<br />I
<br />
<br />_ ~ Not R....Hd; Forbearance By Lendar NOI a Waiver. Exlension 01 the Iome lor payment or modilicaloon of amorlozatlon of Iho sums secured by Ihls Secullly InSfrumenl
<br />gJ'anhtd by Lender 10 any successol in inlerest 01 Borrower shall nOI oporate 10 release Ihe liabilily 01 the origInal Borrower or Borrower's succossors in inlelost, Lender shall not be required
<br />10 commence proceedings agaLnst any successor in mteresl 01 refuse to extond lime Jor payment or oll1erwlse modify amortization 01 the sums secured by lh.s Securily Instrumenl by leason
<br />ot any demand mwta p) '"' qri9/"~1 BorfOwer or Borrower's succossors .n .nterest, Any lorbearance by Lender In exercising any nght or remedy shall not be a w'lver 01 or preclude the
<br />ell8n:JR 01 any ~tlot I'9l'n6dt. .. .
<br />".. sacc...on.nd A..!gns Bound: Joint end Several Liability; Cu-algnerll. The covenants and agreements ollh.s Secunly Instrument shall b.nd and benehlthe f-uccessors and
<br />all6igns 01 Lendllf and Borrower, subJOCtto the provISIons of paragraph 11, Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be 10lnl and several Any Borrower whO CO'Slgns this Security Inslrument
<br />but dofl nol execute the Note: (al's co.s.g"'ng IhlS Secullty InSlrumen! only to mortgage. granl and convey Ihal Borrower's rnlerest rn the Properly under the lerms of lhis Security Instrument:
<br />lIb) i.. ROt personally obligated 10 pay the sums secured by Ihls Secunty Inslrument: and ICI agrees that Lende, and any olher Borrower may agree 10 extend, modify, forbear or make any
<br />accommodations w.lh regard 10 the lerms of lI11s Securily Inslrur",~nt or Ihe Nole w.lhoullhal Borrower's consent
<br />",.., U ~ ChargQs. II the loan secured by IhiS Seculity InSlrumenl.s sublecllo a law wh,ch sels maximum loan charges. and lhallaw .s finally Inlerpreled so Ihatthe inlerest or olher loan
<br />IoAoIchaIgeS ~ed or to be collocted in connection Y!!lh Ihe loan exceed the permllled lim,ls. men: la) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amounl necessary 10 reduce Ihe charge
<br />11:):0 n .-milled limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower whicl1 exceeded permilled limits WIll be relunded to Borrower, Lender may choose 10 make Illis refund by reducing
<br />,,"" "principal owed unde, the Note 01 by makil19 e direct payment 10 Borrower. If a relund reduces principal. tl1e reductiOn will be Irealed as a pallial prepayment wil110ut any prepayment charge
<br />'-" unclrtr In. Note.
<br />'1'""4 .3. ......IIUon AffKtlng Lender's Rights, If enactment or eXfmation 01 applicBble laws has the elleel 01 renderrng any prov.slon ollhe NOle o. Ihis Security Inslrument unenlorceable
<br />,,-..,art:alldIn9 \0 its t~ Lender, al its option, may require Immedlale payment in lull oi all sums secured by thiS Secunty lnsfrumenl and may Invoke any remedies permllled by paragraph 19,
<br />..........~ ell~ this option. Lender shallleke the steps specUled in Ihe sDcond paragraph 01 paragraph 17.
<br />..-t M ~ Af\y nolice 10 Borrower provided lor ,n Ihrs Security Inslrument shalf be given by deliyering it or by ma.ling It by first class ma.1 unless applicable law requires use of anolher
<br />m.ctmd. The ~ shall be directed to the Proporty Address or any other addross Borrower des:gnafes by nOlice 10 Lender, Any notice 10 Lender shall be given by first class mail 10 Lender's
<br />..... SI8led herein or any other addross Lender designates by notice 10 Bormwer. Any notice provided lor in this Seeunly Inslrument shall be deemed 10 have been given to Borrower or
<br />IlenWr when given as provided in IhiS paragraph
<br />15.. u... 1 .l6Ilg ....; SeYef.blllty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by lederallaw and the law of the lunsdictlon rn which the Property is lcealed, In the event that Bny provision
<br />~'~_ 01 this Secunty Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not aflect olher prov.sions ollhlS SecUllty Instrumen! or the Nole which can be given eflect
<br />. INl confIlcting provision. To lh1s end file proVISions of lhis Security Instrument and the NOle are declared 10 be severable '
<br />.. ......... .. Copy, Borrower shall be giyen one conformed copy 01 the Note and of this Security fnstrumen!.
<br />17. ..... of the Property or a e.neflclllllnterest In Bo~. If all or any part 01 the Property or any interest rn il.s sold or lrans/erred lor if a beneficial interost in Borrower IS sold
<br />or lr~ and !lor/ower IS nol a nalural person) without Lender's priOr written consent. Lender may, al its oplion. require immediate payment in full 01 all sums secured by this Security
<br />lmIlNmlInI. Howevur, this OptlOf1 shall not be exerCised by Lender il exercise .s prohibited by lederal law as of the dale 01 this Security Inslrumen!.
