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<br />I <br /> <br /> ." " Ent(tl"ed a. DocuM8M No. IJ J <br /> c I <br /> 3 \-........ <br /> > i 88- 1 ~ "7 D/, <br /> \' - 5f 10 <br /> '\ -\: -< ~ t.i' <br />';~\:--,j ~f z Grantor ~ ' l <br />,.} c:J "'.o~ " . 0 Grantae 97f c__ <br />~ -I. ~ , 'j .. Numerical 7"'-;:..-'<... Z <br /> -. !:> <br />, ~~ n <br />' ~, '.' " 51.\ j t: ,~,7 liE,".! ,:~;(\) <br />:f1. ',- ."- " "0:,0 C'D \.. I . '\ ~.' i \ 1 01"...... I \ 1 f" (, c " <br /> ) ';;0 <br /> C :~~ t I '. - ., )F : ;.\ t ! ::t <br />, "' ~ 0 I <br />, r~ -- ~ <br />' ~~ ~ <br />:.'V" ... -t i <br />~/~' to <br /> ~ m '88 APB 8 Atl 10 18 <br /> >C <br />~ (') <br /> ii" r- <br />~ ~ ( / .. " I <br /> -. '... :.'.' . ....,1...:,J <br /> 'i !!. C'D '.' <br />~' . ::s /,:' <br />I :D 1/ <br />r J .a ~t C" (~: (IF nFF[lc:. <br /> ;r 2- <br /> if 'C <br /> -?- iI 2. <br /> <br />ElClrptl From Intimal ReVlnut Code <br />Sec. 6321, Lien For Taxes, <br /> <br />II any pellan liabll 10 PlY any tu neglKts 01 '1lusn to <br />'PlY lI'lt umt liter dtmand. lIle amounl lIneludlng eny ,nter. <br />HI, Iddi\lonll alllOunt, addition to tu. o. aunub" ptnalty, <br />\OQttht. wllll any c;ofll !lilt mly 1C<<ue in Iddilian tMrelo) <br />thall bel lien In flvor allhl United States ullOn all propelt)' <br />and r1gftlS to Ilroptlty. wIIt\lltl real or penonll. belonoing <br />10 auc:II PInon. <br /> <br />See, 6322, Period Of lien, <br /> <br />UnItsI lnolhll dat, II lP'CilICllly hed by law, thl liln <br />ImllOMlI by ..cUon 8321 stllU Iri$l at the lime the u$lument <br />Is nII6t and IhllI c;ontlnut \litH thelilbiloty lor the l/nOunt so <br />UMIMd (or, jlldgmtntlgllnst the tUlllyer arising out 01 <br />1UClIlllbillty) Is utiJlled or t-ecomes unenlorceabl. by rllson <br />0111,* olIIIN. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons, <br />(a) Purchlllf'l, Hotdtl1 01 Stcurtty In- <br />..... 1ItchIn1c', UenorI. And Judgment <br />LIen Crtdttorl. - The lien ImllOlell by ItCtlon 832\ ahlll <br />nol iii valkl U IDllnll any Il\IIctltHr. haldlr 01 I SKllllty <br />1n1trNt.lIlKhtnlc"lltnor, or Ju~gm.nlli'n crellitor until notice <br />tMrtol which m"tl 1ht requiremlnlS 01 subncllon lfJ hU <br />bMIt Illtd by lht SW,tary. <br /> <br />(I) PIICt For Filing Notlet; Form,- <br /> <br />(11 Pllce for Filing. The notice r.lerreo 10 In su~ <br />MCIlon (I) l1li11 bellltl1 . <br />(A) Uncl" SII" Laws <br />(i) Aul Property -In I~e cue 01 rill propert)<, In one <br />offltt willlln lhe Stili (or the county. or ather governmental <br />SubdiviSion). Il dulgnltell by t~ellws 01 IUC~ Slete, in <br />which tile prOlltlt)' subjKt 10 ItIt lien is SltUltl1l. and <br />(Ii) "-r$Ol\11 Property . In lhe cl5e ot persanll <br />1l'01llrty. whelher tangible or Intlng,ble. .n 01\1 oU,ce <br />wilhln lhe