internal Reyenue COOt <br />Sec. 6321. lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />" Iny person lialll! 10 pay Inr III neglectl 01 'el~nl to <br />'PlY tilt ume IItar deltlllll!. lhlIlmOlln! (ll\CI~'n; Inr ,nl'l- <br />- alldition&ll1l\llUnt ail(lll,on 10 tal. D. Inuuble ~na!ty. <br />__ Wlth lny to$1S t1\l1 t!IIy accrue In .~drllon lherelol <br />thIIt blll!tn In flVOI ot the Un~tll SUtn UDon all PIOPII!ty <br />1M r1Ql1lS to \lIO~rty, WIIItIler rul 0' PII'lonll. btlO!\l)lIIg <br />tD Sl.IdI peBOIt <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of lien, <br /> <br />UnIIu lnolhtf elite .. s;l8Clf,Ully l..tll by I.... the lien <br />IlIlpOMd by NClic.n 632t $!\alllflU It the tIme lhlIllSeSSl!lbnt <br />Is maIli ancl wll continue \.filII !he 1~b.l;1y tD' tr>! amount 10 <br />UIftIed (0' I ju<lgment .glinsl t1'le !UPlI)'el ansin; Nil Dl <br />Sl.IdIliAbjlltylll IUill.e<l a. becQltoM "nen10tteable by tuson <br />ollapM lit llme <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) PurchIIIr". HokItrt 01 Stcurtty In. <br />...... 1IIchInic', Utnon. And Judgmtnl <br />UIn CrIcIHon. - Tl1a lien illlPtlStd by ItCtion 6321 1l1a1l <br />IIDl III valid II .!nSllny plRIlaHI. bollllr 01 I SlIeiJrily <br />1nInIl.1IlK:lIIJlIc'llitnor. or judgmtn1lien CBCI~or until nollCe <br />~ wtlIdI I!lII1I .,.. nQuirements 01 lubS8ctio" jf) hIS <br />.... ftled ~ tilt Slc:rNry. <br /> <br />If) PIICI For FIltng Hotk:t; Form.- <br /> <br />(lJ flae. For f,ling - TN noto<< relerred to In su1;- <br />IKtion (I) WlI III fjltQ. <br />I" Undtr 51..111 LIft <br />(i) Ileal ~rty.1n tM U~e oIl'll property. III Oil! <br />DtliCe wtlllilIthe SIIIt(OI the county.o, OIlier oo...m""nlll <br />SllblliYlsiQnJ. as duigQtIG lIy the II"" tll ~utll SlUe. In <br />wIlIt:h tilt prOl*1y subjtd to the l.en is snulle(!. ar>!l <br />Iii) PtrsorIal Prr>perty , In the case 0; J>:.<10I\lt <br />lltlll*fY. .....,her UfIlIlblt 01 ml.l"ll,blI. III one ol1ltt <br />wit!Iin tM Stalt (or the ctl....I~. or ollie, llD~ernmel\lIl <br />$llbdi\'is;on). as ::le~ognale(! tor lilt ""~ 01 ~ucIl Slm <br />:n .tlic:Il the PIO...rt~ ~~ 10 tht 'lfn II I,lulle(! <br />. <br />18l WotlI Cltrt OJ Oi11lld Court -In tile olllee ollTlt tltrk 01 <br />\lie UnitIcl Sill" CllSlrltt Court lOt Ilw I""'~II tl.StrlC1 '" ..1"tn <br />\lie property subject to hen II snualtll lOtIl:never tht Sllte IIn <br />net bylaw dKi;nalfll one eflote IO'I\l{;fIlI'ftll lilt IPOUlIP",,"" 01 <br />sJ:!NfIO..pIlAI. Dr <br />iCI W'lII ReeOfCl" 01 DHoJ 01 Hlt O'111oCI 01 ColumO'1 In <br />tI\II off>ct 01 the R.corCltI 01 OttOI 01 tl'ot O,sl"tt 01 Cal~mt>'1 11 <br />t.... Pll)Ilelty SubJKl IJ 1M lien tl I"ualee o' .... 0"",,[, 01 <br />CeltJrnbt. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Ente.rAd 85 Document N.Q" <br />88-- 11,) 1 J S ~) <br />Grantor 4 <br /> <br />~~ic:l - <br />~:: ,f l ," -~ . [ . <br /> <br />~,~ ::~.