<br />It lender flXllfclseS this option. Lender shall give E'orrower /\OlIce 01 acceleration, The IlC'tice sha'l prOVide a period 01 n~tles~ than 30 d'3Ys Irom the date the notice LS delivered or mail~d
<br />wittlinwhich BorrOYle/ must pay all sums secured by this Secunly :nstrumen!. If Borrower laols 10 pay these sums pilOT to the expiration ollhis pelled. Lender may .nvoke any remedies perm,tte:J
<br />by this SKufity Instrument wilholJt further nobce or demand on RorraNer.
<br />'" .... ._.s Right 10 Relnstaw. It Borrowel meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right 10 have enforcement ollhis Secullly Instrument discontinued at any time pllor 10
<br />N ___ 01: (a) 5 days (01 such other period as applicable law may specify for rolnstatementl oofore sale 01 (he Property pursuanllo any power 01 sale contained in lhis Security Instrument:
<br />ex (b) "'*Y of a ludgment entOlcIl19 thiS Secunty Instrument Those conditions are lhat Borrower: (al pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Inslrumenl anc:lthe
<br />Noel h8d no aocelefltion occurred; Ib) cures any defauit 01 any other CO"lllnanls or agreements: (cl pays ail expenses incurred in enforcing (his Security Inslrumenl, including, bul notlimiled
<br />10. .-.bIB attorneys' fees; and Idllakes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure thallhe lien of this Security Instrument Lender's rights In the Property and Borrower's
<br />~ 10 pay lh'J sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument shalt conMue unchanged, Upon relnstalement by Borrower. Ihis Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall
<br />~ Iut1 elfectiYs as il no acceleratIOn had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply .n Ihe case of accelerlllion under paragraphs 13 or 17,
<br />~UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and lender further covenant and agree as lollows:
<br />,.. a ~jdon; AemedM. Lend8r shllll glw notice to Borrowef prior to _ler.lIon following Borrower'a breach of any covenant or agreement In Ihls Security Instrument
<br />.-.... priof"lo ~tIon under psr~r.phs 13 and 17 unleu applicable 1_ proyldel otherwllMl), Tha notice ShSUllplK:ity: (.) the defauil; (b) the actloll required to cure the
<br />~ (c:t . ... not .... than 30 d8y. from tM dat. tIM notice Is g!wn to Borro_, by which the defauil must be cured; Ilnd (d) that f.Uure to cure tha dafault on or before
<br />.. -'1IfI'ICIIled In tho notice may ,"ult In Keelerstlon ot the aums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further Inform Borrower of
<br />.. rIIM 10 ~.n.r IICCMratIon Ind the right to bring a court IICtlon to ulMf1 the nOll-elCllltence of . det.ull or any other defenll& at Borrower to accelerellon and sale, If
<br />....... '- not c--.:l on or befoN the daw speclfiH In 1M notice, Lander.t Its option may require Immediate p/lYment In tuU of aUsurns teCured by this Security Inatrument
<br />.....1IIrther dMMnd snd may In\'Oks the po_ ot..1e and any other remedies permitted by applicable Isw, Lender shall be entltted to collect all expense. Incurred In pursuing
<br />....-.... pnwIded In lhla pal'sgraph tg, 1n<:1u."1lng, but not limited to, rel8OO811kt attorneys' tees and costs ot !ille evidence.
<br />... power or.... Is InYOked, Trusc.e shall ~ord . notlctr of default In eseh county In ......hlch any part of the Property Is located and sh.1I m.U copies of such notica In the
<br />_,..crlbed by sppIlcabIIr IMII to Borrower Ind 10 the other pll'aons prescribed by .ppllCllble 1_, Alter the lime required by applicable 1_, Trustee llh.n give public notice
<br />....... the.....-. end In the menner prncrlbed by sppllcable 1_. Trust.., witi'lout denumd on Borro_r. .hall sell the Property et public aucllon to the hlgheat bidder al the
<br />...... ~ end uncIIf the 1..._ ~nallld In In. notu 01 ..Ie In one or more parcell end In any order Trust.. dlltermlnell, Trustee may postpone SlIIr; of all or any parcel
<br />ClII.. ~ by public Mlnou_t slln. time and pl_ of flny p1Wvlously scheduled ..f.. Lender or II. designee rn.y purchufI the Property .t any aal".
