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<br />... <br />~ <br />:I <br /> <br />~! <br />, ">" :( <br />~~ f <br />~~~ <br />~r,(\\J <br />...h, <br />~ :r '-.j , <br />~, <br /> <br />: L"'-h'-<.'\' <br />~, t' <br />~, (~ <br />~' <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />(") <br />ii' <br />~ <br />'i <br />::D <br />c3 <br />~ <br />iI <br />~ <br /> <br />Elcerpta From tnttmll Atvtnut Code <br />See, 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If In)' ptraon Iilbl. 10 PlY Iny III neglecls or refuns 10 <br />~PIr lilt III'1U1 Iner dtmlnd. l1'It Imounl (i1ltluclil19 Iny inllf' <br />lit, 1d61110nlllmounl, Iddition 10 tn, or l$Suuble pen;I1y, <br />lOIIII* with In)' cot" lIIIt may ICCnJll In IddillDn thertlo) <br />1IIll! III I Iltrlln fayor of the Unl1tcl Stll" upon 1IIIlf0perty <br />IIld rIQMllO prtlptf1y, wIItlIItr r..' or perSOnll. bflOl19in; <br />lIlllCIIl*'OIl, <br /> <br />Sec. &322, Period Of Lien, <br /> <br />UnlIu anothtt dall It I91CifiUUy hid by Ilw. lilt II.n <br />"I.... II)' IKtion 1321 """lfi51 II lilt Unit the UIIItIlllllI <br />III111dt lIIcI ""II contillUl unlilthe Iilbllity for lilt Im~1 so <br />..... (or a ludg""'" 1tG111lI1 the IIlpay.r IdS in; OUI 01 <br />-1lIdI11alII111y) II lIt1srltd 01 btcomts unenforcllbll by 'OlSon <br />of ..... of time. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons, <br />(I) ~.. HoI. Of StcurtIy In. <br />.... MIc:hInIci'. UIncn, And Judgment <br />LIIn CrtcItora. - Tilt IItn ImpoMCI by IICtlOn!321 snail <br />not III vt/~ II aoalllll .ny P\lI'Clllllr, heldtr of I MCurity <br />lntnIt ~k:'.llanor, or judgllllllllltn crldilor untU notice <br />IhWMf wIIlc11 II1II11 the rtquillllllllll of subHCtlon (I) hIS <br />'*" Iillcl II)' lilt Stcrttary, <br /> <br />(l) PIece For filing Molletj Form.- <br /> <br />(I) Plact For filin; . The IlOti~ IIllrred to In sub- <br />NCtIon (I) IIIlll III fillcl. <br />(AI Undw SlIlt La.. <br />(i) AuI Propert)' . In lilt cln 01 rllllllOperty. In one <br />orne. witllln the SlIlt (or lilt county. 01 olher govllnmlnlll <br />SU"IWlIioIII. IS dtslgnlltel by tl!t Ilws 01 soch 51111, In <br />whIc:Illht IlfDlllltY subject 10 tilt lien is silultei!; IIIcl <br />(Ii) r.-son.l Property . ill lhe eilSe 01 perSOnl1 <br />JlfOOllTW, wflIl!lIr lIn;ibIt III m1lllllibl" in one ollict <br />wittlln the Sill. (Of Iht tOilllly, or 01M. govemmlnlll <br />subdivlalon), II dtSigl\lled b~ In. 11"$ 01 such Sllte. <br />In wIIIdI 1ht IlfGpllty su:Jjet1 10 1M lien is S,tullld; <br />It <br />(I) Wi1h Citfk Of DiSI.itl Courl - In the Olllet orlht clerk at <br />till Unlttd Stalts dislrltl tolllt lorlht ludicill dlslrit:1 on whith <br />, till Jlfoptrty lu~ecl to liln .5 silu.eled, w~,...ver the Sllle hIS <br />nollly 1aw~lOnaled one ell,c, "'h,c11I1'~ls IIIe 'rQu".meers at <br />sallHrlllrapll (A), or <br />(CI WllIllltcordtf Of Oetds Of The Of Cnlumo'J ' In <br />I". Offtce of Iht Ilacordtr 01 Dttds 01 lilt DlSlntl 01 Columoll ,I <br />lhe