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<br />MENT. ~..^~f.U <br />if'i; :':\i,::-~T~1~:. ,:"C,;','::';"" " <br />,~;'~~~OOOUMENT8W <br />"" "1:.;-V- "...up tAX <br />~..'= :;:;;,...,.-'"1"':~~ -;r- -:"""'" <br />~i .;,.:~ J <br />~ ';.,~ APR 111988 88- 101814 <br />i'~1. . - -I-HJ'1I1 lUarrantg Cemetery Dee-d <br />;t~~~ -IN- <br />~~1~J ......LA.. MEMO.IAL PARK <br />.;l t'i 't <br />1~:;.,,1 <br />{X~.r~ <br />f:~-:'i--~il <br />iH:1 <br /> <br />f-~-"" <br /> <br />~~l <br />.:"~i tl ~ <br />\\,'4lJ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~-r~;~i <br />.~~-~:;;~ .~ <br />/~.;!~~, J <br />;:( :~: <br />L~ ;~'~~~i' <br /> <br />IN WlTNaS WHERJIlOF, 'nIe said WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND <br />, (~, IIILAND. NJ:BRA8KA. baa her-eunto ca\LRd IliI corporate seal to be affixed and theae prnenu to be BJcned <br />r ! ;. ~ Q 1'- ~t tile da, and year fint above written. <br />\.\l>~ ;" <br />~(ii WEllTlAWN ~-:. CEM~~. LAND. NEBIlA8.KA <br /> <br />.! l., ." By------- - - -- -4"~ d;;t -- ------------------- <br />~...-.:~"'.."'.~..j -.-"..-, ,.' .'." .' ~. <br />~ C'~~ - ...\.:..~ .~~~.:.~....~ _7 . <br />1.:>;~...l. ....' _ . ~ .. <br />{'~~e:"F, .'.....' '.' '.,' . '. <br />[..(@Jj./~A~O..N~. . -. } <br />1':R""'"l; . "~ ',' .. <br />~~fj:(~~~~}"t;~:... oJ ____mm__~mm~J!!:'L_mm_mm______mnmn_n. .._~L. <br /> <br />~!{; . ;~Cq;~~~-:-~,~tary public, In and for uJd county and state, pereonally came ___._________ <br /> <br />J f ><". ,~ .. '':~'';',-'__.:~'''.. ' '"-.'_~----------..------------hX.tJ.lJ.lL-.P..,L-s..!:J~J.J~-------________________________________ <br /> <br />)'~~,,~ PI . r"nc!..ot.lIIIUaWll~ Park Cemetery of Grand Ialand, Nebruka, to me penonally known to be <br />Y; :;'i 1M PI__ t... a.. YlBtIeal penon wboM name Ia affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowled&'ed <br />};.~:~ IM.~ tIlenaf to be IdIi volwatary act and deed .. euch officer and tile voluntary act and dftd of the <br />it,~~l. ....W..u&wa 1I...w Parll Cemetery of Orand Jaland, Nebl'uka. and that the col"pOl'&te ~ of the aid <br />~f;,:t~} ...... II...-a Pull Cemetay of GraM Iel&nd,Nebruka, wu thereto afflxed by Ita authority, <br /> <br />S~~ '.""}";"';'~~" m~ baDd &Dd notarial ... the clay and y-.. lut above written, <br />~""'l C'- q,\h.';,. . <br />~~~:}'~':h'" ,.... '::.:y". <br />~~':;" <br />lrJ'1~ '-,,: i; <br />t~J~~ ~" <br /> <br />~nt~l . ", .. /' <,.,. <br /> <br />~11~~li~i;~~;i;r~'. <br /> <br />"- '- .J :: <br /> <br />~;- : {~! ~ <br /> <br />'-"'."'t::=1:". <br />') -~, --- i( <br /> <br />i!,~-;;,\ <br />-",,,,__'7:.-1 f: <br />{::':~--'I.-~ <br />~~~~~~ <br />~.\~J <br />.:; ,,), ~ <br />}'" ""-" -_! <br /> <br />lr~i <br /> <br />/r~~~-s <br />;~.~ <br />'.1 P.l...' <br />).. a..,.. ,. <br /> <br />h~l <br /> <br />> !.~:~ f <br />-. ~ --..