<br />,Raf ph cl;K4f, 13 r~'h S
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<br />88-' 1018413353-9 t'
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<br />-.;;s< ..
<br />~~';5:.,~:'.!:', ,.~~~rJS~debtedto Mortgagee in theprincipalsum'of$' 11.000.:00: >eviden~by'Mortgagor'snQte,.
<br />
<br />;:Y', c,:-,'.' dated.' .,'. ,'. [neNln "Note") providing for' payments of principal aild inlere.st, Wi~h the balance ,of the
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />. J f~ .:~" '- ,~ ",
<br />
<br />._~V~lU:}."'-:'T.--'"
<br />. . -
<br />
<br />-~,'-- ;-......,.- .-'r'" ,..,,_ -~
<br />':.;: i.,; .~" 'c' ~~; ~~,'~'.~ 1 ~ .
<br />
<br />. 'lhlSM()ltgage;is e.rtte~d iii~between
<br />
<br />RalphR. Brun:s and Kay L. Bruns. Husband and
<br />
<br />(herein "Mottgagor").and .'
<br />
<br />1
<br />l
<br />
<br />
<br />(hetein"Mortgagee ~').
<br />
<br />
<br />m~~~~ if not soone~ p',i~, ~~e and payabie on ," . . "
<br />
<br />~ '-"'. '-::'ib.~thep8~entoliheNote, with intereshs provided therein,the payment:ofallothersumS,withlnterest,. ..
<br />., .... .,8d\>ai1cecJ'bjMcirlpgeeto: protect the security of this Mortgage, andtbe .performance of tbecovenantsand agteementsof'
<br />" '::':', ,-:;:';~e:.~~r' ~tiwn~: berein, Mortgagor dOes hereby mortgage 'and convey to Mortgagee' the.folloWing desCribed'
<br />
<br />; i : ;.."
<br />
<br />
<br />H",li
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:'
<br />
<br />totS1~teen:(i6) in Meadow Lane Fourth'Subdivision, Sec. 26, Township
<br />l1N, R;:uige 9 West of the 6th P.H.; Hall County, NE
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />, ," . Topther, with all buildinp, impron'ments, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privile~s and .
<br />ilfpurteDaDC:li!S loCated thereon or in an)'1rise pertaininc thereto, and the rents. issues and profits.lt!verslons and l'emainden .
<br />, tbeftof; iiadudingi but. nollimited to, heating and CoOIinl equipment and such personal' propeit);that is attached to tbe .
<br />~b 10 as to c::onstitute a fixture; all ofwhieb. including replllCements and additions theteto, is hereby declared
<br />;: ..,'iJ,e" jUt 'of the re~eMate secured by the lien of this Mortgage arid an of the foregoing bPing referred to herein as the
<br />..~..~ ' .
<br />
<br />! "' -~ ,."-; ..-.
<br />
<br />p:
<br />
<br />
<br />: _., ~ fuJtber<<-ftUII.und..... .",itb~. ~ follows:
<br />
<br />,. 1. hYmeeL, To pay the indebtednesi and the interest thereon as pro\'ided in this Mortgage and the Noie. '
<br />
<br />" '. 2. TiIIe..'Mortpcor is lheowoer of the Property,1w the rigbtaild authority to mortgage the Property,and .