Slit. (or lilt county, or oltltr governmental <br />lubd.vislon). IS dUignated by 1M IlwS or suc~ Slate <br />In whiC~ the p'apert)< subject 10 t~e lien IS S'\ulled <br />01 <br />(8) With Cieri 01 D.slnct Court. In Ihe oll.ce ollhe Cieri ot <br />the United Statls district court 10' Ihe ludlc,al dl5lncl'" "h'Ch <br />the prolllrly subjeclto lien IS SllultM whenever the Slale has <br />roOl by II"des'gnated one clhceillhlch ",tlls the reQu>r..merts at <br />sabl)J.rlg,apll (Al, or <br />leI With Recorder 01 OeMS Of The DlslIICI 01 COI"mD'~ In <br />lilt offltt ollhl Recorder 01 Dulls ollhe Dlstllct 01 ColumOla ,I <br />lhl Ilroperty suolec' l) tn. I,en " s"ulleo Ir. ,.. 0",1',(1 01 <br />':elumbis <br /> <br />(2) Situs 01 ProlHlrty SubJect To LIen. For pU'IKlStl 01 <br />paragrlphs (I) Ind (e}, property shill be deemed to be sltulled. <br />II.) Rell Property. In the cne 01 rill IlrOplrty, at lIS <br />ohyslcallOCltlon: or <br />IBl Plrson.1 Property. In lhe CUI 01111/101111 proPllt)', <br />whelher Ilngibll or Intangible, It the 01 t.... <br />tuply.r II \lit timl the noUn 01 1I1n IS IlIed, <br />For purposes 01 plrlgrll)ll (2) (8). 1M " oIl corpo'ltlon <br />or Illrlnershlp shill be dHmtll 10 be lilt &I which the <br />principII Il6CUtlvI omtt alllle buslne.. Is located, Ind the <br />"slll.nee olltuPlyer whoSt r"ldenet IS wllhout the Unlt~ <br />SlIt.SlhlU be dsemed to be in 1M OiltrlC1 01 CoI~rnbla, <br />(3) Form . Thl lorm Inll conllnt 01 the nollet <br />.el.IIM 10 .n lubsetuon tll shill be prescribed by l!lI <br />Secretlry. Such notlcl Ihlil be valid nohVlthsllndlng any <br />olher provision 01 IIW reger~Ing lhe lorm or content 01 , <br />notltt olll.n. <br /> <br />Note: See Sijclion 6323(b) fOf protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of IIBn <br />imposed by section 6321 is liled with (espect <br />to: <br /> <br />" SKuntlts <br />2 Uotor v.hlel.. <br />3. Ptraonll property llurC/laselllt retlll <br />e PtrlonllllrolHlrty purchued In ClSU.! nil <br />5 Ptrlonll property subjlCted to IlOsnssary li.n <br />a Rill property tu Ind speelll usellmlnllllns <br />1 Rnl~.ntllt property JuhjlCllo I mechlnlc's <br />Ii.n lor Ctrtlln repllrl Ind lmprovlm.nts <br />a Allorney's lI.n. <br />9 Certlln insurlnee contrlcls <br />10 Pusbook lOins <br /> <br />Ig) Rtmlng Of Notict, - Far purpoStl 01 IhlS <br />SIC lion . <br /> <br />111 Glnlral Rule. - Unlus notice 01 lien IS nWilI In <br />the mlnner Ilrucribed In plrlgrlph (2) during the rtqulrtd <br />,.filing penoo, such notiC' ollian shill belrlllld IS IilIlCl on lhl <br />date on whiCh 11 il filed (In IccorOlnce WIth subsectIon II]) Iner <br />lhe upllllien 01 wer. rlllling IHInOO <br /> <br />121 PIICI For Filing, - A nOllce 01 lLen rehled <br />~unng Ihe rt~U!leo ..Mng period Ihlll be e"lCtlv, only. <br />,AliI. <br />!II SuCh MIICe ollLen 's "hied In lhe othc. '" which the <br />pno. nohce 01 hen WIS hied. Ind <br />1,,1 ,n the case 01 rul prO;llf1y. the lact or rellllng IS <br />entered Ind rtCOrotd In an Inde. 10 the I>len\ 'eOultl1l !ly <br />subsecllan ,Ii II). and <br />'BI '" aoy case'" whICh ~ day5 0' more 0"0' 10 lhe olle <br />all ,e""no 01 OOliCe 01 hen under subOI'lgllpn fAI tilt <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Secllllry received wrlnln Informallon (In 1lII mlnntr <br />Ilrncrllif(\ In ''Qulltlons InUQCl by the Stmtary) <br />conClmlng I Chlngl In thellXllIytr'IIl"dlllCl, II a nollot <br />01 suCh IIln I. lIs a lIIed In ICCl)rdlntt wllh lubuctlon (I) In <br />the SlItl In which 1UC-'1 llsl~IllCIIIIOCIlIlI, <br /> <br />(3) Roqulred Rlllang Period, - In lilt caN <br />01 Iny nollct ollltn, lhI ttrm "rlQUlftd nllllno period" r.1Unl . <br />(A) lhl on..year IIIrlod Indlng 30 dlYI afllr lhIlxplratlon <br />oi S yu" alter the dati 01 tlllllllumlnl or the tax. Ind <br />(el 1M one-yearporlod elllllng wllh thl'XlllrallonotSyura <br />liter the clOIl ollhl prece\llll{l requlmlllllllng IHIrtDd lor <br />Such notl~ 01 lien, <br /> <br />Sec, 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property, <br />(a) RII.... Of Litn. - Subjeel 10 lucIl <br />regulations IS the Secretary may Ilrtlcrlbt. 1111 ~Itary thall <br />Issue I clrtlllcate 01 rtlllll Ollny lIan lmposell 'IIltb IlspectlO <br />Iny Inltrnal rlv.nut tlX nollatll thin 30 dlYI ana, lht dly On <br />which. <br />(11 L1lblllty SltlJllell or UnenlorCMble . Thli Stcrttary <br />finds Ihl' IhI IIlblllty lor thl Imounta..e..ed, toglthlr with III <br />Inl""t In rupec' thtrlOl, hll bttn lully utlllltd O. 1111 <br />becomt Itgllly untnforc..bll; or <br />(2) Bon~ Acc'lllid . Therl lllumlshed to the Stclltary Ind <br />ICC~pled by ftlm' bond Ihl' Is condllloned upon l1li paymtnl 01 <br />thl amount a..lnell, lOOIlh4r wllh III Intlrut In IISptCI <br />thlreol. within lhe I1ml pltlcrtbid by law Oncludlng any <br />Ixtlnslan 01 such Ume). Ind thltll In Iccordlnot willi tuth <br />rtqulrlmoott rll;otlng to "rms. condltlonl. and form ollhl ~nd <br />Ind surlUn Ihlreon. II mlY be 'ptcllled by luch llllulttlonl. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />ciosure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />(~l Dltcloau... of Certlln P.ltum. and <br />Rltum Informallon For To'ltlon <br />PUrpoltl,- <br /> <br />(21 Disclosure 01 Imount 0' outsllndl~ lien. II . nOliCe 01 <br />Ilen hll been I,"a purS~lnlla nClIDn 6323(11. Ihe Imounl 01 thl <br />outsllndlng obligltlOn SK~r.d by luch IIln mlY be dlselostdlo <br />Iny person WhO lurnlshes "1,sIICtOry wrillen .vldlnca Ihlt hi <br />hIS , light ,n lh. property 10 such hen or intlnds to <br />obt''" a nghtln SUCh prOlHlrt1 <br /> <br />~ <br />