< <br /> <br />-- ~ 4. <br /> <br />~' ~ t;} <br /> <br />J <br />" <br />1 <br />! <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br /> <br />~.) <br />, <br />j <br />I <br />t <br /> <br />: -~ <br />~ <br /> <br />~j . <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cemetery auociatiOD <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery laws of the <br />StAto 01 NeblalM <br /> <br />'l'mA nmllN'l'tJRR: Made t!lL.__~tt1L_d6Y iJL___~J!.LLL______________________A. D" 19JHL. <br />between WEl!J'J'LAWN lIIE!IIIOBIAL PAIUl VEMETERT OF Ga..,.ND ISlAND, l'lEBBA8KA, Fint Party, <br />aDd ____~p_b_Q__~~___ijJr_d_Q~__1ir~__~_q9__~~_U~__y~___ij)~dJl_____________________________________~ <br /> <br />_i!~_~Jl_~_l!sI___'!!l..~__~_~K~_t.__<.!_~_..i.9_!_l! ~_ __t:.~}]!U.. t~ _.?. !l.g__!LQ!.__<!~___t~}]1i[ltlL_.ilL_________ <br />_c:9_~~9_~__~~_~~__~!_~_~~__~!__~_~_~~_!_~~_~~t~!p_____---------------------------, ~ ~. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Flnt Party for and in cOlUlldet"IlUon of the surn of <br /> <br />.Q!t~__9Jl.U,~J__ADJL_QJ,;,!1_~L__Yp_!__l!tl_b_:Lf' <br />tile reeelpt whereof b hereby acknowledgf!d. haa aold and by theae preunb dllQ grant, convey and confirm <br />. d or to heirs and <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Party s helra an aulgna _n_n__________________________________ <br />assigns of the survivor of them forever. Lot 92. <br />-----------------------------------------~-----------~~---------~~--------------------------~-----~--- <br /> <br />Spaces 4-5. Section "E" <br />___________________________________________________________________of VY1tS~~ JlI340~ I"JURlt <br />of GI'UId IIiaDd, NebtulL&. e1tuated In Hall County, Nebraaka. a cemetel'y to be UHd for interment pur- <br />~ oa1~, ~ 80 dedicated and declared, the Plat of cemetery being recorded In the of lice of the <br />~ of Deeda of Hall County, Nebruka. <br /> <br />ftIIi deed Ia aubJect to all law. of the State of Nebruka, and to all by-law.. rulu and regulations <br />of warn.A.WN JO:IIORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Ialand, Nebraaka, anel to any changea in aald <br />Ia... bJ'.I&.... rulea and recuJaUona. <br /> <br />Aft~ tranalu of tlUe of any part. of the abo"'e dPllC'rlbl'd pro~rty shall not be valid until the lIame <br />ball beeD l'eCCll'ded upon the boob of the FlnIt Party, <br /> <br />WJ:S'n.AWN IIEIIORlAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, hereby cove- <br />1I&Il~ &ad ..... to aDd with the Second Party and with lbe beln anel aaatau of the Secon(! Party, that. <br />at tbe Ume of the aecuUoa and delivery of then pt'eaenb it Ia lawfully Rlzed of aald~; that it baa <br />coocJ .t aDd lawful authority to convey the aamej that they are free from encumbrance and FtrIt Party <br />__ IlereIIJ' eo1'eD&Dt to W&l1'Ult and defend the premlllea againat the lawful clalru of all penona whomao- <br />nero <br /> <br />WDTLA.WN IIEJIORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, agreu to fur- <br />niIII papetaaJ care, adminWtnUon and maintenance of the above described premleea u provided by iu by- <br />..... <br /> <br /> <br />-aB-~__CZn.-)s~_ <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />