<br />I
<br />
<br />10, ~....~; ~ By lender Not . WIll....., E>;tension of Ihe time for payment or modifi<;ation of amortization of the sums secured by this Securily Instrument
<br />grlll11ed by Lender 10 anv sua:euor lnlnl_sl of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the orig;nal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required
<br />10 com~.. ~ " ~ ."yBUCCGS$OIln interest.or refuse 10 extend time for p3)'ment or othelWl. '5& modify amortization of the sums secured by this Securi~ Instrument by reason
<br />01 any ~ bY !he 'origirIaI Bc:vrowet' or Borrower s ~uccessors '" .nterest. Any locbearance bv Lender In e>;erclslng any nght or remedy shall not be a waIVer of or 'preclude the
<br />e.e<cise 01 any rigtil: or ~. .
<br />11, 511 .-... 8IId AnIoJne 8aund; Joint ~ s.--' U.blIl1y; eo..lgners, The covenants and agreements of this secUrity Inslrument shall bind and benefit the successors and
<br />Oasslgns of Lender and 8on'0Mf. subje<;I 10 !he provisions 01 paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co.signs this Security Instrument
<br />lM.lt doft not execule the Nole: (a) is co. signing this Security Instrument onty to mortgage, grant and convey Ihat Borrower's inlerest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;
<br />....; Ct')(b) is not penorIIIIIy obIigalMllo pay the sums secured by Ihis Sl!CUrity Instrument; and Ie) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree 10 e>;lend. modify, focbear or make any
<br />f:'-accommod;Ilions with regard 10 !he tenns of lhis Security InSlrument or the Nole without that Borrower's consent. ,
<br />......a , 12., Lam a-v--If Ih8 loan S8aIRld by, this Secunly Instrument is subjecllo a law which selS maximum loan charges. and Ihallaw is finally inlerpreted so thaI the interest or other 10. an
<br />,-,:narges 00ll8dIllcI ot 10 be COIIeded in COtnllldion with !he loan exC84ld the permitted limits. then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount" necessary to reduce the charge
<br />00 the ~ Iimi!: and (b) any sums aIrwady coIlecled from 8orn:Mer Which exueded permitted limits will be refunded 10 Bomlwer', Lender may choose 10 make this refund by reducing
<br />~. . JlI1 princiIJIII 0'Il8d under the Note ot by mall.ng a direct payment to ~, II a refund reduces principal, !he reductiol1 will be treated as a partial prepayment wilhout any prepayment charge
<br />, ~.......
<br />, 13.. I" - . AIfIIdIng ~a AIgta. " enactmenl or elq)irlltion of applicable laws has the efl~1 of rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Inslrumenl unenforoeable
<br />acconfillg to itllIamB. ..... at its option, may require immediate payment in lull of all sums secured by Ulis Security Inslrumenl and may invoke any remedies pe.-mltted by paragraph 19,
<br />IIf Lender eJl8l'CiNs ... option. l.en!i8r Shall lake !he slept' specified in the second pa;agraph 01 paragraph 17.
<br />It. ,~ Ani! noliI:le to ~ provided fot in this Security Instrument shall be given by (IeIivering it or by matling it by firsl class mait unless applicable law requires US8'of another
<br />: ~. The noIi:e st18I be dir-*d to the Property Address ot any other address Borrower designates by notice 10 Lender, Any notice 10 Lender shall be given by first class mail 10 Lender's
<br />~ .... heNin 01" ~ oe.r BIIIha lender designales by notice to 8orn:Mer. Any notice provided for in lhis Security Inslrument shall be deemed It! have been given 10 Bonn_r or
<br />Lender __ given as provided ... this paragrapn.
<br />15.lk .""loJ. t..r. s._ -~." This Security Instrument shall be governed by fe<lerallaw and the law of the jurisdiction in which llle Property is Iocaled. In the eV(lnlthat any provision
<br />or cIauw 01... 5Kurily IrSrumertl ot the Note con1Iic1s with applicable law; such connicl shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumenl or Ihe Nota whlc., can be given elfec1
<br />without.. ~ prowision. To !his end th8 provisions or this Secunty Inslrument and !he Note a'll declared 10 be severable.
<br />11. ~. CGp,. Bonower shIIlI be gi-..n one confomllld copy of 1toe Nota and 01 this Security Inslrument
<br />17. ........ar_ Pl'l:.-rlYOI' a ......n..w ~ In ~.II alar anypar1 ollhe Property or any inleresl in it is sold or lTansferred (or if a beneficial interesl in Borrower is sold
<br />or lran$femld and ~ is not a natural ~) without Lender's prior written oonsenl. lendef may, al lis option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument. ~, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exen:ise is prohibited by lederallaw as of the dale of this Security Instrument.
