<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />101661
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrowers (Trustors) understand Ihatthe documentthellhe Borrowers are about to execule Is a De"ld 01 Trust and not a mortgege and Ihalthe power 01 sale provided
<br />lor In the Deed 01 Trusl provides substantially dlllerent righls and obligalions 10 tile Borrowers Ihan a mortgage In Ihe evenl 01 a delaull or breach 01 obligalion under the
<br />Deed 01 Trust, IncludIng, but not limited to, the Lender's right to have lhe Reel Property sold by the Trustee wilhout eny judicial proceeding or lor closure. Borrowers
<br />ropresent end warranl that Ihls acknowledgement was executed by them before 1M ellllcution 01 the Deed at Trust
<br />
<br />.:-//
<br />
<br />
<br />(Gel1e A. Olsen, Borrower Husband)
<br />
<br />#-~-Yv" ~ O. cO-..--e-<2 p~
<br />Borrower
<br />(Florence A. Olsen, Wife)
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE Ihl. portion ONLY It Ihe real property de.crlb.d con.lltl 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND,
<br />IIlppllcable, complete ONLY ONE ellher A, 8, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute !he following Deed 01 Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(sl, and eaCh of them if
<br />more than one, do hereby disclaim their righlto designate a homestead pursuant IherelO. No part of the homestead 01 either of the Borrower(s) is presently or will in the
<br />future be situatltd upon said relllutste, The BOHower(s) understand Ihal i! either establishes a homeslead on any part 01 said reaf estate during the time the Deed 01 Trust
<br />remains unsalisliltd and a lien upon said real estate, them shall be no IIghllo make a deslgna\lOn 01 homestead in the evenl of a lor.:lclosure or trustee's sale with respect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowtedgethatthey are aboutlo execute Ihe lollowlng Deed 01 Trus! upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). and each ollhem if
<br />more than one, do hereby waive Iheir right to des'gnate a homestead pursuantlhereto The Borrower(s) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />homestead and that by executing this waiver. they are waIving lights otherWise available lor the purpose 01 affording them fhe opportunity 10 relain their homeslead in Ihe
<br />event 01 a default upon the Deed 01 Trust,
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Ac! (Section 76.1901 et seq ReVised Statutes 01 the State of Nebraska). the Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />property deSCribed ,n the "Designa\lon or Homestead" attached hereto and Incorporaled herein by th,s reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />T1-US DEED 01 '(nuS 1 ,~'!I.t:H,. Il~ vi tTle 1 :j'-If ul _l\p_r._iJ.. 1~ 8JJ__ Uy iHI.,J arnuflg Uw I j u::.tOI, Gene A - Olse:.!.L-
<br />and Florence A. OlSe.:!l.L!!~!?b~nd~~._Y1A(e_____whosemalhngaddressls _~l~~__Ne~ada Avenue, Grand Island
<br />NE (herein Borrower I Ihe Truslee\'lilliilm_G_,._.Jnack.b.ur.n,-_~..member of the NE State Bar As.sn.
<br />whose mailing address IS ~Q~. B_o_~ _~2.8.0,,, .G.r.9 nr;J. I .?_ta_n.9L .~E__ ,?_~80~2_:::Z~?.9____ .___~___~~ (herein "Trustee"),
<br />end the Beneliciary. __ Fi..\t'!LE.Q..ints .J3!;lUk._. __ _..____m -------.-~ .~. -------
<br />whose mailing address IS ~l?.!.Q~. .~2~.1. 5(?] f Gr~l!d IS}:'C!f1<:l.,-_NE ._?~.?{)?-::l.?07--. __ __.. no___'_ .---- (herein "Lenden.
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, Includlnq the ondebledness Ident,IIed Ilereon and Irust here,n crealed the recelpl 01 wh,Ch is hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />herebyjrrevOcably grants.translers convey~ and assIgns 10 Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER or SALE.I')r Ihe benel'l and seculltyof Lender, under and Subject to the
<br />terms and conditions hereinafter sel forth. tile real properly de,crobed as lollows
<br />
<br />Lot One (1) of Stehr I s Subdivision, located upon the \>lest Half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (W!S\ii) of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (ll) North, Range Nine (9)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, except that part heretofore conveyed
<br />to Clarence J. McIntosh by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 98, at Page 199 of the
<br />Deed Records in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings. ImplOvemenfs. f,xlures. slreets, alleys. passageways, easemenls. "ghls Ollv,leges and appurlenances located thereon or on anywise
<br />pertaining therelo, and the renls, issues and pr""',, reverSions anCl remaonders thereof; oncludlng. bul not IIm.led 10 healtng and cooling equlpmenl and such personal
<br />property that i9 anached to the improvements so as to constitute a II.ture and togelher With the I10meslead or maro.al,nlelestS, ,I any. wh,ch onlerests are hereby released
<br />and waived; all 01 wl1ich. including reptacements and add.loons therelo IS nereb'(decl<'lred 10 be a part of Ihe real eSlatesecured by the l,e'1 of thiS Deed 01 TruSI and all 01 ihe
<br />fOlllgoing being relerred to herem as the "properly'
<br />
<br />This Deed of Trust shall secure (II) the payment ollhe pnne'pal sum ano Inlerest eVidenced by Borrowers nole andiOr c:redlt agreemenl daled --.--.--
<br />
<br />-ALl/SS ,having a maturity date 01 _----.1.Ll8/96 . In the Orl9lnal pllne,pal amounl 01 $ 2.9....2..00 .~_ and any and all
<br />modifications. e~lension$ and renewals thereol or thereto and any and alllUlure advances and readvances hereunder pursuanl to one or more promIssory notes or credit
<br />agreements (~rein called "Note"); {blthe payment 0' other sums advanced by Lender 10 protectlhe secullly ollhe Note. (C) Ihe performance all covenants and agreem"nl
<br />a. Borrower set rorth herein; and (d) all,ndebledness and ob1lga\lOn5 01 Borrowe, to Lender whethe' dl/ecl. Indlrec!. absolute or conlongent and whelher allsIOg by note.