<br />...... -.lpt or ~t of the prk:tl bid, nu.t.. shsll deliver to the purcn.Mr Trust"'ll deed conveying the Property. The recll.ls In Ihe Trustee's deed sh.1I be prim. tecle
<br />........ a4 ttle lnIth of the atMllMnts msde lhere!n. Trust.. Ihall apply lhe proceedll ot the sale In the tollowlng order: (.) to .11 .xpen... of the sale. Including, but not limited
<br />.. ........lIsM.. psrmItIed try sppllc'" '- and ....sonable ~s' f_; (bllo alt sums HCu~ by thia Security In.trument: and (c) any elCCt!lIS to Ihe person or personll
<br />...., ......... to IL
<br />. ~ In P"oM>n.Ion. Upon ~81ion IInder plUagraph 19 01 abandonment of the Property. Lender lin person, by aganl or by tudlClally appointed receiver! shall be enlitled to
<br />...... upon. taks JlOSMSt'Ofl of ano m8fl598 the Property and to collect the renlS of \he Property Includil19 those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first
<br />10 ~ oIltle costI of management olltle Property and collection 01 rents. including, but not limited to. receiver's fOilS, premiums on receiver's boMS and reasonable allomeys' 'ees, and
<br />..... ., !he sums M/:Ind by this Security Instrument.
<br />21. III C DIfWOVWa. Upon p.ymenl of all sums secured by this Secunty Instrument Lender shall request Tn.stee to reconvev the Property ar>d shat! surrender this Security Instrumant and
<br />all ~ 8IIidllncing debt secured by this Security Instrurr'.enllO Trustee Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property wllhout warranly and wllhout charge to the person or parsons legally enlilled 10
<br />il Such person or perSOnS shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />22. SIItIMIIuC 'T\'ustrse. Lender. alII! optiOn, may from IJme 10 trme remove Trustee and appornl a successorlrustee 10 any Truslee appointed hereunder by an rnstrumenl recorded .n Ihe
<br />0CIUIIty in which !his &lcurity Instrument is recorded. WIthout conVllyance oltne Property. the successor lruslee shall succeed to all the lIlle, power and dutres conterred upon Truster. hereIn
<br />aoIIl by appIicaIJIe 1_.
<br />a.. ....... for Nodces. Borrower requests that copies 01 the ooliCes 01 delaull and sale be sent to Borrower's eddress which IS the Property Address, Borrower lurther ""quesls thaI
<br />~ of the no6ces of d&fault and safe be senlto each person wno .s a party herelo at the address 01 such person set forth here.n,
<br />a ..... to thle SKurity I~ II one 01 mafe riders are executed by Borrower and recorded togelher with thiS Secunty Inslrument. the covenants and agreemenIs of eadl such
<br />ridtIr stlIlI be incorpor.ted into and shall amend and suppfemenllhe covenants and agreements 01 this Secunty (nstrument as of the nller(s) were a part 01 this Secunly Inslrument. (Check
<br />applil;aIe tloll(es)]
<br />o Adjustable Rate Ridei'
<br />o Graduated Payment Rider
<br />D Olher(sl [specityl
<br />
<br />= Condomlrllum Rider
<br />= Planned Unit DevelOt>n1en! R.cter
<br />
<br />:J 2.4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />BY SlGNtNG BELOIIV. Borrower accepts and ag~s 10 the lerms and covenants conlamoo In th.s Secunty Instrumenl and ,n any nderls) executed by Borrower and recorded wlth iL
<br />
<br />,
<br />-
<br />
<br />./ ..
<br />
<br />! ",,--J
<br />
<br />J- ."
<br />/ (
<br />
<br />:_~/.J // /1 (..- ,~t<
<br />
<br />(Seal)
<br />- Bonower
<br />
<br />/'
<br />
<br />'J
<br />
<br />,
<br />/
<br />~,_ ."?l ,,'. .If
<br />
<br />, ,
<br />:.j
<br />,",/
<br />
<br />,
<br />... ... /'"j J I ,~: /~. I."
<br />
<br />(Seal)
<br />- Borrowet
<br />
<br />[Space Below This Line For Acknowledgment)
<br />
<br />s... of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />23th
<br />
<br />ss:
<br />
<br />Co.JI1ty 01:
<br />
<br />On ...
<br />
<br />~ lIPPfIared
<br />
<br />day of r.ta rch , 19 ~, before me, a NOlary Public", the Slale 01
<br />Alhprt and rJiloine Schli'lich \-;lIsband :Jnd ,,'ife
<br />
<br />~Iebru<)y.a
<br />
<br />to rM paqonaIIy known 10 be the j)8f!lOn(sl named ,n and who executed the 'OI&gOlng .nslrumenl. and acknowledged that
<br />~ 8Ct end deed, .J;ENERAtNOr....RV-S1at8oINebr.
<br />MJConvni$sion Expires' IEANNf M. SCHROER
<br />, ~. J, .,.. ~ My COtnm El(p. Jan. 19.1992
<br />
<br />exeeuled the same as
<br />
<br />
<br />$1M of NIltJraska
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />County 01:
<br />On lIliS __ o~ 01
<br />~ appea'ed
<br />
<br />. 19 __. before me, a Notary PubilC ,n the Slale 01
<br />
<br />to ....I*~ Io.noom 10 be the per~(S1 ""~ on aM ..no execvtoothe lor&gO>nQ 'nstrument anCI acknowledged that ____ I>.ecul9(llh8 $ame as ~-----,-
<br />~8Ct~deed,
<br />
<br />My Comrnou~ E.IJof..
<br />
<br />"lorAn.. PVOllC
<br />