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<br />i <br />3 ~ <br />~ " <br />C ;?::;: <br />~~~j <br />~~~ ~~ <br />t- ~,\ V <br />,~ /\ v <br />~,~ <br />~ <br />~' <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />"\ <br /> <br />o <br />! <br />'i <br />:a <br />~ <br />ii' <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />Etctrpll From Int.mII RIYtflUt Codt <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />It Inr person liablt to pay Inr tu neglects or relusn to <br />'pay lilt IImt Itter cltmal1l:t lilt amount lincluding any inttf. <br />- Idllitionallmounl. addition 10 tu, or a,sessable penl.tty. <br />IagtlIlIf within)' costs that may ICCrut In Iddition thereto) <br />nl/ be I Uln In lavor of the Unltecl Stiles upon III pro9&rty <br />1M rlgllts to proptlty, wIIIthIr rNI or personal. beloOQing <br />10 w::iI ptf1O/I. <br /> <br />Sec. &322, Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />UIIleN IIlOthtr dltl i. .ptCiflClll~ "ud by 11I_, Itte lilll <br />.,..llr NCtion 532f .lIall IriM II the time the Issessment <br />" nIIdt Incl '11111 continue Wltil the lilbility lor the amounll-O <br />.-..cI (or I juogllllflt lGIln$t the tllpayer arising OU1 01 <br />IlId1Ulbilityl ill Sllisf"" or !Iecomes unenle>rceable by reasoo <br />011aPM of ti....., <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons, <br />(I) PurchlM'I, HoIcItt1 Of SIeurIty In. <br />..... 1IIchInIc'. IJt11on. And Judgment <br />UIn CrIdIton. - The lien Impostd by HCllon 5321 .11111 <br />NIl lit valid u IIllinsl Iny purcllalel. holder of a ._tty <br />InIerwt. tIlIdlank'.litnor. or /lldll""nlllen eredTloI unt" notite <br />u..f nidi Illttll till' of subsecllon (0 ~..s <br />t.n lilell by thI Slerttary <br /> <br />In PIleI For Fling Hob; form.- <br /> <br />(!! Pllte hr FIIi"ll . Tilt not1ce "fened 10 in sut>- <br />-.tion II) Nit be fillll . <br />IA) Uncler Stale ....... <br />(ij Aul Property' In IIle CUt 01 real ploperty. on one <br />olficl.itllin lhe Stall lor IhI! counly, or Olher gowlfnmental <br />suMIi1'iliOn). IS ""gnlted by lhe II'" 01 Such Stlte, in <br />w!IieIl the prDlllrty subjlct 10 lhe lien i, situlled; INI <br />(ij) PIfsonal Property - In the nse of perlOOl1 <br />P'Of*t1, .hel!ler UTlDib\a Dr lnla"9,bJe. In 0111 <br />wilttin tr.t SIII!l (Dr It.e COunly. or other Oo~ernmental <br />IlIbdr~lsiOn). as desjgnat~ b~ the la.s 01 sllth Slllt, <br />hi WlIiell !he property subllt' 10 l"t l.en ,~ S'hlllell, <br />If <br />(II Wrtll Clerk Of Di,tflf.! CoIl!1- In lh1! ot!~ 01 the eler. 01 <br />the United States dlstfltl COurt Ie>r the ludlclIl drllflcl In ..llIch <br />thI Pfoplrty subjeello hen '5 slluated, whenewl' lhe Sllle hl~ <br />. not by II. desIgnated e>nt efftre whIch met'IS the reQuortmt"IS 01 <br />5;l!1pare;;raplllAI. or <br />It I Wt1ll Recorder 01 Deeds ()t Th! O'$I"CI ()t tOlumO'1 In <br />thI ofhcJI oftfte IIteo'Gtt 01 ~s 01 the O"ln[f 01 COlumOll, If <br />the Pf~rty SUOlee' IJ the hen,s 5'1ulleo on I"" 0''''0[1 01 <br />ColulnN. <br /> <br />..... <br />I: <br />:f <br />-- <br /> <br />fintered All Doo.Jm.nt Lio.' <br /> <br />o .' <br />,) / <br />_\Qv/ 1 <br /> <br />8~J~ 1 ~~ ? 