~! '''.c- t:-: : ~'- ) 35 <br />- - , _! I. ,_ '_ <br /> <br />'8~~t ot~ <br /> <br /> <br />(y..> ,,~:: :"'2._-:'u ,.;...1 <br />/:: <br />.-' <br /> <br />~8-.101846 <br />i I I <br /> <br />:;. <br />;; <br /> <br />... <br />~ <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />(D <br />o <br />... <br />-t <br />I>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />? <br /> <br />f:" <br />"C <br />2. <br /> <br />lZl StM 01 Propel1y SubltCl 1"0 lien - For purpoSeI III <br />peraiillp~ (t,,"1l (e). propei1'j s~-III be Cleemtel to be In~aled. <br />(~ Real PrOPIII1y , In the ClSe ol rnl lllClper1y, al ltJ <br />r.,'lysicallocation: or <br />(B) Personal Property, In the use 01 personal pIUlIII!1y. <br />,,'helllltr or Intangible. at tlle mide!lce ot tilt <br />lI.xJll)'lr Itllll tilM lllII nOlite olli,n II filed. <br />fal p~rl)t'uI III JIlllgr,pll ll'l (B). the lelidtnett 01' torporallon <br />or ~lnnersllip shill be Cleemtd to be lilt pIle. 11 wtliel1 lilt <br />prlntiJlll elecutive olflCt 01 the business II 1ocIl1td. Inti lllII <br />ru!/!ence 01 a tUPI)'" whnH millence 'I wltllNt lllt UnlDcl <br />Stiles s!IIlt be dHmllll to be in lhe [l,slrict 0' Ca'~mbl.. <br />(.!, rorm - Tilt 10m I.n~ tontent 01 tile nolice <br />reT.rrea In ,n SubJectlDll (I) sh&lJ be p,nCl'ibetl by lllII <br />Secnury. Such llolite !lId be nM nolwllh$ '11)' <br />olller proyrslon 01 Ilw leglJ1ling the lorm or conlent 01 . <br />notitt 0\ l'en. <br /> <br />Nol.: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though nolice of lien <br />imposed b~' section 6321 is filed wilh respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. S"'''Il'~'n <br />2 Moto, \'Initlol <br />3 "'fIIll\ll property p~rclI.u1l1 al ~1111I <br />e I'erlJ)l\l) Prollllrty purtllutd In t&S~lllIle <br />~ ""lJ)na! property lub)llettd 10 ponnsory lien <br />6 Rell property 1lI11ld lpeclllllSll1l'l'ttnl lilM <br />7 Residenlial fllllperty sl.ibJ1ICt to I mecltlnl~'I <br />'IlIn IDI CtrUIII rtPlirs I.nlIlmprov,ments <br />! Attorney's hlns <br />9 CelU" mJ~'lnct COnl..tl1 <br />10 Pusooot leans <br /> <br />oRl Reflllng Of Noflct. - For rurpilstS 01 thla <br />''''''1,on - <br /> <br />m Gfl\er. Rult. - Unless nOllce olllln IS rlll1te1 in <br />the ll'..nner plucr'bell in flIt.graph (21 during the Aquiltll <br />refllmg lllInOj. Sc~ nOUtII at lien Inlll belrll1tlll$ fil'd On lilt <br />~ale onwtllch n lS filed (in ICtottllnct wnll s~bsettlon If)) Ilttl <br />tile .<pITlhen 01 Sitch (lIlIIOd <br /> <br />(2j PIIee For Flllng. - A nolll.:!! 01 lien reiile(! <br />O;Jftn~ tM "'l~ored relilinQ lllI"O~ '".11 be efltttlYt Onll' . <br />{AJ 11 ~ <br />i,) s.