<br />" LendIIr I!'lI8n::iMs this option, Lender shall give Botrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period 01 nolless than 30 days from the date Ih$ notice is delivered or ma~ed
<br />within WhiCtl eon- rnu.a;a.,.. sums -=unId by lhis Secunly Instrument. If Bonower fails to pay Ihese sUms prior to the expifa1ion Of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted
<br />by lhis SecuriIy ~ wiIhout fur1hBr IICIIiCe or demand on Borrower.
<br />11. 1IGmMIr'...... tD..... .. If Borrower mea certain oooditions. ~ sI1IIIl hiM!lI1e t1ghllo hiM! enlo!tement 01 this Security Instrument diSCOlllinue<l a1 any time priOr to
<br />!he __ of: (a) 5" (or IUCh oIl8r ~ as appIic'abIe'" may specify tor 18inslalement) belore sale olll1e Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Seculitv Instrument;
<br />or (b) -*y 01 a judgrnanl enIort:ing this Security fnsuument. Thole conditions are that aon-; (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Inslrument and the
<br />N!:* 11m no alXIallIIiIIioI. 00CUI1'IId; (b) cures any default of any other cow;\ant5 or agrMments: (c) plI'jS all expeoses incuned in enlorting this Security Instrument. including, but not ~miled
<br />to, .--- ...-nep.....: and (d) takes such actioo as lender may rea..oonabIy require to assure that ~ lien of this SeC\lrity tnstrument. Lender"s rights in the Ptopetty anll Borrower's
<br />obIig8Iion 10 ~.. _ ~ by this Sew:ily Instrument shall aJntinue unchanged, Upon reinstatement by ~. this Security Instrument and the obf.gaIionS :>ecured hereby shall
<br />tem8in lily ~ _ if no ............., had oocuned. ~, th'~ right 10 ntinstale shall not apply in the case of acoeIaration under paragraphs 13 or 17,
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. ~ and Lendef lunher \. ~'1t and agree as toIIooliws:
<br />II." . ~_. -" III" L.afIdar.....,. ftlItIce 10 aor- prior to KCaIIiwtion fcIlowitlg ~'a ~ of IIlly cown.nt Of ~ in ltda s.c:urity IllStnlment
<br />(W'" ,,*1lII ...... undIr ~ 13... 17 "'*- .;-,--.:o-w- ... prvridea athal....). The ftlItIce .... ~: i.1 the d8f8uft: (b) the IICtlOolWqullWd to cu... the
<br />.....: Cc) .... ... ... .... 3O..,. Ira. the .. tha 11""" '- ghMI to eon--. ~ wt'IictI tha ..... ..... bit ~...: MIl Cd) that IdIn to CIn the d8fMJlt on 04' betoN
<br />........................., ..''"'"'Ii; ~ I'l~ 04 tha _ __ ~ ttIia s.curtty ~ MIl .... of tha~, The natloe ahMI further IRfoml Bonower ot
<br />..................... . ............ rightllllllrtllg. -' M:tion to -'.. ~ of. clIC8ulI 01'''''' otMr ___ of aon- to ~. MIl M1e. It
<br />........... -- -...............-:MI8d.... -..... ........1Ia option lNf .....lrRmllll... ~ In full of.. IUIM ~ ~ thI8 Security IMtnIment
<br />................................._....of.... MIl ...., aIhaf ~ ......... ~ ~Ii* ....lAndIJ.... be entlt1ed to coMet alla~ Incunwd in punulng
<br />...-.......... lit.... _..... 11.1nc:Iudlng. but ftOI ~!o, rM8ClTI8MI.nanwp' '- 8IId cwta ot title ~
<br />"..,... 01...... ~ .......... -... na4Icle 01 daI8uIt in -'t COUfttJ in whidlq.-rt ar tha ~ '- ~ end ~ !Mil copIM 01 IUCh notIceln the
<br />- p1-~'" .. - -. ...-.--...---....- ..-lbIIcI ~ 1IpfIkli*.... AftIrtha liIM...... ~ ~-.... ,.."..... aNll gM pubUc notice
<br />01...._....-... 111.._ ,.,-.1IWld ~ .... .. .... -nu.... ailIMM.-und on aon-. shIIIl...... ~. public ~ to tM hlgMat bIddw.t tbe
<br />.......................... f 1'1. rO, t In :M naIIce 01.... In - or _ ~ ....In eny CIfIIIIf 1hIM8e ....".-. ............,. ~ .... of -" or MY parcel
<br />at - ......,... ....-. III" r II................ 01., ......,..., Kt .......... L.afIdar or ita..... m-r ~ _ PnII*tr at ., ....,
<br />UpaII................ at........... __........10 the ~ ~...... 1*..1........ ~. The...... 1ft tha '1'r\*-'. __INII_ prima m:\e
<br />--- 01...... af.. . ...................IIfPIY... Pl--* 01 the _in _ ~ order. C.) _.. ell:-- of tha .....lndudlng, but not Ilmn.d
<br />ta, ................ -If'" .. - U ......- l' .....-........:~IlII.._---..,..Securitrtnatrvn.lt:8IId(C)-.y.1I_to...panonorper8On.
