<br />DU[{/\13LE
<br />
<br />88- 10177'(
<br />
<br />
<br />That I ALBERr c. MEYER, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, do by
<br />these present~ rr.ake, constitute, and appoint my sister, Frances Kowa~ski, as
<br />my Attorney-in-Fact to do for Ire and on my behalf, any of the follo\>ung:
<br />
<br />1. To 't..n.th:h:cM by check or otherwise frem any checking account or
<br />savings account which I may have.
<br />
<br />2. To endorse checks for deposit to my checking account or savings
<br />account and to receive any property or credits O\vned by me, in-
<br />Cluding any monies payable to me by any governnlental agency. My
<br />Attorney-in-Fact shall have full aut~ority to redeem, have rere~-
<br />istered, or have reissued any bond, rlote, bill, warrant, certifl-
<br />ca te or other evidence of indebtedness O\o1l1ed by me (including any
<br />such items o\.med by me as a CO-moffier or joint tenant) and issued
<br />by the United States, any other country, any state, municipality,
<br />or other goverrul1ental subdivision or goverrunental agency.
<br />
<br />3. To sell or lease any assets mmed by me, whether real estate or
<br />personal property and including homestead property and stocks and
<br />bonds, a t such prices, on such tenns, for such ieng th of tenn, and
<br />in such manner, whether at private or public sale or negotiation
<br />as my Attorney-in-Fact deems advisable. She may convey any pro-
<br />perty so sold by her by instnnnents of conveyance \vith custcUlnry
<br />\varranties. She may enter any safety deposit box I lense and may
<br />remove any items therefran. She is empO\~ered to make gifts [or me.
<br />
<br />4. . To enter into agreements pertaining to any property Ol- in teres t in
<br />! property owned by me and on such tenus as my Attorney-in-Fact deems
<br />advisable. This shall include contracts for goods J repa irs, improve--
<br />ments, replacements, and personal services for the maintenance of my
<br />property; and to borrow funds and mortgage property therefol-.
<br />
<br />S. 'In general, to enter into any business transactions pertaining to
<br />my property and for my maintenance as fully as I could do it my-
<br />self. She ,is empowered to sign my income tax returns and re-
<br />lated documents.
<br />
<br />6. "To enter into any contracts or agreements for any medical, dcmicil-
<br />iary, or other care needed by me as detennined to be in lilY best in-
<br />terests by my Attorney-in-Fact, and pay all fees and charges neces-
<br />sary for my maintenance and care. To authorize any medical pro-
<br />cedures for me.
<br />
<br />r ratify and confirm all acts done by Attorney-in-Fact under this PmoJer of
<br />Attorney. I reserve the right to revoke this Po\ver of Attorney by the [il illg or
<br />such revocation in Miscellaneous Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds
<br />of Hall County J Nebraska. l11is Pmver of Attorney sha II rell1<l ill in
<br />full fOrce and effect even though I may hereafter becQne mentally or phys i.c\llly
<br />incanpe ten t .
<br />
<br />DATED this d day of March
<br />
<br />, 19 88...
<br />
<br />L~/47:-(]. }/fU.-rSd
<br />ALBER!' C. MEYER I
<br />
<br />,'f- ~-
<br />
<br />
<br />)
<br />
<br />, ;- COUN'IY OF HALL )
<br />
<br />" · On this A day of March , 19~, ber","c Ille, the ,,"ders igllpd,
<br />a. Notary Public within and for said County, personally callie ALBERT C. MEYER
<br />who is knovm to me to be the identical person \.Jhose nallle is affixed ~o the foregoing
<br />Power of Attorney and he acknowledged his execution Lo be h~s voLulltary
<br />act and deed.
<br />
<br />\-JITNESS mylnrrl and Notarial Seal the date last above \"l-ittCIl. ~ly Notin-inl
<br />Comnission expires: February 4, 1992.
<br />
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