Ilfcptfty sU!IIK' l) In, ~'n '5 S,IUlted .n 100 /)'''''CI Ilf <br />ColIINIIia <br /> <br />:!! <br />I: <br />:f <br />ii' <br /> <br />..... <br />co <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />.. <br />-. <br />n <br />CI <br />o <br />.. <br />-I <br />m <br />>C <br />,.. <br />-. <br />CI <br />::J <br /> <br />!to <br /> <br />1i <br /> <br />a. <br />III <br />"C <br />a <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property Subject To lien. For purpo... 01 <br />plIlgrlphs II) and (4), pro~rty Shill be dllmed 10 III lllu.ltc!. <br />(A) Ru' Property . In the clse of rill PIOperty, II Its <br />physical JOCIliiln; or <br />(B) Pmonal Property. In tilt can 01 ptllOlll' pl('pert)', <br />whellltr tlngibll or I"llnglbl., al tilt IItIdtoor Of lilt <br />wpa)'tr II the llnlt the notlet of lien II fllld. <br />For PUlpos.. 01 plrlgraph (2) (II, lilt rtshle;1Ct oIl ClllpOlltlon <br />or partnership shill bI d..rntcllO be lilt pllet Ill1J!Ilch lilt <br />prlntlpal .xecullvI onlet of lilt buslneu II 1000ttcI, ancI !hi <br />rtlldlllC. 01 I InplYlIl1J!IolI rnldlnet Ie without tht UnI1tcl <br />5111.. 111111 be dttmtcllo III In tht Olelrlet 01 Columb!I, <br />(3) Form - TIlt form end continI of lilt rootlet <br />,,'"red 10 in sulIHtlion (I) lhall be ~rtKrJbtd by lilt <br />Stellllry. Such nolie. shall be ulkl llOtwlttts1ancllng any <br />Olher provlllon 01 II. reglrding tha form or Cllnlenl 01 I <br />oolite 01 lien. <br /> <br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />t Securities <br />2. Morol vehlel.. <br />3. I'1l'1Onal property purclllSld II rellll <br />4. I'1,sollll proptrty P\llchalldln eaeuII Slle <br />S. l'ersonal proptrty sub/lClldlo PO''''lOry lien <br />e, Aul property till and SI*III .....ement liens <br />7, Resldenllll p'optrty su!ljKt 10 I mechlnlc's <br />Ii,n lor urtlln IIplllllM Improv.menls <br />8. Attarnty'S II.ns <br />i, Certain IIIIUIlIlCl tonlrects <br />Ill, I'IISbook 101111 <br /> <br />(g) R,flllng Of Notice. - For ,urpom oll"'S <br />secllon . <br /> <br />(1) GtntrII Aule. - U"ltu natic. 01 lien Is IIli1ed In <br />the mlllner prucribed In lllrlgrlph 12; durlllg lilt l"1uirld <br />r.filing period,Sllth notice 01 liln .hall bll,eateclulilld on lilt <br />dill on.which Ills liftel (i" accordlnet Wllh subsection (1l)lner <br />the expiratlcn 01 such rlllling period, <br /> <br />(21 Place For Filing, - A. IlOtlCe 01 lien Ilfi1ed <br />~~IIn; tilt ftqul'tel relilin; peliOd sl1111 be .lltetive only. <br />(A.) il. <br />(I) Such nOli" of lien is Itfiltd in lilt o"lce in whiCh lhe <br />plior rIOtiet 01 lien wu Illed, Ind <br />(It) in the CII. 01 rnl pro~rty. lilt lacl 01 rellling IS <br />~nllred Ind lteo,dl(! in .n index 10 the Ulen! reQUlled by <br />subseclion (II (.), Ind <br />ie) '" any else.n ..hie", 90 days or more pr.or 10 tne dlle <br />01 I IIriling oJ nolltt ollltn under subparlgraph (AI, IhI <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~nit'ed ~ Document No. <br />~ 6101737 <br />Gr J rrlor <br />Grantee T T <br />Numerical )() IJ. <br /> <br />c) 1 <br />, ,j , <br />0/ <br />\\') <br /> <br />~ -I',.', -I c. C', c;_ '[~: 'i l ','~ I'"~ r\ ) <br />~ -," coO" d- ~ S S <br />CC"!'