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<br />~ <br />Q (f) ;)') "" <br />.~,.... 0 <br /><2 ~20C)\'" <br />"- -" l:= i>l ...., ~ <br />~..:-j3~~ <br />-1 Ii)", i 0" ~ <br />~.'~ ~~~~~ '=';. <br /> <br />:~ L' ~' 0 <br />,= ~: CVr-o . <br />(.') "'..,. ..... <br />:x. VJ "'" <br />W q. <br />tv \~ <br />D <br />~ <br />\~ <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />- 'Ib,is ,f.ortgage is entered intolH!tween <br />';rirl.'. 1J:{f~ <br />Five'Pofuts <br />Mo~or is indebted to M()rtgag~ in the' principal sum of $ 5.000,00 <br /> <br />Arthur C. Sims and Shawn K. Sims. Husband <br /> <br />(herein UMortgBgor"}and <br />(herein "Mortgagee~'). <br />. e\idenced by Mortgagor'snole <br /> <br /> <br />daled '2127/P.2 <br /> <br />(herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and Intelt'st, with the balanC(! of the <br /> <br />indebtedness; if not 500ner due and payable on April 1, 1992 <br /> <br />, .'. TOlieCUrethepaY~l!tof,the)'~ote. with interest as provided thprein. the payment of all other sums. with interest. <br />. "advanced by, ~6rtpigee, to" protect the seewity of this Mortgage. and the pt"rCormlnce of the covenants and agreements of <br />the Yortpeor COIlwned,b~reill. M~dOes. hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the Collowingdescribed <br /> <br />property located in <br /> <br />uan' "~.",,,-,", VoUnty. Nebruka: <br /> <br />. ( <br />'~~~ <br />'" , <br />lr\ ~ <br />~ ~ <br />t <br /> <br />Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Block One (1) in Roush Subdivision A Re- <br />Subdivision of the North 543 Feet of Lots One (1) Thru Fifteen (15) <br />Inclusive of Matthews Subdivision of Part of NW % of Section 27 In <br />Township 11 North Range 9 l~est of the 6th P.M.. Hall County. Nebr. <br /> <br />... <br />co <br />c:c <br /> <br />~/\ <br />~ ,~.~ <br /> <br />q <br />~"") <br /> <br />::c. <br />-0 <br />::0 <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />r'-J <br /> <br />.::J <br />"T1 <br />:::J <br />Tl <br />'1 <br />J <br />..n <br /> <br />}:<: -c <br />, , <br />;\ .. ;::; <br />\ " <br />~ <br />t ~ <br /> <br />" ..Tocether with all buildings. imptu\'ements, fixtures. streets. alll')"s, ~ways. l'llSeml'nts, rights, plWilrges and <br />appurieIIance$ lomwd thereon or in anywise pertaininc the-reto, llnd tht' rt'nts issut's Bnd profits, rewrsions and remain den <br />tbeteof; indudiDl, but not limited to. heating and coo1inl iPquipmpnt and such pt"rsonal propE'rty thlt is attacbt"d to the <br />imp.~tI so ai to conslitute a rlJtture~ an of which, including repll<"t"me-nts and additions thereto, is he-reby declared <br />to be . put or the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortcage and all of the fOl'Pgoing being referred to herein as the <br />.....