<br />I
<br />
<br />TRU~'T DEED
<br />
<br />88-101624
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. madl' and entered into this
<br />
<br />30th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />March
<br />
<br />.19~
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />by and between Edward 'r, Job and Kay E. Job, ,Truslor, and First American Title Inr:lurance Co ,Trustee,
<br />Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants
<br />and Security Pacific Pinancial Services of . Bcneficiarr;
<br />Iowa Inc.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Thm the Trustor docs by these presents grant. bargain :Ind sell. convey amI confirm with Power of Sale unto the
<br />Trustee the following dcscribcd Rcal Estate including all buildings, il1lprovcme ,ts. and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter crccted or
<br />placed on the real estate. situated in Hall County. in the State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot 3 in Block
<br />of the South
<br />Subdivision,
<br />
<br />3 in Westerhoff's 2nd Subidivision, being aRE-Subdivision
<br />~ of Blocks 3 and 4, North ~ of Block's 5 and 6, Westerhoff's
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />First
<br />
<br />and possession of said premises is now delivered un\(' said Trustee:
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. with all rights. privileges. and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee. his executors,
<br />administrators. heirs. and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives. releases. and relinquishes unto the Trustee all right,
<br />title. claim, interest. benefit. and estate whatever. in and to the above-desCl ihed premises amI each and every part thereof. which is given
<br />by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of homestead~ And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee
<br />that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER. for the follOWing descnhed purposes: To sccure full and prompt performance of all the terms and condi-
<br />tions of that
<br />o Revolving Loan Agreement of even date herewith (mcluding particularly. but nol exclusively. prompl paymnnt of all sums
<br />which arc or ma}' become payahle from tllne to time thereundert and any extensions, renewals. modifications or relinancings thereof,
<br />which Revolving Loan Agreement obligates Beneficiary, suhJect to the conditions stated therein, to .ldv<lnce to Trustor up to
<br />$ . plus finance ar,d other charges. (Or)
<br />[iJ Note of even date herewith. in lhe principal ,um of l..S $23696.41 payahle 111 monthly Installments of principal
<br />and Il1Ierest. wnh the halance of the mdebtedness. If 1101 sool1er paid. due and payable on Apa~il 4. .199....!L.-.
<br />
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that until f:ling of ~otlce of Default. the Trustor shall; ( I ) pay all present and future
<br />taxes and aSsessments, general and special. against said properly hefore the same becomes delinquent or actionable; (2) keep all improve-
<br />ments erected on the land IIlsured as may be required from tUlle to urnI.' b} henefiClary against loss by fire and othcr hazards. casualties
<br />and contingencies. in such amolll~ts and for such reriods as are reasol1able and Illa} be required h} heneficlary, and to keep all policies
<br />of such insurance in force or eflect upon the property herelll descnhed constantly aSSIgned and delivered to beneficiary; (J) pay and
<br />comply with all the terms and conditions of an} lien. c1il1m llr II1dehtedness thaI may be senIOr to or take precedcncc over this Trust
<br />Deed as soon as any such paymelll on or of such lien, daml or mdehtednes, shall hecome due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep
<br />any said agreemenls. heneficiary may pay such tax. pa} for such Insurance or ra} oIl ~uch liens or chllms or indehtedness as the case
<br />may be, and the money so expended. with interesl (I( 9\, per annum. ~hall be ,ecun:d !>y th" Tru51 Deed, and Ihe Trustor agrees to repay
<br />the same upon demand. and upon failure to do 50 the balance of the <Jl1ached note shall become Immedlateh due <Jnd payable al the
<br />option of the heneficiary: (41 specifically confer upon the T ruste.: the pn\\er ,1f sale as provided In ~ebr.!sk<l law: (51 retalll pl)ssession
<br />of the premises and collecl the rents and revenues therefrom.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Upon payment of all the sums secured hy II1Is Trusl Deed. the Beliellclar) shall request the Trustee to reconvey the property and
<br />shall surrender thiS Trust Deed and all notes evidenClllg Illdehtedness secured by this Trusl Deed to the Trustor. Trustee shall reconvey
<br />the property without warranty 10 the per,on \)r persom legally entitled thereIn; but if default be made 111 the payment of said note or
<br />any part thercof or :my of the illlerest thereon when due or in the faithful performancc of any or either of said agrcements as aforesaid.
<br />then the \\"hole of said 110le shall become due and be paId as hereinafter provided. and thi, deed shall remain III force: the Trustee or
<br />his attornI.') Illay pf()cccd 10 sell Ihe prorert} in Its entiret} or in parcels al Ihe \lPll,1Il nr thl' Trustee hereinhdon: deSCribed al puhlic
<br />auction. 10 the highesl bidder. for cash. However. the pLlwer of "ale herem conferr~d upon the Tru,:ee ,hall 1l11t be exerCised until ( I )
<br />the Trustce shall first liIe lor record. 1Il the oflice cf the register of deed, of each county \\ herem Ihe trust pmrert} or snme part or
<br />parcel thereof is situated. a nNice of defauit, identifying the Trustee b) staling Ihe names of the Trtlslor and names therem and giving
<br />the book. and page where the same is recorded. a description of the tru,t property. and contaimng a statelllelll that a hreach of an ohligation
<br />for \"hich the trust property was conveyed as security has occurred. and sCllmg fl1rth Ihe nature of ~uch hreach and of IllS election to
<br />sell or cause 10 be sold such property to salisfy the ohligation; and (:?) .Iflf'r tht' lapse of 11<" It'ss than one month. the Trustee shall give
<br />no lice of sale as provided by Nebraska law. After notice of dt'faul! and [,Ipse of not less {han one nl'Jl\lh, the Trustee shall give written
<br />notice of the time and place l1f Solie particularly descrihing the propert} III be sold 0) puhllcatlon \)1' such notice, at least five llmes.
<br />ontl' a weck for five consecutive weeh. the last puhlicallnn to he al least 10 days hili nol morl' !l1an ..0 days prior to Iht' ,ale. 1H some
<br />newspaper having a gl'neml Circulation 111 each cnUIll} III winch the prupen) to be sold. I1r some pari Iht're(lf. IS SItuated. l pnn such
<br />salc. the Trustee sh:111 execute and deliver a deed of convc} ance of the propert} sold to the pUf\:hast'1 ..r purch.ISt'l, tlll'feol .md an}
<br />statement or lecltal of bct III such deed III relaunn to Ihe c\ern<,c of the rowe' of sale and sale of the propcrl~ dC'~Tlh<.'d lhcrt'\I1. I!Kludlllg
<br />recll31, cllnccrnmg an) m.ullng. personal delivery and publication (If lhe 111'111'1.' ot dl'fau!l. an) mail Ill/! allJ the pu!)IiCll!llII .Hld pI.stl11g
<br />,.r mltlcc 1.1 \ale, .lI1d lh.:: conduel or salt': and such rccllal shall COnStiIUll" pnma lauc n.HlcnCl: III such l"l1lpil.mce ~1I1d l'"nelu'I\I' n Illenel'
<br />ther...n' lrl rav,.! .If huna lide Pllrcha..cr.. ilnd encumhrancers for "alllc and \\ nhoul noll1'l.' 1 hl" J r iI,Il'l' ' .kt'd ,11.;11 "1'.....,,\. II' c.'n,,"
<br />
<br />l~ 11(J 0;1" 1 ~if
<br />
<br />