~n no'u:e 01 lien "fell~" tilt CIl.C1! In ..1I1C~ tile <br />pliO' hOloct III lit," ...s t,led. .nlI <br />ii,) .n tilt use ot real p'o;oerty. III' Ilct 01 reM"g '. <br />enterea a"1ll'tCNIl&d on In mlIu to tI\tl el!elll rtQ~"ea by <br />l:Jll1etllon It I iC,. ant! <br />.B: ,n Inl' nu on ..ll,ch 90 a'I'S Ol more t:'r 10' '0 Int ~lle <br />01 a let,ling 01 noloce 01 hen unDer l~bpllIgrlpn iAI I.... <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ / <br />I. - <br />~. <br />,{i . <br />10 L/ <br />1 <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />C <br />:. <br />I: <br />en <br />Iii <br />i <br /> <br />~:-(~~ <br /> <br />()F P::-P)~ <br /> <br />Setretlry recelvlll wrmln Inloll1llllon {In lhI II\IMIIl <br />pr85cribei:l In rtVvllllOl\1 Inutd ~y lhI StCI1tary) <br />contllmi~ I tlllillO' In tile tup&yel''s roslc!,llCI. " I nollCl <br />01 lucl11ien 11.110 filtel In ICWJ1llllCl wltl\ SubSection (1) In <br />till Stili In which tlIdl mldlllltllll toesllld. <br /> <br />(3) RIqUINd Rtfllng Ptrtod. - In lilt elM <br />ollny notice ot IItn, ~ ltltI1 "I'tqijlltll rtfllll'lll petiOlI" mUM. <br />I~ the ont-)'Nr period InlIing 30 1Il)'llhar lilt Upllltlon <br />01 e )'tars Ilttl tilt dlte 01 tIl3 QMUIftIInllll tilt tu. IIIl! <br />ill! lhe OIlll-YllIpetlod Indlng wllhtllt l~pllltlOn 018)'NII <br />Illlr the close !II the prettding required renllng pcrlott faT <br />slltl1 nolle. 01 lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a) R...... Of Llen. - Subjlltt 10 aUCh <br />f~ula\ions as the SecrlllIY mlY l'T'W'lbe, the Slattary lllaU <br />iUlIIa ~rtiljtlle 01 relllSl ollny IIl1llmpoud with respect 10 <br />any inttnlll rnenuI III nOlllter l!Iln Xl dl)'lllttllllt day On <br />whicll- <br />(1) lIlbility Slli,lrtel 01 0nelI10ttl.lbl1 . The Setretlry <br />Ilnds I....llhllllblllly lor the ImounllUlUl(\. toocther wllh III <br />Inlllll$1 In respect lheml. h.u bIIIn I~lly 1I11111td or hu <br />IlII:tome \IIOIlty ullIInlllrctable; or <br />(2j Bond AtceplllCl- Thill II fumllhlcllll the Sacl1l1ry 1M <br />l~p1td br him I bond tlIlt II condItio,*, upon tIltlll1mt111 01 <br />till 1m aunt IUnsIId, tDll'lllIIr w1!ll III IIIIIl'Ml In t8Ipect <br />tIltrtoT. wlthln lllo ll'l'tt PllrICTlDtd by IIw (1ncludln; Iny <br />exlenslon aT sutlr tIme). and thlt II In IttlIttla~ wllll sUCh <br />teIluiramenll rellllng 10 terml, tonclnllll\$.lnd form oltlle lionll <br />a:lll SUl111111 thereon, U m~y bllpIItlfitd by I~tlr r",ulatlonl. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In. <br />formation. <br />(k) DltdoIutt 01 Ctrtaln Rltum and <br />Rtturn Intorm.tlon For Tu Admlnlatrltlon <br />PUrpclHt. - <br /> <br />12I DISClos~le olamounl ot 1l~15Ilndlng Iten -Ill nolitllll! <br />hen has been IrIDd p~rsulnlto stClIOn 6323(1).llIe Imounl aT the <br />oumlnllll\g O!lligaliOn 'ec~rellby luen liDn may be IlrlCloud to <br />an~ PIIrson WIIO lutnlS!leIIlI,.rltlOry wllttDn tVIllente Ihalllt <br />11111 "gnlln III' PIOIlll~ SubJltllO such IIln 01 Inltnd. 10 <br />oltta" IlIghlll\ uth plOPIIIlY <br /> <br />.-J <br />