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<br />! <br /> <br /> <br />. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88-101806 <br /> <br /> <br />- -. - . , . . <br />IIOIIR~... ,,~~ BEfORUIGNINO: <br /> <br />. .'. : Borro..... (Tru.tors) L1ndeBt~nd lhat the document thai the Borrowers an! aboui toexltCule I. a Deed of Trust and not a mortgage andthal the power ~I sale provided <br />for 'nl,", DMd of. Trult provide. sUb.ianU.lIv different rlghl. and obligations to Ihe BOrro.wltrs Ihan a mortgage In. the evant of a default or br~ach of obligation under the <br />o..ct of Tru.t. Including, Iiuf not limited to, Ih. lender's right to have the Riml Property sold by th~ Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers <br />-.."" -~"' th..tho K._........"'.u "K""" by?~ "K"'. h.i/:""'....------ . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />C Haga <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />~"....o.t- ONLY" tile reM properIJ dftcrtMd conahta of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAl LAND. <br />, If .pplle.... comp4ele ONLY ONI ~ A, B, Of C: <br /> <br />It. DIsca ...... OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />TtIe Borro_r(s) acknowledge lhat they are about toeKB<:ute the tollowing Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s), and each of Ihem if <br />more than one; do hereby disclaim their right to designate I homestead pursuant thereto. No part otthe homestead 01 either ot the Bonower(s) is presenUy or will il'lthe <br />futuFebe litliated upon said Fell estate. The Borrower(sl understand that il either establishes II hOmestead onany part 01 SBid real estaleduring thetlmethe D~d ofTlust . <br />remain. unUtislitid and. iien upon said real estate, there shall be no righlto make a designallon of in the event 01 a foreclosure or trustee's sale witll r..pecttc <br />laid Deed Of Trust . <br /> <br />o e.....AIVai OF ItIQH1' TODUlGNATE HO.STEAD: <br /> <br />. ". .TI\e BarrOWer(sl acknowledge tllatthey are i1boulto eKecute the following Deed 01 Trust upol'lthe real eslate described therein. The B~rrower(sl, and eac~ oft~em if <br />InOf8 than One. do hereby _ive their designale a homestead pursuant thereto. The Borrowerh) understand that they have the nght ~o ma~e a deslgnall.on of <br />hol'neI1eadalld that by executing this .aiver, they are.",ivjng rights otherwise available lor the purpose of allording them the opportunilyto retain thelF homestead In the <br />IIlIIIftt ~f. defaultilpon tlMI Dwd of TrUst. <br /> <br />e' c. DUiGNATIOII OF HOMUTEAD: <br /> <br />. Pursuani to the Farm Hol'Iestea.d Protection Act tSection 76-1901 et seq. Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska}, the Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real <br />ProPerty described in the "Designation of Homestead.' allached herelo and illcorporated herein by this relerence. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br /> <br />- '.' DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION Car 1 . R. Hagan & <br />.' ...... ..' t 't'" THIS DEEp_O.I TRUST. IS ma"e llS. ottlle7.t.hda)' 01 _ADr_~. 19 --.Sa. by and among the Trustor, Deborah J. Hagan as <br />~;]Oll) enam:s aDQI no~ 48 t:enant:s In comno-rr- 241 h ,.' .. G. 'd r'. 1 'd . <br />....Ji.l.tDr1ght"C; of ~nrvllrorstup--,-___.__whosemailingaddreSsis Sout ~ Ine, ran s an , <br />~8801' (heretn'Boflower"").'heTrustee. William G. Blackburn, a Member of theNE State Bar <br />~~~iS P~O. Box 2280, Grand Island, NE (nerein"Trustee.~ssn. <br /> <br />:lindtrlelJenef~iary. Five Points Bank <br />._..............~.... ; .~__~ P.O. Box 1507, Grand Island, NE 68802 <br />n_.,. ......~... (herein "Lende('I. <br /> <br />".- . <br />..' 'j:()R VALUABLE CONSIDERATtON, incluc!ing the indebtedness ide'ntlfied herein andtrustl1erein created. the re<:eipt of WhiCh is hereby aCknOwledged. Borrower <br />. 'herebY irrevocat:ly grants. tr.nsters. COllve~ and assigns to Trustee. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefJ! and security 01 Lender. under ami sUbje<:tto the <br />Ienns and conditions hereinafter set tollh. the real property. described as tollows: <br /> <br /> <br />one-half (W~) of Lot Six (6), Vantines Subdivision in the city <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />. c..' _ <br />.. T~~ an ~ildings..irnPrO.err>enls. liKtures. streets. atleys. passageways. easements, rights. priVileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise <br />.