<br />r
<br />
<br />88_101642
<br />
<br />St8~,of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />FHA CI.. No.
<br />
<br />321-1233130-703
<br />
<br />f -(
<br />
<br />This Ot.d of Trmt, ("Sl'Curit). Inslrumt'nl") Is lIl~rlt' 011 March 30th
<br />19 88. The.lrusior Is Mary A. Redman, A Single Person
<br />r8urruwt'r"). Thl' lru)ll'l' Is
<br />FirsTier Bank, National Association, Omaha Nebraska
<br />. . Central Mortgage Corporation
<br />undt'r lht' laws of the State of Michigan , ~IlJ w(iust' address is
<br />36800 Gratiot. Mt. Clemens,MI 48043
<br />
<br />r'Tcmt'......). TIll' hl'II\'(id'H) h
<br />. whil-h Is Ilrj.(anill.d unu l'\hlilll:
<br />
<br />r' J.1'1lt!t'C"j.
<br />
<br />. \...'iirie5.Selh: Thatlhe Burrower In'ronsideration of the dt'bt and trust hell~inaher describ<.-d and ('relllt'll, and th,' S11l1llJf Om' Dullar (~I). lu
<br />him in hand paid br Iht' Trustl."l'. tht' reet'ipl of which is hereby acknowledged, docs b)' lhese presents granl, bar~ajn ami ,I,ll, I'unw)' wd l'un.
<br />firm, unto lht' Trush.'l', fOft'\'l'r, 1I11 of lht' following dcscribl.-d1l~1I1l'Slille, situall-d Iring ilnd bl'lng in Ihe Cuullty uf Hall
<br />, and Sillte of Nelmukll, to wll: ..
<br />
<br />Lot Nineteen (19). in Block One (1), of Koehler Place, an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />The Riders attached and executed of even date herewith are incorporated herein
<br />and the covenants arid agreements of the Riders shall amend and supplement the
<br />.covenants and agreements of the Deed of Trust as if the Riders were a part thereof.
<br />
<br />...hlch hlU tht' addr= of
<br />
<br />345 s. Plum
<br />
<br />Grand Island.
<br />
<br />1.c1l1~ .
<br />
<br />I~.III
<br />
<br />Sl'lmuka
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />("Pruperty ^ddr~');
<br />
<br />.ZIt" <<::'.IiIr..
<br />
<br />To Ihl\'. and To Hold the premises above dt:Kribt-d, ",,'ilh all the appurtenllnces thert'unto hclongillllllnd including ~11 ht'aling. Illulllhinl: ..IIJ
<br />Ilahtina fbture., and equipment now or herCIIEter attachl-d to or Uk..:! in oonnection wilh said real t'stllle unlU th... Tru~l~e, and III lis Sill'n's",r,
<br />and I.Nlgns, fore\'." The Borrower represents to, and co\'enanU with, the Trustl."l', thlltthe Horruwer hilS good right tu sdllllld l'Om't')' saiJ
<br />prembci; that thc)' all: free (rom encumbrilnce; ilnd .hllt the Borrower will warrilllt and defend the slime 1I11~iml tli.. lawful dalms of aill't'f.
<br />5Or~ whomsoe\'er; and the said Borrower hereb)' relinquishes all rights of bOillestt'i1d, llnd allllllllitlll rlllh15, eHht'r ill law IIr in l'<luit>" and all
<br />otht'r rontinitnt .interestS of the Borrowt'r in and to the i11xl\'e.dl'SCribed premist'$, Ihe Intention ht'inlllo conn~)' 1II'II'b)' all absolutt, titll', ill h....
<br />simple, Including all rlihu of bOmelitead, and other rights and inter~ls as lIforcsllid,
<br />
<br />PflJ\.jd'l'd AI....'a).5. and tht:5e presents are e.l.ecutlod and dcliY~red untoth" Trusll't'. ill tru~t, hOWl'll'r fUI thl' 1"lIowillj.( pmpUSI'S:
<br />
<br />Whe,eas, Ihe Borrower tln.the 30th , day of . March ,I!J 88, uurru\\'l'd fwm thl' 1.1'lIdl'f
<br />tbt 'Ulnar. Twenty Five Thousand. One Hundred and nol lOOthB---------------~.-------------
<br />-----:...,;,;-----------------------,------ Dollars ('. 25. 100.00 ), lur, whlt'h
<br />.. ~u,n the Borro....et hUl'lecutt'dllnd deli\'l'H'<i lu 1/1., Lender Borro.....er's piomissOJ)' nole uf L'\'Cn day, ul'i1rlllll inleu',1 al 1111' rail' ufeight and
<br />n.!nety-eight one.. hundredths per centulll ( 8.98 . ';1) pcr .rl11UIH U/I II". tIIlp~id L..I..m.t' IIl1lil paiJ.
<br />.l'bt)aid prinCipal.nd lillert-st$hall ~ Pll)'abll' "t Ihe office of CentralMortgage Corporation
<br />... 36800 Gratiot
<br />. : in. .... MC:.:Clemens .MI . 48043 .. . ' or al sudl other plal'l' as till' Iluld.'r ul 1111' 11\)\.,
<br />may dd11llatl' in .....ritlng.i." monthly lnstalh~nts of Two Hundred One and 60/100ths-----------------------
<br />......--..---------.........;........OOllil.JI(. .201. 60 ), 1'U!llllll'ndllg on the flnt dOl)' III May
<br />.19: 88 ,and orl ,... lint da}' ()f toilet. month theft'lIfteruntil the prlndl,.1 and interest lire fuUr Pllld, UCt'pl Ih'l Il&l' li/lal parml'lIl "I pI ill'
<br />dp'p.nd Im..ret/,II 1101 5OO11('r Pllld, sh.1I bcdul' alld payable on /he fiut dil)' of April
<br />00 ~:, .
<br />
<br />
<br />Thi,Iocm Is uWld in r;onn~tion with mortgage' Insured under ttMi ~ \0 lour.tamil~ program$ ollhe Nalional HOUSing Act which provldu lor
<br />p.rlodlC MOr1~~ Ir..urane. Pr.mlum paymenti.
<br />
<br />Pagel
<br />
<br />rom, HUO 9214301 (1067 [lMoOn)
<br />2~Cr-R 203 Il(a)
<br />
<br />
<br />