3 G <br /> <br />G, antile=- 5 ~ <br />Numerical ,{/~ <br />S T.!-' 1 ,- '. ':"'.' r. f' ~ I Z' }'A ) <br />L ., .\ 41...:; \ <'""'IV \ <br />C (\".. ~',' - - '. , S S <br />''- .'. Ii.. .. :~J;LL ;I) <br /> <br />.... <br />to <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />ft) <br />o <br />""'" <br />-I <br />m <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />COD <br />~ <br /> <br />?B8 APR <br /> <br />!l. <br /> <br />I <br />e- <br />'C <br />2. <br /> <br />c->"" ':.<- .,::....,>1.....1 <br />;):.-r:. OF f":~~~n~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />(21 Situs 01 Property Subject To lien. Klr 01 <br />plrlgrap~lllJ and (4).l'roperty .hlll ~ deemt<llo be.llualed. <br />[1.) Real Property. In the case 01 rnl property. at 111 <br />phYliClllocation; or <br />(B) Persllnll Property. In !he U" ol peraonal prllptlty, <br />whelher tlnglb1s or Intangible, .II the mldtnct of !hi <br />IUlllyer althe liml the nolite 01 lien II fHlIl. <br />For purposes 01 paroloraph (21181. the resldene. oIl corporation <br />or i-"rtlllrs~ip Shill ~ dltme<llo blithe pllce II which thI <br />principII UllC\Ilivt offlte of the bulint$l Is klcalld, and !hi <br />ru:~.nctl of Iluplyer WhOM IM!deI\ClIS wilhoUt the UnltId <br />SUItS shall be dllmed 10 be L'I!hI District of Columbia. <br />(3) Form - TIlt lllrm and contenl of the ootict <br />re1lroo 10 in subsection II) S~lll be prtWibed by tile <br />Secretlry. S, ell nC11CI sllln be ..lid nolwllhstanding any <br />other proyi,jlln III II. reglrding the tllrm Dr conlenl of a <br />notice 01 lien, <br /> <br />Nole: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though IlDtice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1 Securities <br />2 loIolor vellltlu <br />J, Personal p'o~ny p"reham al rltall <br />(, Personal p'o~rty purtllaml in ellUl1 IIle <br />S ""rse>nal property lubjICltd te> ponn.ory lien <br />6, Ileal property tu INllpeel11 as....ment lit", <br />7 Resldentill property subjecllO a mecllenic's <br />lien Ie>r certaIn repllrs Ind im;>ro~,mel'ltS <br />8 Ano"..,-, liens <br />9 tertain insuralltt eantrlt\$ <br />1D PU'book loinS <br /> <br />(o) Riming Of Hollct. - For pU~1 Ilf IIlII <br />seclion - <br /> <br />01 GentraI Rule. - Unlesl nolic, olliln is rellltll in <br />1M manner prescribed In paflgraph (2) during the reQuired <br />reliling periOll. s'Jt/l noti~ ot lien shill ~ trnlaclls lilel:l on thI <br />dlle Dn'whith " is fried (in Iccordance ",l~ subsec.t,e>n (fit after <br />the elpiatlon of S4ICh ref~mg penod <br /> <br />(21 PIac. For Filing, - A. IIOllCt 01 l'en "f,led <br />0."1Ill the reQUired retJling penl>d slllll be ellectlyt only. <br />(AJ If- <br />ii) SuClIOO11te 01 hen is reliled in the offiet in ..1I1e11 thl! <br />p"or not.ce of hen .15 filed. INI <br />{HI In lhe elst ot Teal pro;>trty. tl'le 'ICI 0' "I,llOg IS <br />entered aNi recorlle(l in In mde. 10 the Ulenl 'eQulred by <br />Su!