~..~. - IN' ~ts. '-- anclprofits, reversions arid remainders tnereol; includin9. but nollomlled to. heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />. IWlIpefIy thalisaai!c'*'lOltIe improwements so IS to constilule a fiKture; and together w:th the homestead or marital interests. if anV. which interests are hereby released <br />. . _~aIlaf~.iilcludif'g~tsand.dditionsthereto. is hereby declared t(i ~ a pall of the realestale secured by the lien ohhis Deed 01 Trust and all of the <br />,tor.IgoiIlII.....~~,.d to~as IN'.-jlroperty-. . <br />, ,:".:'_OI..cioe Trust shillU.cure (.) ttlItpaymenl olttie principal sum and int"'.s! evidenced by Borrowers nOle andlor credll agreement daled <br />.'.;.;.,':x:;4?7188"._'~>.::; ~ving. .~urjtY'4.leOf~7/93.. . .'. . . in the original principal amounl of S 12, 000. 00 and any and all <br />:". '..:'. ..? ~. e.~and _Is thet8Df Of thereto .nd .ny and all tulure .dvances and relldvances hereunder pursuant 10 one or mare promissory notes or credit <br />'~/'y}"~",::......,,...~~(~ein'Cllled'"Note-); (b) the PoI'Iment ot olher sumsadvallced by lender to protecl the security of the Note. Ic) the pertormance all covenants and agreement <br />,.' .ciII~- fOfJb hefei.n;.1lCI (dl.1I indlrb1ttd~.nd obJig.lions ot to Lender wflether direct. indirect. absolute Or contingent and whether arising bV note, <br /> <br />.......... ~'?*r~~it;.~:z:-l;,~; , .. . .' <br /> <br />. ':~,~.:' '.. : /:'0:)/.1'. :'. ")"IIIf~' ~r'''''........8orfO.ef shall promptly pay .hen due the principal of .nd interest on. and any fees or charges provided in. the Note or in thiS <br />1~~';' "'~J~~':'U':;':7:: > . .... ...... .... ." . <br />'T :::\,:'.2, :::t:IIlL~~lStl'lIiI~oftheProperty.l1lStherigl1"nd .uthorjty IOconveythePropertv. and warranlsthatthe lien created hereby is /lli,st and prior lien on <br />. '.i'l" ~ ~;'~ - Nl.~" set forth herein, .nd the ..ecution /lnd deiiwryof Ihis Deed of Trust does nO}!.violate anv conlract or other ' which <br />','~r~~~;H\t. ,... .... ..... . ..' .... .... .... . .' .., <br />.~,;., : -,,\~;.;r.... -,' , Pay WtIen duli.1I t.....apeci.l.swssmerits.nd /Ill Olher c"'rges aga,nst thePIDperlY and. upQ" wrillen <jemand by lender. to pay 10 <br />,..... ~~.~ -......~II<t~l(:*' L.~r 10 pay Such UlKes. useSsmentsor other ch.rges as Ihev become due <br />-",:~~-;,- -<<.C;_-_, "/.:'. ,.:" i._~ -:1_ J~r(~~-.'!~,).~~:~ope~~J~r".i~_~"'';'""ye._~Yf1rl!.~.rd' lnclu~ wilhh, th~ 'te-rm ~e..tended ~o~rag~ot, and sue'" other hilliards as Lender may <br />. t;..,'{ .~. in '~""'*i"'COIY!PIn., Ke:.~ to Lend&!;'nd ...ith Iou pllyabl&tl) the lend.r.l.. caSt' ot loss under such policies. Ine Lender is aulhorized 10 Rdj\'SI. <br />. ({,) aJliKtancleompOnHM:.Utlaimsihel.undtH .nc:t.hAU......ltleopUonof applying.1I or part 01 the lnsu,anceproct'4i-dS (ilIO any indebtedness secu'ed r>ereb'land 'nsuCh <br />'~".~ma..\iitltrmine. (H)IO I'" 80rro....lo blll.lMd.fortherep." or restoration of thePropeity 01 (,il) 10. any Olller purpose or obiect $llllslaCI(lry 10 Lender <br />c~_". '. ~ ~ m.'I.en!;)f this Dted of 1.'''~t ior tM lull.mou.i,t ~\Jled h"reby ~for. such paymenl evelt()o. place. Any apphCfllH,n 01 procl!()ds to mdebl",lniJss Sh,lH <br />:oot.~~" ~.....d...da~~l.I1)'P.ymeflll under lhe",Ole.or cure any defaultlhereunde, or h"rtHlnde' <br />.$....., jti.J...... _~,J:r.tliT\CI......~. Borrower ~hall keep the PIO~rlY In gOod COnd,tIon IlI\d r"pail: $11;111 ,,'ampl/y ,..pair. or replllce M1Y <br />.imp;~t #~'~~bt;4a~Or d..lroye!l.:ih.UFlO\corillml or Pf'(mihny wule or dlJt."or.t'Ofl 01 the I'roPl!lly shall nol 'l"l1D.o dOl1'lillt~h 0' $\Jt>Slalllially aile. <br />ll\~oI!tt'1lmpfo..~t.on.~f'rbptftr,'h'llnOI~I?~mlt; ,~ll.r 01 permil~'nya" 10 bt dOfle in olu\'lO!llhe rropt"I;' III y'ol...tiQn QI all)' 13... oltjmanu'.ol ,.'g,.IIIIoO,L and <br />. ~.~~~~tIYdit(hA"gf~1i1 ~'io~I'sc~1~llndt'''''n'' .1I11ilnl. tncumbr."cn 1M Ct.ll?O' lll'/lt'd impoS~d or n~oHed l\la"1\tll'O !" 01 ...Ofllllrt lhe'l'ol <br /> <br /> <br />-...~ - ;...--, <br /> <br />