<br />I
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />101642
<br />
<br />rights and b..'rH:lits 10IIXruing 10 the Borrower ulldcr lIn)' and ull oil 1I1ld
<br />gl6l le~ 011 ~aid prl:lI1lses, wilh Ihe righl 10 wed\'... und ret~lpt lor
<br />Ih~ SlIm~ !lnd uppl)" Ihem 10 said IndebloollC5.l as well belore lIS uller
<br />default In the rondlllolU of Ihis Instrument, und Ihe Lender mu~' de-
<br />mand, sue lor and rt:CQvcr all)' such pll)'mellh when due und pa)'ubh:,
<br />bUI d\l&llnot lw rC'lulrlod $0 10 do, Thi5 lI.S5lgnrul:nl is 10 terminate lIlld
<br />!.It.'',:onle \lull lllld I'oid UIIOII rcl"lLW of Ihls irutrUlllt'lIL
<br />
<br />10, Thill the Ilorrowcr will h'l'p the bulldlnp "pun said I'r"llIisc~ ill
<br />gout! r"llair, Ulld neither ctJn\lnit nor permil waSle upon sllid jund, 1It>r
<br />suffer the ~lIid prellli..ll'li to be u....-d lor all~' ulllawlul purpO'l'.
<br />
<br />11. Thilll Hlhe premc,c:., or uny plllt therl"Of. be CQndcmncd under
<br />the po,",er of elllinent domllill, or acquirl-d for a publk' uSt', th...
<br />dalllll\;l'S ilwardlod, th... proce,'ds lor Ihe t.king of. (If the ctlusid,'ralloll
<br />lor such ilequisitlon, 10 Ihe edt:nt 01 Ihe full amounl uf illdchll...!n...S5
<br />upon thi> i115\rUlllellt Illld th,' "(JI~ which il is !lin'lI to Sl'l'Ure Il'm.ill'
<br />ing unpilld, ar~ hereby ;1SSlglll.o b)" Ihe Durrower to Ihe Lender, .ml
<br />shall be pllid lorthwith 10 said Lt:lld...r 10 be applied b} the liltlt'r UII
<br />account 01 tht' 0t'11 maturing inslallments 01 such indebll.oll"'-S.
<br />
<br />12. Tht' Borruw\.'r further agm,~ that ~hould Ihis imtrulllent and Ihe
<br />nutI.' ~url'(l heh'by not be digible for ill'iUrllll~l' under Iht' Nuliun,,1
<br />Housing A('I within ....ght months from th\.' dute hefl'Ol (wducn slale.
<br />ment of lIn)' olJi(-er ollhe Dl'pllrtrnent of HOllsing llnd Urblln
<br />Dt:\'e1opnlent ur authorized IIge"t 01 the Secretu)' 01 lIousinllllnd Ur.
<br />ban De\"dopment datl.-d subiequenl lu the eighl monlhs' lime from tht'
<br />thte of Ihis inslrument, d~lining to iruure ~aid note lInd thLs 1II0rt'
<br />gll gt' , lJeing deeml-d ('onclusi\'t' proof of such indigihility), Ihe Lt'nder
<br />or holder of tht' note mil)', III iu option, d..llIre all SUIIIS ~ufl-d
<br />hereb)' immediald)' due IIl1d payable, :\'ot",ithllallding the foregoing,
<br />this option ilia)' not be e.ereht-d by the Lt'nder or Ihe hulder of the
<br />note when the ineligibilil)' for insuranl"l' undt'r the Satiulllll Housing
<br />Act is dut' to tht' L.endt'r's faihue to remit Iht' lIIurlgage irnunnl"l'
<br />premium lo Iht' Deparlmt'nt of Housillg OInd l'r(,an Delcloplllt'nl.
<br />
<br />13. That il tht' Bonowt'r 11111.110 milk" 'W)' pa}'mt:flts uf 1lI0ne)' whell
<br />the same lx'<'Office du.., or laih to l"Onforlll 10 .nd comply with ..n}' ul
<br />the conditions or agrllt:lIlen15 cont.il1~-d ill Ihis ill>lrum"III, ur the not..
<br />which it stlCures, tht'n the entire prindp..l SUIII alld wl.'l'urt:d intt'rCl;1
<br />sball at once ba'OllIt' due and pa)'ablt-. loll Iht' clt...,lion of Iht' I.endt'r.
<br />
<br />~/lder shall gin, nutice 10 Borrower prior 10 lIC<....,lenlion lullu....ing
<br />Borrowt'!"s bH'..ch olan)' ('OH'nant or llgTl"'ltlelll in this I[ulrulllent
<br />(but not priur 10 ,ux'\:lellAllun und..r parllgnph 12 ulllt:'" "pplkllble
<br />I..,.. pro"iuo otherwlsr). The notke shall sped I)': (a) Ihe default: (bl
<br />the: .~ion fl,,!uiflod 10 cUfe Ihe dcllluh; (cl it ..!alt:, n,,1 I,." thllll 30
<br />da)'S from Ihe dale: Ihe noti~ is gi\en 10 Borruw.'[, by which Ihe
<br />default IlllUl be CUfl-d; alld (d) thlll lailllre to l.'lIll' th" ddlluh on or
<br />before 'h" date ~pt'OCiIi~-d in Ih.. flulil." lIIay r.',ull III al"l.'d('rlllioll of Ih..
<br />SUOlS lOCCurt'd b)' this imllument illld sale ul Ih,. I'wp"fly. The notil"l'
<br />shall further inlorm llurro.....t:f of the: righl tu reimt.t... afler Mcu-lerll-
<br />tioo and the right tu bring a court action to assl'rl the non.existence of
<br />. default or an~' other dd..nse of Borro....'..r to lIC<."leration and sale, II
<br />Jhe default is not curc:d on or llefore the dale '1)C(:ifit:d in the: notice,
<br />Lender at Its option ma)' require immediate: pllymenl in full of all
<br />SUIN secured by this IrutrullIent without further demand and ma)' In-
<br />voke the power 01 sale and an)' other remediei pl:rmilted b)' .1'-
<br />pUcable la..... l..c-nda shaU be entitled to collect ..II e.1penses Incurred
<br />LD pUlIulnK: th... rem~i~ pro\'ided ill this paragraph 13, Including. but
<br />not limited to, n:ilSOnable allorner'5 fees and ""its of tille <'I'ldenCt'.
<br />
<br />If Ih... IJU'I','r uf ,ale is invohd, Trml"" ,hall r"'l'urd a nutin' 01
<br />dclliult in l'adl l'UUnl}' in whit-Ii all~' pall uf the Properlr is IUl'atl'd
<br />lllld ~hal1 lII11il t:upics ul slIeh lIulice JII till' lIIalll1,'r pr...~"ribl'd hy ap'
<br />pllcable law lu Borruwer lIlld to Ihe utlll'r persun.< prc\l'rilwd Ill' ap.
<br />plicllbll.' jaw, Arter the lime requln'd by applir-able law, Trus...... shall
<br />Ilino public flotlt'e of sule tu the persuns anJ io tll(' lIlalllll'r pn'sl'rihl'd
<br />by apl'llcahl,' Illw, Tru...tee, withuut d"lIIulld UII Ilorrower, shall sdl
<br />Ihe Pwp"rt} al public llut'llun lu Ihl' hi!(he,1 bidd,'r ill thl' lime ;llId
<br />plal'l' :\1".1 lIlId,'r the terms designaled III 11lL' Iluli!-e of 5all' in lilli' ur
<br />1II0n' palf,'ds alld in all)' ord...r Trust,'l' uelerllllJ1L". Trustl'l' may
<br />po~ljlulle ,..Ie 01 all ur llll}' parr'd 01 II1\' Pruperly by pu('lil' allllllllllL""
<br />H1t'lIt at lhl' lune anu Illat'l' uf any pre\'iously $l'h,'uul,'d sail', I.t'lIdl'r
<br />or Its d".'ign\'.. ilia}' purchii.\e th.. Property' al ali)' ~al...
<br />
<br />L1pulI r.........ipt 01 pa)'ment 01 tht: priee bid, Trmtee shall dl'liwr III
<br />th,' jllHehaser Trll5l,'l"~ dt'l'd l'om"'ylll" Ih,' l'rop..'rlY, The H'f,'itals in
<br />Ih,. Tru<tc,.'s d,'ed shall ht' prima faci': ('I'id"lIl'" ul th,' trulh 01 Iii"
<br />Ilatl'lll"1I11 matle Ilwrein, Trust\,'t' shull apply 11lL' proc:el'ds 01 th,. sal,.
<br />in Ih.. loll"" illg Oil!"!: (a) to llll exp"II"" of the sail', indudill~ but
<br />nol limited Iu, Trusle....S 1t'CS a.s pl'rlllill...d hy applicable law ~Ild
<br />r.....'onabl... allorll"'~'s' fl'CS: (b) 10 ;III sums >C"I111,J by this Seeurity III.
