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<br />" <br />~ <br />3 <br />~ <br />'~ :< <br />~~~ <br />~: 'ss~:,~~: <br />:;.~J' 'j ~ U <br />;~,~ \, <br />~'\~ <br />'~~ <br />~ <br />~~ <br />o ~ <br />~' <br />1~ <br />Eictrpta From Inttmll RlVtnut Code <br />Sec. 6321. lien For Taxes. <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />f <br />"i <br />::Ill <br />.a <br />iii <br />if <br />.;. <br /> <br />If any perun lI'bI. 10 p'y .n~ IU IItOIKIS or refusn 10 <br />'pay l1li "1111 .It.r lI.mIM. tilt Imounl (Including any Inttr. <br />II1.l6dlllonal amount. Iddilion to lu, or USlsubl. pefllllly, <br />IcOItIltr wI1h an~ cosll tIIIt 1lII~ '<<rut In .lIdillon <br />II1II1 lit I lien In lavor 01 the Unltlld Stat" upon 411 property <br />IIllI flQhtl to PfOjltrty, wIIItIIIr rill or pllSonal. belo"glno <br />to IlICIl pnon, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien, <br /> <br />UIIiIu InOl1lII' dltl II lIIICiliuYy 1111d by lalll. lilt liln <br />IIIIpIIId by lIC1lon 1321 wll InH It the 11m. the'III"m,"l <br />111lIIIII1IllI1IlIl1 conllllUl "-'l1i1 the IIlbility lor the 1l1lOum so <br />--- (or I Judament llIaloll Ule tlIP.y.r arising out 01 <br />IUCllllablllly) II Iltisfied or bIc<MMs ul'IInloruable b~ reuon <br />01 ... 01111111. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br />(I) PurdaaW.. HoIdtn Of Stc&IttJ In- <br />...... 1IIc:hInIc', Utnon. And Judgment <br /> <br />LIen CI'IdItorI. - The U.n ImpoMd b~ Hellon 1321 Ihlll <br />till III valid II IQIInII Ill~ plII'dIa..r, I\oldel 01 I HC\II'lty <br />lllItrMt.lIIIdIan!c'llllnor, or Judgllltllllltll crlditor unlll notite <br />IIlnof w111c111111t11 till Rqulrlllltllll 01 lubHeIlOn (I) hIS <br />IIIIIl fIlId by l1li Secntary. <br /> <br />(I) PiIClI For FINnt NotIct; Fonn,- <br /> <br />(I) PlIet For Filing . Tilt nc.tlce 1,Ierred to In sub- <br />IICtion (I) IIhIlI ba filld . <br />(t.) UIIlItr StI.. La.. <br />(I) IIN.I Proptrty . In !Ill caH of rill prO\llrty, In one <br />offlclwltllln l1li Stili (or tile counl~. or otlltr govlrnmlnll' <br />"'lvblon), u dftlgnllld by tilt Ilws 01 such Stll', In <br />whlcII the property lulijte110 lilt Ii," is situated; Ind <br />(II) Pwrsonal Proptrty . In lilt casl 01 personal <br />".,.ny, lIfIIItIltr tangiblt or Inlanolbl., in DIll olliet <br />witIlln tile SllIl. (or tilt COunl~, or olher go~ernmenlll <br />wbdiYl.ion), II designated by till 01 such SI.I.. <br />III wNch the PfOptrty I~ 10 lilt hen Is "tualed; <br />.. <br />(I) With Cltfk 01 D!'lric1 Court . In lilt oHic. of lilt tlerl< 01 <br />Illt IInitMl SI.lIs III strict tOurtlor lhe judiCia' dIstrict In whieh <br />the prlllftY IUbjtct 10 lien is silu'led. when.ver tilt St.11 h.5 <br />nol ~ "wdeslgn.led Ont olllts wtucn !l'MIS lhe reQulremer.15 01 <br />1"""'_ ("). or <br />It I Wi1l! Rlc:order Of OMcls 01 Iht DiWltl 01 Columol. ' In <br />1l'It0lta Of tlIIlltcOIlI.r ol!lttcll olllle DltWCI 01 ColumOll,,I <br />Itlt prooerty lublKl1) lhe II.n " sltulll(l In Ih. O,;lr,tl 01 <br />CoIuIllIIia ' <br /> <br />fnrMed 8S Document No. <br /> <br />88-1 I) 1 7 3 8 <br />..6 <br />Grantee 7"' / <br />"" .., NUlJlerl~al /V-4 <br />S 1"1 ,- ';'\'. ~IEr. '.. (' K '\) <br />,---... '- .". 