-'T' '':F lL' t.:.. ) <br /> <br />z <br />!=" <br /> <br />'88 APH <br /> <br />c: <br />:I <br />[ <br />CI) <br />I <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />iHl 10 2 6 <br /> <br />". .-.-~' /.oil ...~ -' <br />':- L:;" ",-' . c.:.:':c::::':..,-,-,-A.-o!:' ",J <br /> <br />c/ Rr:r,~ nF f\~~f)~ <br /> <br />Stcrttll)' IlC:tIYld wrltt.n Inlormlllon (In tilt mlnntf <br />pllKllbId In regulations IlIutcI b)' till Seclltll)') <br />concernIng a clWIQ.ln IIlI tlXpaY81'llItldenet, If a notlct <br />01 Sllth Uln II 1110 fUtel In ICCOrdlnce .Ith IUbllCtlon (I) In <br />lilt Sll" In l1J!Ilch I~ rtIIdtnCI " IOCIttcI, <br /> <br />(3) Aequlred R.ftlng PtriocI. - In tilt "II <br />ollny nollct of lien. tilt IfmI "11qulrtcl rrflllllll ptrlocl" 1l'ItIlII. <br />(A.) I'" ol\l-)'IIr ptllod .ndlng 30 dl~ Ifllr lilt ..plrlllon <br />01 (I yelll Itle, lilt ell" ollht llIIIImInl of tht lax, Ind <br />(8) Ih. 0"t-~1lI period Indlng with lhe IKplrl~ of 8)'1111 <br />Ilttr tht etOll of till p~n; lIqulrtcl rtflllng pefiod lor <br />such noli" olll,n. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325, Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(II R'" Of 'lien. - Subftcl to luctI <br />rlgullllon. IS lilt Seclltlry may prmlllll,lIIt Stcrttal)' wll <br />IlIlIIl ttr111lC1tt 01 111..11 clany lI.n ImPGltcl wIlli rtIptCt to <br />In)' Inl,ml' rlVenUl tn nollllll tIIIn 30 dlY'aftar lilt dlY on <br />'IOhlth. <br />(1) lIlbillty Satlsflld or UnenfOlCNbl. . TIll Secl1\1ry <br />IInds l~llthe liability fOllllt IlmOlXlllllllltcl, toG't!lerwIIIIIU <br />Intllllt In 1111*1 IlIIrlOl, hIS bttn lully 1I1IIflId or illS <br />become IIQllly untnlorcuble; Dr <br />(2) Iond Act.pled. Tlltral, fumllhld 10 tilt Secretary Ind <br />Icctpttel b)' him. bond thllls cOIldlllonld upon tht paymtnt 01 <br />the Imounl .....IId, IOQ'llllr with all Inltl1ef In IItptCt <br />Ihtrtof, within tilt lime prelCrlbtd by Ilw OllClud11lll Iny <br />Illtenslon of luch IIml), Ind 11111 II In ICCOrdll\ct wlll1.uch <br />rtqulremN1U 1I11t1ng 10 tllms. COndltlonl, Ind form of lilt IIond <br />Ind IUIII," lIltltOn, It mlY be SptCI!l1d by 1uc1\ rlgullUonl. <br /> <br />See, 6103. Confidentiality and Dls~ <br />closure of Returns and Return In~ <br />formation. <br />(k) Ollclotufl of Ctrtaln Allum Ind <br />R.lum Inform.llon For To Admlntltratlon <br />Purpotll.- <br /> <br />(2) Oiltlosu" ollmounl 01 oulslln~'ng lien. ," a noll~e 01 <br />lien hIS bien riled pur,ulnllo Section &323(1), Ihe Imounl 01 the <br />oulsllndlng obnglliOn HCured b~ euch Ii,n mlY be disclalld to <br />any Ptrson who lurnislltl nlilllelol)' .ritten IVidtnct thll III <br />hIS I rig hI In the property lubject 10 such liln or Inlend, 10 <br />obllin Irighl in SUCh property <br /> <br />-.J <br />