<br />203Ya-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-CorpOfaUon 88-
<br />
<br />101775
<br />
<br />Huffman and fellon & Woll. Walton, Ne, 68461
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of lJu: payment of the debt named therein, the
<br />Nat ional Associat ion
<br />Lee A. Yager and Shirley E. Yager, husband and I~ife
<br />by
<br />
<br />Norwest Bank South Dakota
<br />hereby releases the mot.tgage made to
<br />
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />on the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />
<br />The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), Sunset Subdivision, in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (m:NE~) of Section
<br />Eleven (J I), TCMllShip Eleven (J I) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />of Section . in T071Jtlship , Range of the P. M., Hall
<br />COJmly, State of Nebraska wlJich is recorded inimUII Doc. 1/ of Real Estate Mortgages, pagl?
<br />of the records of said County. 83~OO2
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Noruest Bank SoUth Dakota National Association has caused
<br />these presents ta be executed oy .ts prcsidmt and its Corl,orate Seal If) be affi cd herrto this 31st
<br />day of March. ":'::'~" :.-- 'u , 19 88
<br />Witness: ;- . ,.~',OT i',I:" th.D.akotaNationaLAssociation..h"
<br />..\\',,)t..........1,1;- 'i
<br />
<br />
<br />:::,~~f;:~:~'~~;~~~~~\,~:~:,':"..'..~'..~l;;;; ..........,..~.... .................A.sSiS~:~u,.~:;~:r: =
<br />
<br />ST~~~ OF~)i~L'~!~~~t~....m..h.m..........}ss On this..m..~.~.. .. day OL.m..~tgIm.....m......_.__.m' 19&.___
<br />. u. ., , .. 0 ., ..
<br />.......~~,..:.L_;~,..:..:..::::...:~~~~..........'m.County before me, the u rsigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />c[. ....~~.~,~, ~
<br />said County. persOl)'auy-Came..m.........,IQn.A.....V~ui,sm......__.........mmAsais.tRnt:..CilSl:tifr..... _..mh'__"'~ of the
<br />. ~ '- \. \ ... ~ . "..... ... -.:" ",-..., -, . -, ;-
<br />No .. ""~ Sou h Dako N' 1 " ,.Ul'1,.., ,
<br />..................~t.... ......m...t......... .t~.s ....~.~).QIJ9A.hR~JaJ:.J.QD..................... """"" ._.... ............. _.... ". .,.:..:.\~.. ~a f0)~ra tioq
<br />to me personally known to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed t.~ftli~above:r~i@~ti.an~ "~L
<br />acknowled~ed the ex~ution thereof. to be his voluntary act and deed as suc~ officer, ae~ '.t!tt;, v.oJp~~rf~i~f~~
<br />deed of said Corporation, and that Its corporate seal was thereto affixed by Its autho,#ty.' .' 1 (. d ~" : "
<br />.,... ~ -.. .....
<br />W't ha d d N tarial Seal t Sioux Falls . 'd ;"C' ~ t th~' d '.. '.'!. :
<br />1 ness my n an 0 a ......................................z..... __m....m... 10 881. OWly e' ay ap..u year
<br />last above written. LELAINEcADE gf' .- . /J-;~""\,,' ~J . t'-:>>.-
<br />Ne>lery Public. MinnehM Cou!'k. South o.k. -I /{/ Al6 r..::d.. :.' ,'. " ,...
<br />My commission expires....Mv. ~1lIui.od.r.pilti .siP~.II, 19t5 . "'" ---no ...&:-1:~..v..{..~...n___..m.......ry~ ~:.n~;:-~~.tt()la.~, ,Public
<br />. . I; " , . ~; . ~.
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