~t)'... <br /> <br />-- <br />---....... <br /> <br />(/":I <br /> <br />rn <br />;] <br />[ <br /> <br />JIortpcor fllrther oonwenantl and JIItt"ES. with Morlplt'f', as fol1o'o\'s: <br /> <br />1. PaymeeL To...y the iDdebt.f.dness and the intt'rt'stlhl't't'"on as prO\idl'd in this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> <br />Z. Title. Mortpcor is the O1mt'r of tht' Property. has thl' right llnd authority to morlilll' the Property, and <br />wmDDtI that the lien created berf,by il;. first and prior lipn on tilt' ProiM'rty. t'x",p( a.'l ml~' otht'rwise be set forth herein. <br /> <br />XI '11M! Property is subjed loa Mortpge wht'J-ein ---Eilla Pninn: R~n\: Nphr~l':kJ:l l'I,",Tr-g;:agP Finnnce Fund <br /> <br />. die 1Iortpaft,IHOI'ded at Boot , Paet- _~ of tbl' Mortgage Rt'cords of <br />NebnIb. which IIortper is alien prior to tht' lien l"n'alt'd'b~'. <br /> <br />HO" <br /> <br />County, <br /> <br />o OUwr prior Hem; or t'nwmbram:,": <br /> <br />3.Tus. ,A -tL To pay wh.n dul' alllax('S, sPf'Cial ISSt'lSrnt'flts and all othl'r chal'Jft a.ainst the Property <br />uti. upoo wriUea demand by Mortpcpt',lo add to the payml'nt.s n>quilt'd unde-r the Note Sf'Cured hereby, such amount IS <br />.1IDq be, suflkieDt to enable the MortJIIH to pay such taxft, &SlieSSml'nts or other clIlrpS as they bPcome due. <br /> <br />t. f .... TO u.p the improwlllf'nts'now or tK>w.after loc:att'd on the rt"al eslate dncribed herein insurt'd <br />, . '......... by fire ad 5Udi otberhUards as MOf'tIait't' RIa)' I'f'quire, in amounts and with compllnil's lCfi'ptable to the <br />~~jr. .. withloli ..yable to die Mortwef'. In alit' of 10SIi under I;uch poIicips the MortPIN' is authorized to <br />: ad)lllt. . eaIIec:t _~. ill its ttilcrPtion. all claims thereunder at. its sole oplion. authorized to eith.r apply tht' <br />....1. to u. ..___ or the PftJperty orUpoD the indebt.edtll'SS securt'd bt'reby, but payments ht'",under shall con. <br />. ,tiIIIie"uaw &be _ ___ Mrelty aft pUll in full. <br /> <br />. . ."..' 5; 0 E.aow F.. T*!UilI-. i:-'V-te. Notwi.tbstandiDl any thin. amt.ained in p8ragra!Jhs 3 and 4 . hereof to the <br />~. ....... ~, tM, ~ at the ~.. alpeyilll tb,e mCN,lthly installments of principal and interest. <br />,. 'l~RI!~ ..~. ,.......,: ~ ~r:--1~.hUard i~ iftmiums, and ground rents (if' any) which may atWin I <br />,nari:tY '.. dIilMoitiilt. aU. _lftIIOUbly eHimaWd from unw to time by the Mort.pcPt'. The amounts so paid shail be <br />.... b;~""""_Wi~t~tewsl.""'d applied to 'the Pl:yment oftht' items in respect to which such amount5 were <br />~~~-1IIe""'''tO,:~ .~. ... PJt'dtpd as adcSlUonal ieC\lrity for the indt'btedne&5 H'Clured by this <br />~ "J~"""'~ .Mt.o....... UK> IIIIIlJUnt of any deficiency betwpen lhe t<=iual tans, USE'5Srmnt.s. insurance <br />r-.~- "PGulllhnta "and u.. depoftlU tw~under within 10 days after demand is mad€' upon Mortlllor rt'q1l6t1ng <br />pIIy_t~t.. <br /> <br />," , t....... JibIa....... MIl u.. To pfomptl)' "'~ir. mto", or ",build any buildings or improvements now or <br />h .t, ~ 011 tIN> Property; to ket'p Uw Prop.rty in Iood condition and "'JMlr. without" and fft'(' from mt'Chani("s Of <br />udwr'" noI. nprtllly subordilWH to tht lien hf'rtof; nolto mallf', IUff.r Qf JM'nnil any nulsan('(' to nisl. nor 10 dimln- <br />Ilia "I..,.&r the ,at. or.lhf! rro,..rty by any ~t or omilllon to acl; Ind to comply with all R'Qulfl'tnenb of law willi <br />~ to OW ......y. . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />," <br /> <br />()~ <br />" ',j <br />" <br />