>Stel'On III (t). I.nd <br />is i In in~ LIU In wruen, !KI dl~S Ilr more pllO' 10 lne dl.le <br />01 I rel'hng 01 noltce oll~n under sullPlr.grlplllAl, II'Ie <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />i-1/"11O <br /> <br />c:: <br />~ <br />( <br />W <br />i <br /> <br />Zr <br />o <br /> <br />Stemal)' retllvtll wrltttn Information ~n till mlMlr <br />prestrlbed In fegullllol\l lnUld by tlIa SecretaI)') <br />eoncarnlng I chlll1llln tilt tupal"r't I'IIldeact. II I nollct <br />olluch !I.n ,. oI1S1lIIle<i1n lceonlaneewllh III!lslc:llon III In <br />the Stall In wllldltueh mlcIenc;t " localtd. <br /> <br />(3) Rtqulrtd R.fIIng Ptrtod. - In tlIt WI <br />01 any nollte ollltn.the linn "nQulrtd reflllng period" mtIIlI . <br />If.) the OM-rMr ptrlod tll\llllG 30 dlY1 ahal the expllltlon <br />016 )'tIrs Itter the dltl e>I the UMUlIlII\l 01 tIlItu, and <br />(8) the one-yur period Illlllng willi thelxplllllon 016 yeare <br />IlItr tht eloSt oltlla ptlt'llJng rtQulrtd rellllng period lor <br />5ue~ notice 01 lien, <br /> <br />See, 6325, Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />DiSCharge Of Property, <br /> <br />II) R.... Of Utn. - Subject ro sudl <br />regulationllS the Stmary mar presalbt. !hi s.tntary shall <br />Issue I certificate 01 relNtI 01 IllY liln 111lpoMd wllh rnpect III <br />Iny Inllmal revenue In not II"lI'.an 30 dlY' Ifttr thI dlr on <br />which- <br />(1) lIlbillty Salillllll or Ibnlortelbll . The Setrtlll)' <br />finds that thllllblltty lor the lmo""l anmed. tog.tIlIr with all <br />Inllllll In mpect !hI1'I01. 1Ia. bltn fuUr ..tI.fled or hu <br />betol1ll!egIUy ul'llrlfollNblI: or <br />I2J Bond Ampted. TllmIlllumlshtd to tlIa SIct1Ilry and <br />atctplld hi' him I boll\l thall, con<lltle>ntd upon tile pa.yllllnl 01 <br />till Imount a...., logltlllr wilh III IIrtIrI8l In rtlI*I <br />thtrlOl, ..lthln tI'II tIme prelCl"lbIIl br Ilw (lnclUIIIIlll all)' <br />t.x:lenllon 01 such tIme), and 1lI11 I, In lceonllJlCl with tuch <br />~ulrements Telll'llG to l.Irm,. ~l1lona. all\llorm 01 t!lIliolld <br />Ind sureU81 IMrion. II may bt specified br IUCh regulltlol\l. <br /> <br />Sec, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis" <br />closure of Returns and Return In. <br />formation. <br />(0.) DlIcIoIurt 01 Certain Returns Iftd <br />R.lum Information For Tu Adrnlnlltrltfon <br />PuI'pOMl. - <br /> <br />(2) Oi~closure 01 Imllunl III oU1SllndillG lien.. If I ne>tlce 01 <br />ht~ has been filed purSUlnt 10 section 6323(11. tile Imounl of lhe <br />outslandll\g obhgltllln slCurecl by SuCh hen mey be di.closed 10 <br />.Jny pealln WilD tumilhts SltllllC\e>1)' wf,tltn eVIDtI\Cl that he <br />hit I nght on the pre>perty subject 10 $uch lien Dr intends to <br />obtain a rig~lln s~ch pre>perty <br /> <br />~ <br />