<br />strUIllf,'nt: and (cl any exCt.'..5S to Ihe jlt'rmu or (IN'UIlS lel:all)' enlltlt'd
<br />to it,
<br />
<br />I~ Upon a('el'ieratiun under paragraph l:l III abandollllll'nl 01 till'
<br />Pruperl)', Lender (in person, b)" agenl ur b)' judil'ially appoilll,'d
<br />rl'(:~h'...r) shall be cntillt'u 10 enler upon, lake possL',ssioll ul and
<br />rnanagl' Ihce Propert)' and to colll'l'l Ihe r...nl~ uf th... Properly indudilll(
<br />those pOUI due. An)' rellts COIll'<'led br l.ender or Ihe rt'Cei\'l'l shall bl'
<br />.pplil-d first to paYlllenl of the custs uf lIIana"WIII...nt 01 the i'rup...rl)'
<br />.nd collel'liol\ 01 H'IIIs, Including, (,ul nul lilllilt:u 10, r'xd\'f,'[" I,'e~,
<br />prellliums UII fl'(;..i\'er's bonds lInd rCil50nabl.. altolllers' Il""~' and lh,'n
<br />to tht' SUIIIS s(,l'ured by thili instrument.
<br />
<br />15, Upun pa)'ment of llll sums <I.'('urced by this instrument, 1."lIlh-r
<br />shall requet Trusl''l' to rccom't'Y th... Propert)' and shall surn'lIdl'r lhil
<br />illSlr\JlIll'lIl .lId all notes e\'idencing debt Sl'l'Ull-d b)' Ihis imlruml'II1 10
<br />Truslee, Tru~tee shall rt'Cullven)' the Property wilhuuI wuuanly and
<br />without ellarg" 10 Ihe pl'rson or persons h.'glllly eOliltl.o to it. Sud,
<br />IH:riulI or p..r,om ihall pay an)' remrdaliulI ('Osls.
<br />
<br />16. l.emJt:r, al its oplion, mil)' Irorn Iillll' 10 tillle rellluw TflI~I""
<br />ilnd lIJlpoint a successor trust~ 10 any Trustl.'e appoillll'd h"lellnuer h~
<br />an instrum"'lIt n'l.'Urdl.-d in Ihe l'Uunt). in which this instrument i>
<br />ll"CorUl'll, WithuuI CUn\'l'}'"nl't' ul Ih.. Plllp,'rly, th... SUl'l't'S5Ur llU'I~'"
<br />shilll sUl'n'l'd to llll the tlll~, pOWer IInd dutil's eunlerred npon TrusI",.
<br />herein .ud br applil'able 11Iw.
<br />
<br />17. llor[(l\\('T r"'lue~15 Ihat c"pie., 01 1IIl' nul in', ' , defaull "nd ,ai"
<br />be sent tu Ilurruwl.'f\ addrt:ss which i~ tll,' P[operlY Adun'>>,
<br />
<br />Ill. 11 un" ur mur" rideH ar.. t'u'\.'uletl by Bor rowt:r "lid l<'f,'urd,'d
<br />togtlh...r Wilh this lIl~trulllent, the l'U\"enants alld agfl'l'lIlents ul eaeh
<br />sueh ridl'! shall be inl'o!JlOrlltl.od into alld shall amend alld supplelllenl
<br />Ihe f,'(JVtnllllls ilnd agreemeo15 01 this imtrulllcnl as if th(' ridcrls) wen'
<br />II pilrt 01 Ihis instrument.
<br />
<br />HI. Th.. co\'enants herein conlainl'u shall bind, .lId the b..ncfHs and
<br />ad\'llntages shall Inure to, the respl'Cliw heirs, cXl'Culurs. ad.
<br />m!n1.5tralors, SUlX'e5Wrs, aod assigns of th... parlic.s hereto. \\'h"n..\'e[
<br />llR.o. the 5ingular number 5hllll induu" the plural, rhl' plural the
<br />singular, and the uSt: of any gender shall include all getlders.
<br />
<br />B~' signing belo,,", Borro.......r accepts ilnd lIgrtU to Ihl' lerllls (.'OI'enilnls C'Olltain~.J In thi5 Sl'CUrity Instrutllt:nl und in any rid...r(s) l'Xt'('lIll....! by
<br />Borrower ilnd rrt'Old,.J ..... ilh it.
<br />
<br />Stale of /liebra.1ka.
<br />
<br />Count)' of Hall
<br />
<br />,The luregoing inslrumenl .....as IIdmowlcdied before me thb
<br />19 88, L)' Mary A. Redman. A Single Person
<br />
<br />'~7~/OO~-ftL~~ -
<br />Mary .r e 'an
<br />
<br />[~"aIJ
<br />ls.n r~~\l e'r
<br />
<br />{Seal]
<br />B".Jlru'olt"l
<br />
<br />} "'
<br />
<br />30th da)' ul
<br />
<br />Harch
<br />
<br />
<br />Wit,...... Ill)' hillld ..lid nOlorl&1 kal at
<br />
<br />My <"'ll"ulIl"';OIl <'AI'Ir"",
<br />
<br />, T:<LL'h ~,~~~:C"'''''':~'b'e ",,,,,..,,1
<br />
<br />, )'lILlic lL:;:-~
<br />
<br />Pagel 3
<br />
<br />tlUD,92' no T
<br />