<br />...... -..-..
<br />.. .......... p '. Upon ~.1nIaf PIIrJ9'8Ph Ii ot abAndonmant oil'- p,q.ty. L~ (lI1 pef&on. by ~ Of by judicially 8j)pOinted ~) shan be entitled to
<br />... upan.1IU I . . of and -.... p,gp.ty and toaJlett lie.... of.. p,q.ty ~ thoM pat dua. Mt lW$ ~ by Lend8f or the ~ shall be applied fnst
<br />to JIIWII*II 01.. ~ 01'-119"*11 of .. ~... CIllIaction of...., induding, but not lirmId 10, ......'5 tees. premiums on ~'s bonds al"lCl reasonable attorneys' fees. and
<br />than to.. - ~ by tie Saariy..........
<br />'at. ~ '1~U Upan~ of 81 8WnI1IIand by ~ Security I~,leoo.r shal ~ T!US1fHt to rwrorM!)' the Property and shea Sl:nendtH this Security InsllUment and
<br />~ .... .......""... .....Ilr ... Sec:uriIy ~ 10 Tru.-. TI\IIIM sh.al ~ the Property without WMaTIfy and without m.rge to the persoo or persons legally entitled to
<br />it. Such ~ 1If~"" ~~ ~. coata.
<br />a - - ,- - ....... ........ . ills qIIion. "'" from time to time Iemowe TIUSIlIe ~ appoml a succes&or trustaa to any Trustee ;appoonled h6reunll&r by an ins\Nm&nt ~ in lhe
<br />county ...1IHch ... Sec:uriIy 1n.Y.n.m8nl is ~ WiIhoul ~ of the Property. the S\JClClMtlot lIuStee ~ SUCCIIed 10 all the litle. power and duties con!emld upon TruslIIlI he.-ain
<br />and by ~....
<br />.. ...... lor ....... IIorrtMel' reQUIIItS tllaI: oop;es 0'1 It. notices of de!aull and sale be sent 10 Borrower's idd!8ss which is the Property Address. ~r fur1har requests lhat
<br />cqIi8a cf lie ..... 01 dIIa* and .... be __ 10 INd1 i*'Iotl..,oo is . ~ hereto at the addrws.s of such pel$OIl ~ Iortll herein,
<br />II. .... _.... ..... ~ _lIOC "ooe or now rid8rs _ .~ by ~ and l'eCXlfded ~ With tnis S<<:urity fnstrument. the COI'enanlS anlllgreemenlS 01 elleh sucl1
<br />rid8r.... be ~lCOo""".........,... shaI..-nd and supp.rn.,t the ~ and ~nts ol' ttois Security 1ns1rumen1 as of the ridet(s) _ a par1 of this Security lnslfument. (Checll
<br />~boI(")1
<br />o ~,.. RicMr
<br />o Gr--... ~Rmr
<br />
<br />o o..ts) [~
<br />
<br />o ConcIominlUm R~
<br />o PIInned Und ee...Iopmenl RdM
<br />
<br />o 2-4 Far:'\I1y Rider
<br />
<br />BV SIGNNG BElOlo'( eor- 8CCeptS and agrws to (he tenns and ~ts oontained in this Securily Instrument and in any rider(s) ekecu1ed by BomMer and recorded With it.
<br />
<br />ts~~; 0- ~~--
<br />{1. oft} " '~:) ,
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<br />
<br />(Seal I
<br />-llofoo...,
<br />
<br />[$pia Below ThIe LiM For AdmowlHgrMht]
<br />
<br />County of:
<br />
<br />sw. 01......
<br />Hall
<br />1
<br />
<br />)
<br />) w:
<br />)
<br />_of Apri 1
<br />Richard U. Rinne
<br />
<br />, 19.....8.!l..-. bIlbe me, a Notary Public in the Stale 01
<br />and Donna l. Ri nne. Husband and '1ife
<br />
<br />Nebras ka
<br />
<br />Ort ...
<br />
<br />~......
<br />
<br />10 me ~ ~ to be.. ~I) 1WlIIlIw. Md who.~.. fOf8gOing irlstrurn8nt. and ~ that
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<br />MyColmlillionEipiNl; .&:NfIAlN01An.s,...ofNltw. - ~ ~ '
<br />My C-.bp.Jal\, 29. "92
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<br />lOIN ~ "-'10 be thII ~sll\M1ed in.-:l who e.~.,; the foregoing IIl$trumenl. and acl<~ thaI
<br />vaUary" Md dMd, ,
<br />
<br />. HI _. bIllore me, a Notary Publ.c ,n .he Slate Of
<br />
<br />e.eculed the S&mtl RS
<br />
<br />My~E....,
<br />
<br />