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<br />I <br /> <br />:~-:'. <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />101723 <br /> <br />ASSIGHftENT OF ftORTGAGE - CorDoration <br /> <br />KNOW ALL BEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior "orlg.g., Inc. a <br />Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar snd <br />other valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Colonial CentralSavinga <br />Bank, FSB, . Corporation, the party of the second part, at or before the <br />ens.aling and delivery of these presentB, receipt vhereof iB hereby' <br />ackncwledged, has granted, barg.ined, sold, assigned, transferred, and Bet <br />over, and, by these present., does grant, bargain, sell, 8B81gn, tranBfer, <br />tran.ferred, .nd .et over, unto the .ald party of the second p.rt, it. <br />.ucce.sor. and ...lgna, a certain INDENTURE OF "ORTGAGE, Bearing d.te <br />of SEPI>>lBER 11, 1986 , a. fuc. No. 86-105424 in the offices <br />of Register of Deeds Hall Coonty, Nebraska <br />and .ade by GENE T. SCHUMACHER AND ANNA M. SCH~~CHER, HUSRANDAND WIFE <br />to" or currently ..slgned to, Superior "ortgege, Inc. and all its right, title <br />and to the pre.i.e. therein de.cribed, a. follow., to~.ita <br />LOT TWENTY ONE (21). BLOCK TWO (2), IN SOUTHERN ACRES ADDITION, AN ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br /> <br /> <br />Together .ith the note d.-cribed, and the eoney due or to beeoae due <br />thereunder, including inter..t th.reon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .... unto the <br />.ald party of the .-cond part, It. .ucceaaor. and a..igna for.ver, .ubject <br />only to the provi.ion. of .ald INDElTURE OF ftORTGAGE therein contained. <br /> <br />And the party of the fir.t part doe. h.reby, con.titute and .ppoint thR <br />..ld p.rty of the ..cond p.rt, it. true .nd la.ful attorney, irrevocable, in <br />it. n..., or oth.rwi.e, but.t their ovn proper co.t. and charg.s, to have, <br />uee. .nd tak. .11 l.wful .ay. .nd for the r~o~.ry of th_ ~ney and <br />int.r..t, and, in ca.. of pay..nt, to disch.rge the .... .. the part of the <br />fir.t part .ight, or could do, if thee. pr...nt. vere not <br /> <br />II WITNESS WHEREOF, Superior, Inc. a corpor.tion of the Stat. of <br />.ebr..ka haa. c.used thi. ...ign..nt of ftortgage to be execut~ by 1t. Vice <br />pr..ident .ad .ttested b, it. ...t. SeGr.tary .nd it. Corpor.,. Seal to be <br />h....unto.ffi.ed the 29th day of OCTOBER in the year 19 87 · <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:,...: <br /> <br />SUPERIOR IIOR1GAGE, IIC. <br /> <br />BYI )'~; / UL \c) <br /> <br />ROY' H~fricht~1 Vice President <br /> <br />--- <br />,- <br /> <br />St.~ of >> <br />>> <br />COunt, of Hall ) <br /> <br />u. <br /> <br />. <br />.tt~I-" <br />Karen <br /> <br /> <br />IL~../ <br /> <br />... <br />:0 <br /> <br />On the Dat. above .tated, before .., a lotary Public, duly ca..i..loned <br />.nd qualified in .nd for .aid County and State, Per.onally ca.. the ~bove <br />naeed Roy Hofrichter, Vice President & Karen G. Beilke. Assistant Secretary <br />of Superior Wortgage, Inc. vho ar. peraon.lly known to .. to be the identical <br />peraon. .hoee n.... are affi.ed to the abov. ...ign..nt of 1I0rtgag. .. the <br />Yi~ President and ...t. Secr.t.ry of .aid Corpor.tion, .nd th.y acknowledged <br />the in.tru.ent to be their voluntar, act and deed, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of the aid Corporation. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />"7. <br />.. ,:,,0 <br /> <br />WITlESS ., hand .nd offici.1 ...1, <br />.fo.-ld. Q.J:'. ;~, r:...rfJJ':'11,;:~c;-"-"I" "":"".: <br />. ~ ~_ '_~ a.h...., :j" ",.,\,"~,.: l <br />DIXIE A. McCOHO : <br />;;;h:=:;' II) ~A ut ~'Ot lG. 1\;'1- ~ <br />.~-,_~_~e.~.~ <br /> <br />I, coa.l..lon ..plr..* <br />.eturn tOI' . -, .. ---- T..... <br /> <br />in Grand, in .ald Count,. the date <br /> <br />Ji'u~ ) Q~~te~ &1 <br />10 ary Public D" A M C d <br />l]ue . C or <br /> <br />CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORP. <br />P.O. BOX 18B7 <br />GRAND ISLAND, HE 68802 <br /> <br />I FOR" "OOIFIED 151 9.81 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />i. <br />