1\ ~.\.\0 1 ... <br />C r; ! I' ~;' i F I! ,~. I I ) S S <br />V.' J "'-, I 1" ~t_ <br /> <br />"" <br />( <br />!!f <br />lA' <br /> <br />... <br />ID <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />.... <br />-. <br />n <br />CI) <br />o <br />~ <br />-f <br />I>> <br />)C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />188 APH <br /> <br />Grantor <br /> <br />~u:Yl <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />- <br />AN /0 32 <br /> <br />c: <br />~ <br />( <br />I <br /> <br />!t. <br /> <br />"~'? .. _ . .~f (J I <br />~ ,'., . .. - .. ." _,~, J <br />/.1'" ~~;iI.... .....~ '~"'J'~'t....d.:~ <br />" .. <br />u' <br /> <br />ii <br /> <br />Q. <br />. <br />"oC <br />o <br />- <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of I'loperty SubjKI To Uln . For purpal" of <br />paragrlphs (1) Ind (4), property Sh.1I be lleemed:o be Iltullld. <br />(A) Real Ptoptrty . In the cue 01 real prO\llrly, II f1I <br />phYI!cllloealion; or <br />(81 Personll Properly - In llll caH 01 perlOnll plO\llrty, <br />whtlher 11r>glble or Inllr>glbll. II 1111 r"ldtnct 01 till <br />Illpa~r al 1!Ie 11m. tI1I notlca of lI.n II filtd. <br />For purpalu 01 par.grlph (2) (8).lfIt r"Jdlnei of a torporlllon <br />or plrtnershlp snail be dHr:11ld 10 be the plitt II which 1ht <br />prlnclp.1 "Kulln olflc:e of the bu'i""s II loealld, n lilt <br />rttldlllC4 of I tlJ(pa~.r who.. rlSldenet 's wlttlout lilt Unltld <br />SlAI" shall be dttmtd to be In 1IIt Olllrlcl of Columbll. <br />(3) Form - TIlt form and contenl 01 tile nollOl <br />till/rid 10 In lubHCllon II) Ihlll be plescribld by lilt <br />Sterll.ry. SlIth nollce .IIth be vllld nolwlthlllndlno .ny <br />other provlllon 01 I.w reglrdlng lilt lorm or tonltnl 01 a <br />nOllce of lI.n, <br /> <br />Notl: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though nolice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is tlI!ld with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. SteurlU.. <br />2. Motor vahlcl.. <br />3. Personal proptrty Purchuld It rll.1I <br />4. Personal property purcllllld In caluil SlI, <br />5. Personll P!Ol!trty lubjlt!1C! 10 pouusory lI.n <br />6, Rul property III Ind sptClII UHllmanllllns <br />7 Rnklanlll' property sub/let to I machanlc's <br />I(.n for carllln r,plrrs Incllmprovlments <br />8, Anorllly'S IIt1ll <br />9, terllln Insurance contrtcll <br />10. Passbook lOins <br /> <br />(g) Rlflllnt 01 Notice. - For purpostl of thl, <br />IKlion. <br /> <br />(I) Glntr" Rule. - Unlen nOllet olll.n II tllilld In <br />IlIt m.nlllr prescribed In Plr.grlph (2) during lilt rlqulrld <br />IIli1ing Plrlod. such notice olll,n sh.1I be Irllled U Wid on lilt <br />dltl on which ills filed (In ,ccoldanc, with lubsllCllOn (1)1 .her <br />tllt IIplr.lIcn of such re:lling period <br /> <br />(2) PIICI For Filing. - A noUce 01 lien reWId <br />durir>g lilt Illlullld rllilino period sIlall be 'lfeetlve onl~. <br />(A, jl. <br />(I) 1uth notice of Illn IS rlmld In I~ office In which lilt <br />p'iOr nolice 01 lien was 1iI1d. 