<br />1rUIID&a. tMt tile lien ClNted Jleft'b)' is .. fiat and prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />Ii "!be 'Property ls subject to a Morlpp wbelt!in Federal Land Bank
<br />
<br />. 'IIthe~, neorded .t Book . . PNe of the MortpJe IWrords of lia 11 County,
<br />.,~, ~. Jiortcqe is a lien prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />
<br />. " OOlher prior liens or enclJrnbm1a!S:
<br />
<br />.. '-"'<.. -= ,.i.. -:~., :
<br />
<br />
<br />':,~. l: ..:::.':::, ..'Tau., A . :,.~ta..",.o Pay~.n,_aUWteS.sPecial~mt>ntiandall otherdtal'(es against the properly
<br />,"", i; ." ,., ,,..t~...... WlitU'JI. _iD..td by ~~ 10 add to the payments rPquired under the Note secured btltby, such amount as
<br />. .':::., ,': ': llli'JileJiUftkiftt to~ the MortNe' to'pay sUd1 taxeS, assessments or other cbare" as they become due. '. '
<br />.~_:_~';-1;-'--.~-.;~.~.~-:~:"~!-'1:~~:':!~.:_~:';-~~~ ":: ~'--<:~_;~ ~-~ '.~' .~>-'-:_~'i.',_~-:-.. ..-':~ '-i '; '_ "r. -' .~-.','.'.. ,-, '"0
<br />;'~1i ',"-'0:; ;;.c,;,e, ;,~)', ,~:I' .. ~,~ 10"". 'tllelJQ~tI.~or lle~r 10000Wtfontbe real estate described herein insured . ,;~
<br />L;::;!j' ';-::f.:iW:::....... ...... ,by a.,; ~d UIdI ~,~ "I(~ may ftIIuire, in UDouauand with companies acceptable to the
<br />~E"":~',>(;:-...:<.~;uu"~tb,I-...y&bIeitotbe ~.Iricase of loss under such po1ie1es the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />.';~:ii~'i~::i~';IQi.t;. ~:. '.IMI .~'. itllii...li.... au .. ~1UIderat its sole option, auUlOriwd to either apply the
<br />
<br />
<br />tro~~~f~'I'if:;~;~~;M~;Z;l;;;.
<br />t\j".~""Yo."::"'_lWftti'or,~U.,""j,tmii"I.~tI.hIDI.'4'~Cel'ft'riU~l11S. ind ,roun'drenta (if any) whiCh. may attain.
<br />~-~:-,'[~,:"~/:'.'~~I;~I'.~ ~..r'.~." .~.."UiDat.id:frorDj;lme to time by' the MorlpJee. The amounts.so Paid.hall be
<br />(i~~':7~;:::/>~~''''.'';~.'''--'"f:M't' ~~ '~dappl~ 1o'.th~.~nt of the Items in reApett to whlchlurh amounts were
<br />I..... :'3:/:)~.~t:,..'....;.~,.~"L~,.:,IM!"~'~ ~~!,*,r.~ ~ ..addiUonal seeurity:for theindebtednesa.sec:uredbY this
<br />L../Y/::", ;:.,::J.......~ 1101....... JII)'.t9 ~ tM antOmit ol'anydfficlency betweentbnelual tues, a&SeSIInents, insurance
<br />f...s~,,;)~,~c.);;;"<bd' '~'1Iid ~ftP",M.l.' tlM~&a"'Jeunder''Witbln 10 dayi after denwidtl made upon Morti,;ol'requetUn&
<br />:'H..~:,,'.:':'<','~.?~t.t~it.#t;'1,<:::. ,,:. .' '.' .".... ,. '
<br />
<br />. .' . ~; .... : ,_ ;_ ._ .'_ . _.,'. : ,: . __. - '_~ T"' : ,_ _0'; '~ - '. - - _ . - ;
<br />; ,;' i~\ ~ ~: ~....' ',~1?: .."'t" U.~: .~.~pU)' ~palr, restore Ol'rebul1dADY buildlnpor improvt'mmts now or
<br />. .~41l~~ltJi to,ketp-~~pwitytD ~eGftdltlon,lIIld,~r.witbo.utwute. and fl'f'e from mKhAnlc'. Of
<br />:{Id!Mrr,""~"""')' sa~to, ~ l.....~~(; I(4)t to ~. luRer or pennlt any nuisance to nlst, nor 1,0 dimln.
<br />-,'.~~'4'f .~~O, the Propff'tY.~ .anf,~t or,~to,.ct; ud to eornply with aU n'qulrem..nts of I...... with
<br />
<br />