<br />guaranly. overdrall or otherwise.
<br />
<br />aorrower. to protectlhe $ecurity 01 this Deed 1)1 Trust. covenants and agrees Wllh Lender as follows
<br />
<br />1. ~.y_t 01 p,lftc:\tlMand Inle'HI. Borrower shall promptly pay when duo the pllnc!,:>al ot and "'tcreM on and any lees 0' charges prOVided Ifl. the NOle or 11\ Ihls
<br />OHd 01 Trusl.
<br />
<br />2. Title. 80llowe, is the owner olthe Properly, has the right and autl10rily 10 convey Iloe Property. and warrants Inat Ihe hen creawd hereby IS a hrs' and pllor hen 0/1
<br />Ihe Properly, Il~capl sa may other....ise be Utt forlh he'ein, and the okecu\lon and dehvery of \tus Deed ol'Trust doe; nol Ylolale any conlract or Olhe' obl'gallon 10 whICh
<br />Borrower Is lubj<<l
<br />
<br />, 3 T...,,;, "__la. fo pay whon due aU tIllOS. special asscnfTlcnl8 and all olher charges aga'Mlltle P'operly lInd upon 'Millen demand by Len"e'. 10 Day 10
<br />Le""er such amount as mlY be lurlle,ent to "n.ble lhe Lvndorlo pay such ta."., assessments or other charges as Ihoy become duo
<br />
<br />... ,t.......enc., to k"p 'he J"fOpef1y Insured ag!lIn$-' danHH)(' by hf'i(!. hAzards meluded wlltun the lerm hO,l;tund(l(j CO"'OH.tQ:t"'-" and such oBler tl81.uds as Lender n1.Rr'
<br />rllq""., on ilm<>unU ."d ..111 c()mI'lIni.. acceptablo to 16n<l"" .nd w!lh loss payable t(.llhe lender In ca.e or 10" under suCh l'ol'Clcsll,e Lende' '. ,,,,!!'IoHzed 10 adlust
<br />tl)lle<:t .f\d-compromIH. .UIC;J"lmt 'hllfi!HJM'" .nd ,hilll havO Ihl! uphon of ~pplring all or part or the m$tJrBn{.c orocced~.q fO any mdo(~bh:t{hie-s-s sllcu'ed h,pruhy .nod to S\J('h
<br />ord..l 'It. t..nf3.' tn.y d.t.rm(n~- {Hi to Iho- OO'ff,we. 10 he u,.,d 'eu UHJ IftfHlIlf Ot te"lor81H)n of ttJiQ Property Of (li'l 'at l'lny ot~H.J" PHfPOSQ Of ot'jl:'f:t 5illl~!..\{:t<H"'- In lfln<1C>f
<br />*slho\l-t .aUKI.no ~ t..o 0' 'h~... O"d of l:1u'M for Iht1lul~ anlouf,1 .ocurccJ h(l,elt.,. bolorlft luch pi'ymenI1he' f{}Oil place ^-flY' JPpllC ,'itIOt' at f~IOCi~Ht1'S 10 lfulet'tRlln(lSS st\a!i
<br />"0' ,.Iend or pOtlpoOit th.., cjVfi dAt. Q_ Ii"Y' pa'!fll&.,.,.'1 und.., tf~". Nnte. ()J tUfl' ~flY' d:ehliHlt th(!til!U1H1f', Or ./'.....,f~UO-d~~
<br />
<br />S ......~. ""'~'. tl'i4 CO"''''."(' .lIh tIWI, [JC,lfO""IH l"aU ~f;.(fp thlt Pror/crty '11 QUf~rJ rondlt.(1" <1nd q~p.ll' ..r~~,l! ptlJ'''''pli)' r1'fh~1I 1.11 f(l"pHII('-~ ~{I'r'
<br />i.,.,ptQ;1_,.,..'" wf'u(;h may" d.m.ttl"'i.t Qt d"""",,'HJ ,tll.~1 ('lei; (:I)'-nm,t Q' r}ffr~'Ht Incf N""V ,;p -h-c-f(:.rl{)1 ",I!Ct~ (,f 'h~ Pr('-!"'f,r ~v 'Ioh"n r'nt 'J-'! 'H)'/{, d-:~1110h~', I,H ~~.h~I.\f.lli\ll.... ,llh11
<br />.~y.~f .'l" ~rhprll)-.,.n~nll Of! Uli& P.~)'>4'1 h .h.l~ (Hit 1'~I."mlt 'lJU(" ur '1(1-1 "HI an'f elLt 1f; (-)() r)~HW Hi (it qilOf1 'h~ Prorl1/t, If' .,.-1(JI..,t,(t-(\ ,), IVI," '~, '^ l)fl1Ilti,I!{.' llf 'E!J\:lShOP .fll.<J
<br />,......ll ".at .t'\d ~()tnf"UJ dl""tI"(I*;tt Hljilu.'" . ( O\! .,'ct Q 1~1(\r~"t .ill;fln, (!nr.utn'H.ln(,.l\ "H.d d)~'QIt,-, ~C'1 it'!J ,n1pi)~,.~! '.11 :\~H~!'i~I)'1 tHJ,'.lH~~ I hf'o ~~, '.l~ 'I,dI' ~'l' ~ II,"' 1';1tlltil>tf'~)'
<br />