'nd <br />(Ii) In the call 0111.1 projllrt~, the l.eI olllflling Is <br />tnlered and recorded In an indulo lilt exlenl rlQulfed by <br />subsection III 141. Ind <br />151 In any ease In which. 90 days or more pllor 10 lilt dale <br />01 . IIlilino 01 noliee of li.n under subOlfagrlpll (AI. lilt <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />;:It.'r;: OF DC"Ff'S <br /> <br />Soc:rellry ACtive.:! \IIlllltn Inlorm.lIon (In lilt mlMll <br />pllscrlbtd In rl<l1ullllOI11 lulled by lilt Sttmaryl <br />COnetmlnll . char>g.ln the lDpa)'tr'1 mldtnCl, If I notlte <br />ol.uch Il.n Is 1110 f111d In accordlnet with .ubstetkln (f) In <br />1ht Slalt In wtrlch lutlI mkllnOlls localtd, <br /> <br />(3) RequIred RtflNng Ptrlod. - In lIlI WI <br />01 .ny nolice 01 lien, lJtt ttrm "requlrad IIflllng ptriocl"1IlNItII . <br />IA) lilt ont-year period .ndlng 30 days IllIrllle up/rlllan <br />of e yurt Iltlr tilt dill olllle IUlllm.nt 01 lJtt till, and <br />(8) the Onl-Yllr parlad Indlng wllh lilt I.plrlllon 01 8)'1'11 <br />IIt.r Ifll clo.. of tIl. pllClding required raflllna period lor <br />luch notice of lI.n, <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property_ <br /> <br />(.) R.... Of' Lien. - Subftet to ~ <br />rlllul.tlonl IS lh. Sterellry may pr'WlIIt, tile Satmary shall <br />InUtl certlllcal. of rlllln of 'OY lien Imposttl willi m,*, to <br />any In'lrnal r.vlnu.ll. nollatlr tlltn 30 dlYSlltll1!lt dlY on <br />which- <br />III Ulblllty SllIllIed or Unlnlorcttbl. . TIll Stellllry <br />rlndttlllllhe liability for tilt Imounl.unsId, lO\lllh4r with IU <br />InllrlS' In I"Pltl IherlOf, lit. bltn fully 1I11tllld or hU <br />bteolllt legally unenfoleeable: or <br />(2) Bond Acelpl'd . TllIlIlt fuml.hed to th$ Stertlary and <br />lcetplld by him. bond Ihall. candlflollld upon tile paylMllt of <br />Itlt .m~nl IUIISIC!, fao.tlltr with III Inltl1lt In /'IIpect <br />tlltllOl, within tilt 1I11lt prattrlbtd by Ilw (1~\Iclll'l\l any <br />ulentlo" 01 luch lime), Inllllll1'S In accordlnet with luclt <br />rlqulr.m.nll rellllr>g 10 terms, cOlUlItIOnl, Ind lorm 01 tlIIllOnct <br />Ind lurell" thtrlOn. II ml~ be tpeelllld by luch rlRullllgna. <br /> <br />Sec, 6103, Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />(k) DIIcIOIII" 01 Ctt1aIn Rtluma Ind <br />Rltum Inform.llon For To Admlnlltratton <br />PUI"pOIH. - <br /> <br />(21 DisclOSure 01 amount 01 oUlsllnlllng Iiln, . II I nolfce 01 <br />lien has betn tiled pursu.nllo section 6323(1). Ihe amDunl of the <br />OUISllndlno oblig.llon Heured by luch IIln m.y be dlll:loMd 10 <br />.ny ptrlon who furnllhu IlIi.lactory wrill,n ,vlll.1ICI thll lit <br />hu . rlghl in the proptrty lub/eet to luch Ilan or Inlendl 10 <br />obtain a right In s~cn proptrty. <br /> <br />~ <br />